Python script to read sensor values over BLE from Viatom wearable ring oxygen (SpO2) monitors.
Reads values once every 2 second and logs to console or log file. Also publishes values to an MQTT broker if so configured.
Tested against a Viatom model PO3 (Wellue KidsO2) during development.
Should be compatible with all Viatom ring oxygen monitors inluding models PO1, PO2 (Wellue O2Ring), PO3, PO4 and PO1B.
Install BluePy for BLE and Paho for MQTT client
sudo pip install bluepysudo pip install paho-mqtt
Scan while wearing the device to determine it's BLE address.
Note: Ensure the device is not connected to any other monitor (ie the mobile app) before scanning.
sudo python -s
Look for a device withComplete Local Name
that is associated with the ring monitor device and note itsDevice
address (six colon-delimited octets, eg aa:bb:cc:11:22:33)
Edit the python
and enter the BLE address where theble_address
variable is initialized.
Optionally also configure the MQTT client by enering values for themqtt_*
variables where they are initialized.
Test BLE connectivity while wearing the device.
Note: Warnings and exceptions from the MQTT client can be ignored if it has not been configured.
python -v -c
Edit the service definition fileviatom-ble.service
and update the command inExecStart
to reflect the correct path to the python script.
Install the service definition file:
sudo cp viatom-ble.service /lib/systemd/system/.sudo systemctl daemon-reload
To start the service:
sudo systemctl start viatom-ble
To automatically start the service on boot:
sudo systemctl enable viatom-ble
Make the python script compatible with including as a module in other scripts.