Sustainability Mafia
SusMafia is a community-driven non-profit organization and predominately tends to the need of sustainability entrepreneurs. The core value of the company relies on resource sharing between our members. Build an application that can help facilitate resource sharing, such as clients, investors, contacts, etc., amongst our sustainability entrepreneurs. Imagine how this product can use tools such as gamification, incentives, and community chat and engagement to encourage resource sharing within the community.
5 points approach used to solve this problem:
Gamification - Incentives(Coins), Mafiaoso Score, Leaderboard, Referrals to earn coins, Store to redeem coins for real-world entity, User badges for achievement
LinkedIn File Upload - User data extraction - location, contact info, skills, languages
1:1 Chat Approach - Users can use 1:1 chat for better communication for resource sharing
View Users & Posts - Search and find entrepreneurs to connect via list of users and posts. Also earn coins(incentives) for each good deed. Therefore a community of helpful individuals.
Interactive & Responsive Website - Website facilitates interactive graphs, user-friendliness, responsiveness to all screen sizes and minimal external libraries which make size very small and storage no issue.

- Python Flask
- NodeJs
- ReactJs
- MongoDB
Follow the steps to run the frontend files
cd front-end/susmafianpm inpm start
Follow the steps to run the backend files forNodeJs
cd back-endnpm inode server.js
Follow the steps to run the backend files forFlask
. scrapenv/bin/activate5export FLASK_APP=app.pyflask run