dotnet campus
.NET Campus (.NET 职业技术学苑) is a team that explores .NET.
- SourceYard
SourceYard PublicAdd a NuGet package only for dll reference? By using dotnetCampus.SourceYard, you can pack a NuGet package with source code. By installing the new source code package, all source codes behaviors ju…
- dotnetCampus.Configurations
dotnetCampus.Configurations PublicCOIN,Configuration\n。高性能应用程序配置文件和此配置文件的解析库。
- AsyncWorkerCollection
AsyncWorkerCollection Public高性能的多线程异步工具库。A collection of tools that support asynchronous methods and support high-performance multithreading.
- dotnetCampus.CommandLine
dotnetCampus.CommandLine PublicdotnetCampus.CommandLine is probably the fastest command line parser in all .NET open-source projects. Parsing a classical command line only takes 1091ns, thus 10 ticks.
Showing 10 of 112 repositories
- dotnetCampus.MSBuildUtils Public
当你需要写一个运行于 MSBuild 中的可执行程序,那么会有一堆杂七杂八的脚手架代码需要编写,还需要每次指定如何报告编译错误等。现在有了这个,你就不在需要编写杂七杂八的代码了,专注于你的编译代码吧
dotnet-campus/dotnetCampus.MSBuildUtils’s past year of commit activity - ManipulationDemo Public Forked fromwalterlv/ManipulationDemo
A demo that can get the windows message
dotnet-campus/ManipulationDemo’s past year of commit activity