- intel-realsense-camera-data-collection-demo
intel-realsense-camera-data-collection-demo Public通过 Intel RealSense 设备获取2D图像、3D点云等原始数据。已在Intel RealSense depth camera D435i, D435, D415等设备上测试。
- SAR-Synthetic-Aperture-Radar
SAR-Synthetic-Aperture-Radar Public合成孔径雷达 相关。研究生期间学习 SAR/InSAR/PolSAR 相关的代码和总结,毕业后已经离开这个领域了。分享出来,仅此纪念。1)SAR: 成像算法,RD,CS,Radarsat-1数据成像处理。2)InSAR: 人造场景原始回波仿真、成像及干涉处理。包括平地场景和圆锥形场景。3)PolSAR: 极化定标算法,Whitt, PARC, Quegan, Ainsworth。详见 rea…
- Simulation-of-SAR-Imaging-Algorithm
Simulation-of-SAR-Imaging-Algorithm Public合成孔径雷达成像 相关。Some work I did during my graduate studies (Matlab Code) : (1) Simulation of SAR Imaging Algorithm, including RD and CS.
- InSAR-Simulation-and-Studies
InSAR-Simulation-and-Studies Public干涉合成孔径雷达 相关。Some work I did during my graduate studies (Matlab Code) : (2) InSAR Simulation and Studies.
- PolSAR-Calibration
PolSAR-Calibration Public极化合成孔径雷达,极化定标和校准 相关。Some work I did during my graduate studies (Matlab Code) : (3) Polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) Calibration, including (a) the Whitt algorithm, (b) the Quegan algorithm, (c) the Ainswo…
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