Elastio is building innovative cybersecurity products to protect your cloud and on-prem workloadsfrom malware and ransomware threats.
We make heavy use of Rust in both our SaaS back-end and the products that we ship to customers. We open-source our workwhen we think it can be useful to the community, and we're always looking for talented engineers to join our team.
Showing 10 of 33 repositories
- elastio-stack Public
A public repository that contains necessary code to deploy the resources of Elastio scanning solution in the customer's cloud account.
elastio/elastio-stack’s past year of commit activity - elastio-snap Public archive Forked fromdatto/dattobd
NOTE: This repo is no longer maintained. Please consider usinghttps://github.com/Axcient/elastio-snap instead
elastio/elastio-snap’s past year of commit activity