Summarize supportdump files from Mirantis MCC/MOS clusters
Download the .sh scripts which corresponds to your distro ( or After that, create a link to /usr/local/bin folder:
$ sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/ /usr/local/bin/myrha
You should run "myrha" command inside the supportdump extracted folder, where either MCC or MOS logs are located. Example:
$ ~/Downloads/test/kaas-bootstrap/logs/ lskaas-mgmt/ mos/$ ~/Downloads/test/kaas-bootstrap/logs/ myrha
Myrha will check for nececessary packages and will prompt you to install them if needed (using apt,dnf or brew).
Once the script is complete, a new folder called "myrha" will be created, where yaml files will be created, containing the summary of different cluster aspects (MCC and/or MOS). The generated folder content should look like this:
$ ~/Downloads/test/kaas-bootstrap/logs/ ls myrha files mos_nodes.yaml mos_openstack.yaml mos_l2template.yaml mcc_cluster.yaml mcc_lcmmachine.yaml mcc_ipamhost.yaml mcc_pv_pvc.yamlmos_cluster.yaml mos_lcmmachine.yaml mos_mariadb.yaml mos_subnet.yaml mcc_events.yaml mcc_mariadb.yaml mcc_l2template.yaml mos_events.yaml mos_ceph.yaml mos_ipamhost.yaml mos_pv_pvc.yaml mcc_nodes.yaml mcc_certs.yaml mcc_subnet.yaml
By default, the script is set to automatically open Sublime text with all files generated. You can also open them up on vim by commenting the following lines:
/Applications/Sublime\ --new-window --command $LOGPATH/*.yaml 2> /dev/null
and uncommenting the following ones:
#nvim -R -c 'silent argdo set syntax=yaml' -p $LOGPATH/*_*#nvim -R -p $LOGPATH/*.yaml