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A curated list of amazingly awesome open source rails related resources inspired by Awesome PHP.
Check also:https://github.com/markets/awesome-ruby
- Awesome Rails
- Package Management
- Templating
- Static Pages
- Dashboards
- Crawlers and Scrapers
- Files
- Imagery
- Testing
- Documentation
- Security
- Code Analysis
- Assets Management
- ActiveRecord
- Geolocation
- Search
- Date and Time
- Feature Toggling
- Logging
- Meta
- Performance
- Analytics
- Optimization
- Production
- Command Line
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Text and Numbers
- Filtering and Validation
- REST and API
- Caching
- Data Structure and Storage
- Notifications
- Deployment
- Parser
- Third Party APIs
- Miscellaneous
- Development Software
- Background Job
- Visual Goodies
- Starters/Boilerplates
- Resources
- Credits
- Contributing
Libraries for package and dependency management.
- Bundler - The best way to manage your application's dependencies.
- Bower Rails - A Bower support for Rails projects.
Libraries and tools for templating.
- Rails Composer - The Rails generator on steroids for starter apps.
- Rails Apps Composer - Build your own application template.
Tools for pre-processing content to generate web pages.
- HighVoltage - Rails engine for static pages.
- Refinery CMS - Rails-based CMS.
- Camaleon CMS - Rails-based CMS.
Libraries for working with HTTP.
- Faraday - flexible HTTP client library, with support for multiple backends.
- Typhoeus - wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests.
- Whois - An intelligent pure Ruby WHOIS client and parser
Libraries for crawling/scraping the Web.
- Wombat - Lightweight Ruby web crawler/scraper with an elegant DSL which extracts structured data from pages.
Libraries for sending and parsing email.
- MailCheck - Reduce user-misspelled email addresses in your forms.
Data-processing libraries.
- Kiba - the ETL framework for Ruby.
Libraries for file manipulation and MIME type detection.
- MimeMagic - A MIME detection library.
- Exporting CSV & Excel - RailsCast.
- Sitemap Generator - A sitemap generation library.
Libraries for manipulating images.
- MiniMagick - An image manipulation library.
- CarrierWave::BombShelter - is a module which protects your uploaders from image bombs. It checks pixel dimensions of uploaded image before ImageMagick touches it.
Libraries for testing codebases and generating test data.
- RSpec - A testing tool for the Ruby programming language.
Libraries for generating project documentation.
- SAMI - An API documentation generator.
Libraries for security, encrypting data and scanning for vulnerabilities.
- Brakeman - Static analysis security scanner for Ruby on Rails.
Libraries and tools for analysing, parsing and manipulation codebases.
Libraries and tools for Assets management.
- Non-stupid non-digest assets - compile both digest and non-digest assets in Rails 4.
- Rack Zippy - Rack middleware for serving static gzipped assets generated by the Rails asset pipeline
Libraries and tools for ActiveRecord tweaks.
- ActiveRecordExtended - adds additional PostgreSQL quering abilities to ActiveRecord
- ActiveRecord Import - A library for bulk insertion of data into your database using ActiveRecord.
- Obfuscate ID - Make your ActiveRecord ids non-obvious.
- Data Miner - import XLS, ODS, XML, CSV, HTML, etc. into the ActiveRecord models
Libraries for geocoding addresses and working with latitudes and longitudes.
- GeoKit - Geokit plugin for Rails/ActiveRecord.
- Zip Codes - Identify city and States for given Zip code
Libraries for search
PG Search - builds ActiveRecord named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL’s full text search
searchkick - Intelligent search made easy with Rails and Elasticsearch
Libraries for working with dates and times.
- Temporal - Javascript timezone detection for Rails
Libraries that are helping to manage features.
Libraries for generating and working with log files.
- Lograge - Taming Rails' Default Request Logging
Libraries for SEO.
- Meta Tags - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plugin for Ruby on Rails applications.
- Human Power - Generate robots.txt
Libraries for MetaData.
- Preloadables - is exposing a set of view helpers for outputting HTML metadata related to domains, assets and pages that you would like to preload/prerender.
Libraries and software for working with PDF files.
- Prawn - A PDF generation library.
- Wicked PDF - A tool to convert HTML to PDF.
- Grimm - A tool for extracting pages from pdf as images and text as strings.
Libraries to dubug and solve performance issues
- Alocation Tracer - allows to trace object allocation.
- Memory Profiler - A memory profiler for Ruby & Rails apps.
- Derailed Benchmarks - Benchmarks for your whole Rails app.
Libraries for user analytics.
- Marketable for Devise - Marketable lets Devise users easily store where your user came from and where they were going in your Rails app.
- Meta events - is a Ruby gem that sits on top of a user-centric analytics system like Mixpanel and provides structure, documentation, and a historical record to events, and a powerful properties system that makes it easy to pass large numbers of consistent properties with your events.
Libraries to optimize your rails application.
- Counter Culture - Turbo-charged counter caches for your Rails app.
- OJ - A fast JSON parser and Object marshaller as a Ruby gem.
Tools for production
Libraries for building command line utilities.
Libraries for implementing authentications schemes.
- Devise - Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.
Libraries for implementing authorization schemes.
- Pundit - Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes
- The Role - Authorization for Rails + GUI. Semantic, Flexible, Lightweight
- CanCanCan - CanCan is an authorization library for Ruby on Rails which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access.
Libraries for parsing and manipulating text and numbers.
Libraries for filtering and validating data.
- HTML5 Validator - client-side validation
Libraries and web tools for developing REST-ful APIs.
- Apipie - API Documentation Tool
Libraries for caching data.
Libraries that implement data structure or storage techniques.
Libraries for working with notification software.
- Capistrano - Remote multi-server automation tool.
- Capistrano Unicorn - Unicorn tasks for Capistrano.
- Capistrano Fifty Five - recipes for use with capistrano to automate installation of a full-stack Rails environment
- Airbrussh - pretties up your SSHKit and Capistrano output
- Pinglish - A simple Rack middleware for checking application health.
- Flipper - A Allows appplications to be deployable by feature only.
Libraries for parsing
- Parslet - A small Ruby library for constructing parsers in the PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar) fashion.
Libraries for accessing third party APIs.
Useful libraries or tools that don't fit in the categories above.
Software for creating a development environment.
- HomeBrew - A package manager for OSX.
- Vagrant - A portable development environment utility.
- Puppet - A server automation framework and application.
- Chef - A systems integration framework.
- Backup - A server backup tool.
WYSIWIG editors
- Bootsy - is a WYSIWYG editor for Rails based on Bootstrap3-wysihtml5 with image uploads using CarrierWave
- Mercury Editor 2 - full featured HTML5 editor
- Froala jQuery WYSIWYG - (Comercial) provides the Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor javascript and stylesheets as a Rails engine for use with the asset pipeline
- Sir Trevor - Medium like editor
- Sidekiq Statistics - Improved display of statistics for your sidekiq workers and jobs.
Client side tools integrated with Rails
- NProgress -nprogress library progress barwrapper
- Rails Devise GraphQL - A Rails 6 boilerplate to create your next Saas product. Preloaded with graphQL, devise, JWT, CanCanCan, RailsAdmin, Rubocop, Rspec, and more.
- Rails Template - Application template for Rails 6 projects; preloaded with best practices for TDD, security, deployment, and developer productivity.
Various resources, such as books, websites and articles, for improving your Rails development skills and knowledge.
Useful web and PHP-related websites and newsletters.
Fantastic books and e-books.
General web-development-related reading materials.
- C is for Cookie, H is for Hacker - An article about cookies and security.
- You Blew It Loading Your Login Form Over HTTP - An article about using HTTPS correctly with login forms.
- How HTTPS Secures Your Connection - An article explaining how TLS/SSL secures your connection.
- How to Build a Secure Remember Me Feature - An article on how to build a secure remember me feature.
- A Beginners Guide to HTTP Cache Headers - An article about HTTP cache headers.
- Beyond Series1234 - A series of articles about programming by Anthony Ferrara.
- Semantic Versioning - A website explaining semantic versioning.
- Atlassian Git Tutorials - A series of Git tutorials.
Rails-releated reading materials.
Rails online courses, screencasts, etc
- List of 80 free and paid Ruby on Rails courses from top e-learning platforms - A directory of RoR online courses by Classpert, an online course search engine.
TravisCI validation code byjondot. Origin:https://github.com/jondot/awesome-react-native
Please seeCONTRIBUTING for details.