- 😋
Full-stack RESTful web application for ordering food
- Description: The developed web application provides features enabling users to conveniently place orders andinteract with the application based on their roles. Even as a guest on the site, users can still order food,although not all functionalities are available to them.
- I have the 2 branches of projects that contain monolithic application andapplication with microservices architecture. The last one more advanced.
- 🎈
Desktop application for reminds users of upcoming birthdays
- Description: This application is a comprehensive tool for managing and celebrating friends' birthdays.Users can easily add and save birthday dates and personalize their experience with customizable sound alerts.The application reminds users of upcoming birthdays, offering flexibility in setting reminders based on specifichours, minutes, and days.
- 👨💻
Desktop Chat Messenger
- Description: A Client-Server Java chat-messenger application with GUI on both client and server sides. Clientscommunicate with the server to send/receive messages.
- 🤖
Telegram bot vacancies with integration the OpenAI API
- Description: An application integrating Telegram bot functionalities. It also utilizes the OpenAI API togenerate personalized cover letters for the last chosen vacancy by the user. The opencsv library efficiently readsfiles containing vacancy information.
- 📚
Book House WEB-application
- Description: This simple project designed to manage, organize and sold books and named as book store with a user-friendly APIs.
- This project is build using Java 17, Hibernate, MySQL Driver, Spring Framework, Spring Security, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, JWT Authentication. The testing was by JUnit5 and Mockito.
- The Logging by Log4j2.
- For execution application was using Tomcat 10.1.18.
- 🎨
Painting objects in an image with colors
- Description: This application processes a 40x40 black and white image in .bmp format. It performs a contoursearch for all objects on the image and fills those objects with a random color.
- 💆♀️
Multi-page website for a massage agency
- Description: This multiple-page application where you can choose massage what do you want to visit.
Feel free to go on repositories and check them.Into README file details info about pet-projects and technology what are used.
- 🌱Learning Journey
- Currently expanding my skills in:
- Spring
- Hibernate
- Docker
- Currently expanding my skills in:
- 😊All Projects
- Explore all of my projects onGitHub repositories.
- AppBirthdays
AppBirthdays PublicThis application access u add and save date birthdays your friends as well. Others features will describe in readme file.
Java 1
- Desktop-Chat-Messenger
Desktop-Chat-Messenger PublicThis application is a Java-based Client-Server chat messenger featuring graphical user interfaces (GUI) on both the client and server sides. The client application allows users to send and receive …
Java 1
- HandsTivanSite
HandsTivanSite PublicHTML 1
- FillAllClosedElemsImg
FillAllClosedElemsImg PublicFill all closed elements of the image with the color of the object
- telegram-bot-vacancies
telegram-bot-vacancies PublicThis application named by telegram-bot-vacancies and integrates with Telegram bot functionalities into the project. Also integrate the OpenAI API to generate personalized cover letters for the last…
Java 1
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