.NET Core Community
- EntityFrameworkCore.KingbaseES
EntityFrameworkCore.KingbaseES PublicEntity Framework Core provider for KingbaseES Database
- sharding-core
sharding-core Publichigh performance lightweight solution for efcore sharding table and sharding database support read-write-separation .一款ef-core下高性能、轻量级针对分表分库读写分离的解决方案,具有零依赖、零学习成本、零业务代码入侵
- AgileConfig
AgileConfig Public基于.NET Core开发的轻量级分布式配置中心 / .NET Core lightweight configuration server
- BootstrapBlazor
BootstrapBlazor PublicBootstrap Blazor is an enterprise-level UI component library based on Bootstrap and Blazor.
- WebApiClient
WebApiClient PublicA REST API library with better functionality, performance, and scalability than refit
- BootstrapBlazor Public
Bootstrap Blazor is an enterprise-level UI component library based on Bootstrap and Blazor.
dotnetcore/BootstrapBlazor’s past year of commit activity - EasyCaching Public
💥 EasyCaching is an open source caching library that contains basic usages and some advanced usages of caching which can help us to handle caching more easier!
dotnetcore/EasyCaching’s past year of commit activity - CanalSharp Public
Alibaba mysql database binlog subscription & consumer components Canal's .NET client.
dotnetcore/CanalSharp’s past year of commit activity