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Copy number estimation of highly duplicated sequences
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Plethora is a tool kit for copy number variation (CNV) analysis of highlyduplicated regions. It was tailored specifically for the DUF1220 domain whichis found in over 300 copies in the human genome. However it could be applied toother high copy domains and segmental duplications. The details are publishedhere:
Astling, DP, Heft IE, Jones, KL, Sikela, JM. "High resolution measurement ofDUF1220 domain copy number from whole genome sequence data" (2017) BMCGenomics. 18:614.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-017-3976-z
Plethora depends on the following software. Note that updates to samtools andbedtools may break plethora due to recent parameter changes
- Bowtie2 version 2.2.9
- Bedtools version 2.17.0
- Samtools version: 0.1.19-44428cd
- Cutadapt v1.12
- Perl module: Math::Random
- Perl module: Math::Complex
You will also need to download the human genome hg38 and build a Bowtie indexfor it. Instructions for doing this can be found on the Bowtie2 website.
A script for installing the dependencies is includedcode/install_tools.sh
The following illustrates the minimal steps necessary to run the pipeline. Thetest data are simulated reads for a single DUF1220 domain, so this should runrelatively quickly versus a full WGS data set. The following code can also be used totest that your environment has been set up correctly and that the installedsoftware is working.
- Create directories for the resulting files (if they don't exist already)
mkdir alignmentsmkdir results
- Trim low quality bases from the 3' ends of the reads and remove any that areshorter than 80 bp. Since we are working with simulated data, we don't expectmany reads to be effected by this.
cutadapt \ -a XXX -A XXX -q 10 --minimum-length 80 --trim-n \ -o fastq/test_1_filtered.fastq.gz \ -p fastq/test_2_filtered.fastq.gz \ fastq/test_1.fastq.gz \ fastq/test_2.fastq.gz
- Align reads to the genome with Bowtie2. Note you may have to change the path to point to your Bowtie2 reference
code/bowtie2.sh \ -g$HOME/genomes/bowtie2.2.9_indicies/hg38/hg38 \ -b alignments/test.bam \ fastq/test_1_filtered.fastq.gz \ fastq/test_2_filtered.fastq.gz
- Calculate coverage for each DUF1220 domain
code/make_bed.sh \ -r data/hg38_duf_full_domains_v2.3.bed \ -p"paired" \ -b alignments/test.bam \ -o results/test
The resulting filetest_read_depth.bed
has the coverage for each domain. The reads weresimulated from NBPF1_CON1_1 at 30x coverage. Based on prior work, we expect tofind that most reads align to NBPF1_CON1_1, but some reads will map to one ofthe other CON1 domains of NBPF1 or to NBPF1L.
The results should look something like this
awk'$2 > 0' results/test_read_depth.bed
NBPF1_CON1_1 28.2794NBPF1L_CON1_1 2.55338NBPF1_CON1_2 0.66548
The following describes how to apply plethora to the 1000 Genomes data anddescribes the main steps in a little more detail. The scripts for processing the1000 Genomes data can be found in the foldercode/1000genomes
. These scriptsare for submitting jobs to the LSF job queuing system for processing multiplesamples in parallel. These scripts can be modified for use withother job queuing systems (such as PBS or Slurm). Alternatively, the scripts in the maincode
foldercan be run individually without using a job scheduler (as shown in the quickstart guide).
If everything has been configured correctly, you should be able to process theentire dataset with the following command:
bsub < code/1000genomes/run.sh
However, it is likely that some jobs will fail at various stages of the pipeline due tonetworking issues or from heavy usage from other users of the computational cluster.So you may have to submit some of these steps to the queue separately.
The config file is where all the project specific parameters and sample namesshould go. The other scripts in the pipeline should be kept as abstract as possible for reuse.
Here are few important variables required by the pipeline:
- sample_index path to the file with the 1000 Genomes information
- genome path to the Bowtie indices for genome
- master_ref path to the bedfile with the DUF1220 coordinates, or otherregions of interest
- alignment_dir path to where the Bowtie2 alignments will go
- result_folder path to where the resulting coverage files will be stored
- bowtie_params additional parameters to be passed to Bowtie2 that arespecific to the project
The config file will also create directories where all the results will go.
bsub< code/1000genomes/1_download.sh
This script downloads the fastq files for each sample from the 1000Genomes site as specified in a sample_index file. The script fetches all associated files with a given sample name and useswget
to download the files to thefastq
folder. The script checks the md5sum hashes for each file against thedownloaded file. The script exits with an error if they do not match.
Alternatively, if you are not using the LSF queuing system, the script can be run manually like so:
code/download_fastq.pl HG00250 data/1000Genomes_samples.txt
bsub< code/1000genomes/2_trim.sh
This script automates the read trimming by Cutadapt. Alternatively, Cutadaptcould be run directly as described in the quick start guide above.
bsub< code/1000genomes/3_batch_bowtie.sh
This script automates the Bowtie2 alignments for the filtered reads generated above.
Alternatively, Bowtie2 can be run separately using the shell scriptcode/bowtie.sh
bsub< code/1000genomes/4_batch_clean.sh
This script removes intermediate files from earlier stages of the pipeline. This is useful because WGS files can take up a lot of disk space. This script first confirms that files from previous steps have been run correctly before removing them.
By default it assumes that the number of reads in the fastq file arecorrect (verified via checksum or read counting). Optionally you can provide afile with the expected number of reads. The script deletes the file from aprior step if the file in the next step has the correct number of reads (e.g.delete the original bam file if the sorted bam has the correct number ofreads and delete the sorted bam if the resulting bed file has the correct numberof reads).
If the data have been downloaded from a public repository like the 1000 Genomes, this script can remove the fastq files by passing an optional flag.
The script assumes the.bam
file contains unaligned reads (e.g. the number of reads in the fastq file should match the number of reads in the .bam file).
Behind the scenes the clean script runscode/clean_files.pl
. For more information on how to run this directly:
code/clean_files.pl -h
bsub< code/1000genomes/5_make_bed.sh
This script:
- Coverts the .bam alignment file into bed format
- Parses the reads
- Calls the
script (described below) to combined proper pairs into a singlefragment - Finds overlaps with the reference bed file containing the regions of interest(e.g. DUF1220)
- Calculates the average coverage for each region: (number of bases thatoverlap) / (domain length)
bsub< code/1000genomes/6_batch_clean.sh
This script is a link to the script above. At this stage it can remove the alignment and fastq files if present.
bsub< code/1000genomes/7_batch_gc_correction.sh
This script performs the GC correction step using conserved regions that areassumed to be found in diploid copy number. This script requires the_read.depth.bed
filegenerated in step 5 above as well as a file with the percent GC content for each domain.
Behind the scenes, this shell script callscode/gc_correction.R
which can be run manually like so:
code/gc_correction.R results/HG00250_read.depth.bed data/hg38_duf_full_domains_v2.3_GC.txt
This script is how we selected the ~300 samples from the fullsample.index
file for the 1000 Genomes Project. It filters out the exome sequencing data,selects samples with reasonably high coverage, etc. It tries to collectrepresentative samples from each of the populations.
This script calculates the percent GC content for a set of domains and is calledby the batch script above. Required are a set of domains in .bed file format anda .fasta file for the genome reference
This an LSF script for submitting a specific version of the DUF1220 annotationto the LSF queue.
This is a helper script tomake_bed.sh
that combines proper pairs into asingle fragment, and separates discordant pairs into single end reads. Thelengths of the single end reads are extended by half the mean fragment size,which is determined from the data itself. The extended length is sampled from anormal distribution using the mean and standard deviation of the measured fragment sizes.
Copy number estimation of highly duplicated sequences