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a procedural programming language for writting songs in browser
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Handel is a small procedural programming language for writting songs in browser.
The Handel Interpreter interprets Handel programs and plays compositions in browser, thanks toTone.js.
Try the Handel Web Editor here:Handel Web Editor
See the language documentation (including latest features):Handel Documentation
Join theHandel forum to ask questions and showcase compositions. Also check out theContributing guidelines.
soli deo gloria
Add the below to your html document:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/handel-pl"></script>
You're all set!
Install Handel with the following:
npm i handel-pl
And import Handel with the following:
import * as Handel from 'handel-pl';
start chunk example play E3, C3, G3 for 2b endchunk run example with sound piano, loop for 5 finish
See the Examples folderhere for example Handel programs and inspiration.
function clicked(){ Handel.RunHandel(` start chunk example using somePlayable play somePlayable rest for 1b endchunk save myPlayable = Eb3 for 1b run example using myPlayable with sound piano, loop for 5 finish `)}document.addEventListener("click", clicked);
Note that you pass the Handel code into theRunHandel functionHandel.RunHandel(someHandelCode)
To compile to midi, pass a config object to the RunHandel function withoutputMidi set to true.
const config = {outputMidi: true};Handel.RunHandel(`start play E4 for 1b finish`, config);
Additionally, you can use theStopHandel function to stop a running Handel program.Handel.StopHandel()
Handel programs are contained within thestart andfinish keywords. Below is a complete Handel program:
start play E4 for 1bfinish
The program above only plays 1 note. But it's a start!
You can be play notes and chords using the play command. Below is an example program that plays a note, then a chord:
start play C#3 for 1b play E3, G3, A4 for 1bfinish
Note the syntax above. Aplay command begins with theplay keyword, then a note or chord (a list of notes separated by commas) follows.
Lastly play commands need a duration. The play commands above end with 'for 1b'. This states how long the particular note or notelist (chord) should be held.
Phew! We're getting somewhere.
Similar to the play command, a rest can played using the rest command. Below is an example program that rests for 1 beat then plays a note for 2 beats.
start rest for 1b play G5 for 2bfinish
tl;drHere is a code snippet showing variables in Handel
startsave mynotelist = Cb3, D3save myduration = for 1bsave myplayable = E4, F4, G3 for 3bsave myotherplayable = mynotelist for mydurationplay myplayablerest mydurationplay myotherplayablefinish
You can declare Variables in Handel. Variables store three builtin types in Handel: Notelists, Notegroups, Durations, Playables.
ADigit is a positive or negative integer.
ANotelist is a single note name, or a list of note names separated by commas.
For example:
Bb3G#2, A2
ANotegroup is a group of notelists (or conceptually an array of notelists). Each notelist is separated by a vertical line.
For example:
Bb3|G#2, A2
ADuration is the keywordfor followed by a beat.
Here are some example durations:
for 1bfor 2bfor 16bfor 32b
Lastly, we've already seenPlayables above. Playables are a note or notelist (chord) followed by a duration.Here are some example playables.
Bb3 for 1bD#6, E#6, G3 for 1b
no promises that the above chord sounds pleasing to the ear :p
Finally variables!
To store a notelist, playable or a duration use thesave keyword, followed by a variable name, an equal sign and a notelist, playable, duration (or another variable which stores on of these values).
Variable names must contain only lowercase letters, and no numbers. Variable names must also not be any of the reserved keywords in Handel. eSee theReserved Keywords).
Below is an example program using variables.
start save mynote = E2 save myplayablenote = mynote for 2b save myrest = for 2b play myplayablenote rest myrest play myplayablenote rest myrestfinish
When saving variables, Handel now also provides expressions forgenerating random numbers and forevaluating expressions.
To generate a random number when setting a variable, use therandint
keyword, followed by a rangestart to end
To evaluate an expression use theeval
keyword followed by a mathematical expression (note division is integer division).
Here is an example of the syntax:
save somerandomdigit = randint -5 to 5save someint = eval 5 * 5 / (1 + 1) % 6
OK! So far so good!
Handel now supports variable reassignment. Variables can be reassigned using theupdate
For example:
save mynotelist = B3update mynotelist = Bb3
All variables in Handel can be shifted using thershift
keywords. You can think of this as the equivalent of+=
For variables storing digits, this shifting is exactly the equivalent of addition and subtraction.
For variables storing notelists and notegroups, shifting changes the notes, left or right by a number of semitones.
The following example reassigns (or shifts) ```mynotelist`` left by one semitone. Then right by two semitones.
start save mynotelist = B3 update mynotelist lshift 1 play mynotelist for 1b save somenum = randint 1 to 5 update mynotelist rshift somenum play mynotelist for 1bfinish
Variables storingDurations andPlayables can also be shifted.
Shifting a duration increases or decreases its beat value.
Shifting a playable (which contains a notelist) increases or decreass its notelist.
For example:
start save duration = for 1b save playable = E3, G3 for 2b update duration rshift 1 update playable lshift 2 play playable rest duration play playablefinish
Handel supports block loops. Block loops begin with theblock keyword and end with theendblock keyword and aloop for digit
orloop while condition
Here is an example two block loops in Handel.
start block play C3, E3, G3 for 1b play D3, F3, A3 for 1b endblock loop for 2 save note = C2 block play note for 1b update note rshift 1 endblock loop while note lessthan C3finish
Block loops are blocking (no pun intended), and should not be confused with Handel's procedures (chunks).
More on procedures below.
Though booleans are not built in types in Handel, Handel now supports conditonals.> < >= <= ==
The syntax for an if - else block is as follows.
start if E4 > Cb3 then play E4 for 1b else play Cb3 for 1b endif save mydigit = 5 if mydigit == 5 then play C2 for 5b endiffinish
The above plays E4 for 1 beat. Note that else blocks are optional.
Procedures in Handel are called chunks. You can conceptualize achunk as a song track. When ran,chunks play at the same time as other run chunks and the global track. Chunks must begin with thechunkkeyword and end with theendchunk keyword.
Below is an example program with a kick drum and a piano, playing together.
start chunk backbeat using myplayable play myplayable endchunk chunk mykeys play E3, G3, A3 for 1b play G3, A2, C3 for 1b play F3, A3, C3 for 1b play D3, F2, A3 for 1b endchunk run mykeys with sound piano, loop for 2 save myplayable = A1 for 1b run backbeat using myplayable with sound kick, loop for 8finish
Both the 'backbeat' chunk and the 'mykeys' chunk above play together (not one after the other). Thisbehavior allows multitrack songs to be created with Handel.
Note that each chunk has its own scope.
As noted above you can create chunks with thechunk keyword. The name of thechunk (the chunk name) follows the keyword.
This chunk name must be all lowercase letters, no numbers and cannot be one of Handel's reserved keywords. (See theReserved Keywords).
After the chunk name, you can optionally add parameters. A list of comma separated parameters can follow theusing keyword.
Together you get the following:chunk somechunkname using someparam, anotherparam
After the optional parameter list, you can add a body to the chunk. This is a function body (what you would like to happen when the chunk is ran).
Lastly the chunk must be ended with theendchunk keyword.
There are two ways to run a chunk in Handel.
You can run a chunk using therun keyword. This conceptually creates a new song track, and plays the chunk synchronously with all running chunks.
You can also run a chunk using thecall keyword. This runs the chunk in place (in the songtrack the chunk is called in).
The syntax for running a chunk is therun orcall command followed by the name of the chunk.
If the chunk has parameters, a you must use the ```using`` keyword followed by a matching number of comma separated arguments.
Here is an example running two chunks. One chunk requires arguments the other does not.
start chunk playtwo using argone, argtwo play argone play argtwo endchunk chunk noargs play C4 for 1b call playtwo using E4 for 1b, Cb6 for 1b endchunk run noargs with sound pianofinish
The run command is used to run noargs in its own conceptual song track.
Within (noargs
), 1 note plays, and the playtwo chunk is called in place.
Note that saved variables (containing any built-in type in Handel), digits, playables, durations, can be used as arguments when running a chunk.
OK! Now to configuring a run of a chunk.
You can configure a run of chunk by adding thewith keyword and a comma separated list of customizations to the end of a run command. (customizations cannot be used with the call command as the chunk is being played in place)
There are three main customizations:bpm,sound, andloop.
You can usebpm keyword to set the bpm of a run of a chunk.
For examplebpm 120
You can use thesound keyword to set the instrument of a run of a chunk.
For examplesound piano
The current available sounds to choose from are: piano, synth, casio, kick, snare, hihat
You can use theloop keyword to set the amount of times the run of a chunk shoud loop for.
For exampleloop for 10
All together you can configure a run of a chunk as follows:
start chunk withargs using somechord play somechord endchunk run withargs using E3, G3, F3 for 1b with bpm 100, loop for 8, sound piano finish
Above we've got a chord, played with a piano, looping 8 times, with a bpm of 100!
(see theLanguage Features reference for additional customizations)
Handel allows custom instruments to be loaded into Handel Programs. Instruments can be created and added to a run of a Handel program as follows.
let myinst = Handel.MakeInstrument({ A1: 'https://tonejs.github.io/audio/casio/A1.mp3', A2: 'https://tonejs.github.io/audio/casio/A2.mp3'})let config = {}config.instruments = {funkyinst: myinst} Handel.RunHandel(` start load funkyinst as funky chunk example play E4 for 4b endchunk run example with sound funky finish`, config)
function wraps Tone.js's sampler constructor. It takes a urls object as its argument. This urls object, maps note names matched to their location (locally or not). One or more mappings can be used.
After making an instrument above, we add it to our config object and run the Handel program with that config.
Within the Handel program we load the instrument as follows: load configInstrumentName as nameOfInstrumentWithinHandel
Note: this feature makes your Handel program less portable but gives you the freedom of using arbitrary instruments in your Handel program.
a procedural programming language for writting songs in browser