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A fork of ext4magic with the minor patches applied that I needed in order to get it to compile on Fedora 30.


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Forked bydmhowcroft because the existing sourceforge and debian repos would not compile on Fedora 30.

Based on upstream:

The original README

1.0Accidentally deleted files1.1How does this work

2.0How you can use ext4magic

3.0A few words about the new magic functions3.1Instructions to experimenting with magic function features

4.0The Expert-Options

5.0Overview of the options for ext4magic

6.0Some common problems

7.0Known Bugs

1.0 Accidentally deleted files ?

Now, you can try it with ext4magic - probably you will find many - but not alldeleted files. ext4magic will not change the data on your partition.It write copies of found deleted files to a directory on a different file system.For that you need enough disk space on a ext4 or ext3 Linux file system.

This tool requires a working file system for the most functions. Special functionsof the optional Expert-Mode also allow restore of corrupted file systems.If the partition table damaged or the file system meta data are already beencompletely overwritten, ext4magic can not help. Then you should use adifferent recover tool.In addition to the recovery functions a lot of other functions are included.These functions allow a deep look into the file system and can also help to finddata and files which are not automatically recover.

1.1 How does this work ?

A file in an ext3/4 filesystem consists of several parts. The name of the fileand a Inode nummer are in data blocks of the directory. This Inode nummer isa serial number for a data structure in a tabel of these structures.These structures are called Inode and are the most important part of the file.In the Inode are included all properties of the file and the reference tothere data blocks. In the data blocks store the data of the file. In example,all the bytes for a jpg image

During the deletion of a file, be completely destroyed all refer to the datablocks in inode data. The content of data blocks are not destroyed, but theblock now marked as free.If you write new files, this free data blocks can reused for new files.The old inode is also marked as free and is also ready for reuse.Name and Inode number in the directory block are only marked deleted,they are skipped for now when searching for file names in this directory.

Deleted files can not re-assembled, the Inode data are unsuitable forthis purpose. Exactly what the developers say.

But there is the file system journal. Journaling ensures the integrity of thefilesystem by keeping a log of the ongoing disk changes.After deleting a file, there you found a copy of the data block in which thedeleted Inode is included. Well, this copy is not usable for a recover.The Inode is deleted, but perhaps there is also still an even older copy ofthe same data block.If you find such an older block in the Journal, then you can find there the oldintact Inode copy of the deleted file. And with such an old Inode, you can nowundelete the file. You find in the Inode the properties and all refer to thedata blocks. In the directory you find the old file name. With a little luck,the data blocks are not reused.

This is the principle of ext4magic to recover from inode copies.

In the Journal there are not only inode copies. There are also copies of directorydata blocks. They are rarely there, but allow a look in the history of some directorys.ext4magic work with these copies, if they exist, and so ext4magic can recover alsomoved files or directories. You will also find tables with the block and inodeallocation. This data are used in the magic functions for controlling the file carving.The functions of the file carving matched exactly to the respective propertiesof the file system types and these functions included into a multi-stage recover process.This feature currently usable for ext3 and is in the development for ext4.

2.0 How you can use ext4magic ?

You need, of course, the file system from which you want try to recover deletedfiles. You can use this file system directly, but the safest way is to create animage of the partition.Important, for this, the filesystem must umounted or readony mounted.

For example: the filesystem is on/dev/sda1

# dd  if=/dev/sda1  of=/path/to/image_name  bs=4096

With the shell, you change to a directory, where enough free space to writethe data recovers. You need also some options, but that later.

You can use ext4magic:

# ext4magic  /path/to/image_name  options
Not enough free space for a imagefile of the entire filesytem ?

Do not mount the partition with the deleted files and use it directly

# ext4magic /dev/sda1 options
You can not restart the computer or umount the partition ?

Attempts to mount the partition readonly. The best way try toumount and thenmount -o ro /dev/sda1 . If this is noch posible? try the following:

# mount -o remount,ro,noload  /dev/sda1

if the partition is now mounted readonly, use also# ext4magic /dev/sda1 options

It is impossible to mount readonly ?

ext4magic still has a solution, but highly experimental. Please use only inexceptional cases. Never use the journal on a not read-write mounted partition.ext4magic read over the filesystem buffer from journal but the kernel writeunbuffered to journal. This can cause unpredictable errors during the recover

In this case the first read of the journal is often ok, but all subsequent reads canread wrong data blocks from journal. So long the journal file is buffered, you readwrong data blocks at the moment of the first read. The file system is operatingnormally without errors, journal data on the disk are ok. But ext4magic read fromcache and not from the disk. So ext4magic reads wrong blocks from the cached Journal.

Workaround: ext4magic supports external journal.You can create a copy of the filesystem journal with the "debug2fs" command.Use this copy as external Journal for the mounted file system.But, if mounted readwrite, here also only the first backup will work good,after read the journal by debug2fs, the journal is also buffered and the nextread by debug2fs results also a bad journal copy.

# debug2fs  -R  "dump <8> /path/to/journalbackup" /dev/sda1

you can use this copy of journal

# ext4magic /dev/sda1 -j  /path/to/journalbackup options

ext4magic then only read journal data from this journal backup.

Warning: This procedure is tested, it works, but please be very carefulwith this feature. Remember, for ext4magic the file system is frozen at the time atwhich the journal copy created. Any subsequent changes will not recognize by ext4magic.This works only correct for a limited time if you continue to write into the file system.

3.0 A few words about the new magic functions (since version 0.2.0)

These functions are designed to make undo of recursive deletes. This also works very wellif the files have been deleted by a recursive move or deleted by rsync. But in this case, you must set time options.

The magic function is a multi-level recoverand also restore files if no old journal copies can be found for this file.

  1. recover files of the file system tree with the help of old inode copies.

  2. recover all other inode copies which were not found in first stage.

  3. recover the remaining data blocks, using a file carving function (we say magic function)These magic functions are still under development, the support depends on the ext4magic version

    Version 0.2.x only ext3Version 0.3.x only ext4Versions >= 0.4.x will support ext3 and ext4

After an accidental deletion: prevent all writing into this file system and if possible alsoprevent reading of this file system. Also reading overwrites old journal datawhich are needed for the restore.

umount the file system, and use ext4magic before you mount the file system again,or create a copy of the file system and use this for the recover.Perform no file system check on this file system before.

The magic functions are very user friendly because very few command options are required.If the entire delete operation has only process less than 5 minutes, (e.g. rm -rf ) no time options will need.In the case that the deletion process has process a long time, or were the files deleted by a move command,the exact time of the beginning of the erase operation must be specified.

Extensive testing has confirmed that magic-scan-functions are now stable with >= version 5.04.Good support exists for: many text file types, a lot of image formats,often-used video and audio file types, Office documents,PDF, RAR, TAR, CPIO, BZ2, ZIP, GZIP, 7Z ...

Many other file types are also found and restored with default function, but without examiningthe contents of the files. This works more or less.

Problems still exist with some multimedia formats and some documents. Not every file typecan be restored only based on head and foot patterns. Some types of multimedia streams, splited ortruncated files are hard to recover. We are working hard on this problem, and in newer versions is the support for these file types are much better.The recovery of CD/DVD images and other file system containers is also problematic. This can only workin file systems with 4KB block size.on ext3 very large files if not deleted in one step, can not be restored with this function. (Bug:#017607)Of course, you can only find files when the "file" command recognize this file type. It is theoreticallypossible to enable the restore of unknown file types by an entry in the configuration file to "magic".

Some files are one (or few) byte too short. These are final zero byte.Most of these files can be repaired by appending zeros.The following command illustrates how attach two zero byte to a file.

 #echo -en "\0\0" >> file

Some files are one or more bytes to long. These are often zero byte at the end of the restored file.You can see this at the end of a file. "hexdump-C file | tail "These files can be opened usually normal, possibly with a warning. Only a few programs block theprocessing of such files. Here is an example, how this can be fixed (xz compressed file)

# ls -l test.xz-rw-r--r-- 1 rob users 1005  4. Dez 12:54 test.xz# xz -t test.xzxz: test.xz: Compressed data is corrupt# xz -d test.xzxz: test.xz: Compressed data is corrupt# dd if=test.xz of=test_.xz bs=1 count=10041004+0 Datensätze ein1004+0 Datensätze aus1004 Bytes (1,0 kB) kopiert, 0,0164605 s, 61,0 kB/s# xz -t test_.xz# xz -d test_.xz

The magic functions works slowly, but very efficient and can find some filesthat other tools can not recover. For very large file systems first try other tools.In difficult conditions ext4magic could require days or weeks to recover all the data.Newer versions will work much faster and much more accurate.

ext4magic can also find very long files when the data are fragmented in thefile system. Others file carving tools find here often no complete files, or recover data trash.Because of the previously running recover stages, the hit rate of this function is often very good.But, at very high fragmentation the chances are low for a successful recovery for many files.

In real file systems the magic function find also unfortunately some very old files.The idea, to prevent this by using the metadata from the journal, is definitely good, but,in a real file system it works only limited. By test file systems it works very well, but in a realfile system journal you find not always enough of these metadata to prevent the recover of all very old files.

3.1 Instructions to experimenting with magic function features

Use no file system specially created for this purpose.Why?If you create a test file system, it is likely that all inode copies are includedin the Journal. The first stage can restore all files, and you'll never see themagic functions in the third stage.

Better is the following:Use an existing filesystem. The last hours should no run a global "find" or a backup toolin this file system. That would write to many inode copies and to be easy to recover.umount this file system, and create a 1-to-1 copy of the file system.Now you can test with that copy.mount the file system copy and delete recursiv all or many files. Then umount the file system copy.

test ext4magic with the deleted copy.You need free space for writing the recovered files.Assuming, the copy is "/dev/sdb1" and you have enough freespace at "/home/test/"

# ext4magic /dev/sdb1 -d /home/test/RECOVER -M

if you have deleted all files.

or# ext4magic /dev/sdb1 -d /home/test/RECOVER -mif not all files were deleted.

It will automatically search for the time of the last deletion. (only if the delete process lessthen 5 minutes. If the deletion process worked a very long time, you must get the exact start timeof the deletion by the option "-a TIME".)

And with a little delay should start the recover. You can now only wait. Depending on thenumber of deleted files it can take a long time. Then you can compare the files withthe original file system.

4.0 The Expert-Options

These options are not activated by default. To enable it, compile as following

make clean./configure --enable-expert-modemakesudo make install

options "-s BLOCKSIZE" and "-n BLOCKNUMBER" allow access to the backup superblocks.option "-c" forces the restore of a damaged journal inode.option "-D" trying a restore of files from a badly damaged file system.In the combination of all these options, you can try a file system restore if the superblock broken,and the beginning of the file system is corrupted or overwritten.

Repair with e2fsck is often possible, but risky for large damage, ext4magic here often has betterchances of success. But, this can only work before a repair was attempted with e2fsck.

In the comparison the two commands:

# repair an ext3 file systems with broken superblock

fsck.ext3 -B 4096 -b 32768 -y -f /dev/sda1

# ext4magic file system restore, write to /tmp/recover

ext4magic /dev/sda1 -s 4096 -n 32768 -c -D -d /tmp/recover

To determine the correct options for ext4magic, you can use a script.

#/bin/bash# Help-Script for ext4magic (needed is dump2fs >= 1.41.9)# to identify options for the backup superblocks# to restore of a partially damaged filesystem with ext4magic# Autor (Version 1.1 vom 03.06.2011)if [ -b "$1" -o -f "$1" ]then   typeset -i BLK BLK_SZ GROUP   for BLK_SZ in 1024 2048 4096      do      for GROUP in 1 3 5 7 9 25 27 49 81 125 243 343 729         do         BLK="$BLK_SZ"*8*"$GROUP"         if [ $BLK_SZ -eq 1024 ]           then BLK="$BLK"+1         fi         dumpe2fs -h -o blocksize="$BLK_SZ" -o superblock="$BLK" "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep UUID &>/dev/null && echo "ext4magic "$1" -s $BLK_SZ -n $BLK -c -D"      done   doneelse   echo "usage : $0  <device>"fi

Use the script as follows:


and use one of the displayed possible command lines for the restore

5.0 Overview of the options for ext4magic

ext4magic has a lot of options, here are just a small overview.Detailed information take from the manpage.

One option must always be specified, the file system.

Information Options-S -J -H -T

display of information about the superblock, the journal, the transactions from journal,a simple time chart for showing deletions or changes in the file system

Selections-I -B -f

select the specific inode, blocks or file names for the information- and action options.

Time Options-a -b -t

These are important control options. This determine the time window for searching journal dataand times in inode data.

File input and output options-d -i -j

This can be specified, the output directory, a input file list and an external journal file

Action Options-l -L -r -R -m -M

For select of the various listing- and recover actions.

Expert Options-s -n -c -D

available only if enabled byconfigureAllow access to damaged file systems, backup superblocks, ....

6.0 Some common problems

Command not found

ext4magic is installed to/usr/local/sbin/This directory is only included in thePATH if you use root as a login shell.For a full root environment usesu -l for the user change.Or use the full path to the binary ext4magic.

Manpage not found

The manpage is installed under/usr/local/*/man/man8/Check if the MANPATH variable include the following directories.

  • /usr/local/man
  • /usr/local/share/man

ext4magic nothing works

two possible causes:

  • either you are not root
  • or the time options are not set correctly. Only the magical functions automatically searchfor the best time window, all other options use default time values. (See manpage)

7.0 Known Bugs

  • libext2fs-1.42
    has a small bug, it crashed ext4magic. (see e2fstools BUG #3451486)
  • file-5.05
    libmagic is stable in ext4magic, but the magic-function produce on somevideo- and auto-formats many small erroneous files
  • file-5.17
    libmagic is not stable enough for ext4magic and often produce segfaults

Only on big endian environments, there are some incorrect outputs of inode times, and missing ofdeleted directory entries. (BUG #017304 #017305)These errors occur only if the journal is not read and so only called the functions of libext2fs forprintout of inode and directory. All journal options and the file restoring are not affected.The error is not within ext4magic and can not be compensated in ext4magic. This would be patchedin libext2fs. The error is very rare and not significant. If anyone needs a patch for this,no problem, within ext4magic the problem is solved. It is also possible to write an unofficial patchfor libext2fs. I just think that nobody will really need it. Otherwise, send a request to the ext4magicmailing list.


A fork of ext4magic with the minor patches applied that I needed in order to get it to compile on Fedora 30.








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