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Dataroots was founded out of a strong belief that AI & data-driven solutions can be used by companies to gain a competitive edge in terms of company processes, customer interactions and legal compliance. Our mission is to deliver data-driven solutions with unrivalled longevity and business impact for our clients.
ℹ️ Feel free to browse around, below are some quick starting points.
- terraform-module-azure-datalake: Terraform module for an Azure Data Lake
- terraform-module-kubeflow: Kubeflow deployment purely in Terraform
- terraform-aws-ecs-airflow: A terraform module that creates an airflow instance in AWS ECS
- terraform-module-kubernetes-application: Terraform module for a kubernetes application
- terraform-provider-kubeflowpipelines: Terraform provider for Kubeflow pipelines API
- terraform-module-azure-storage-sas: Terraform module for Azure Storage SAS tokens
- terraform-module-azure-snowflake: Terraform module for Snowflake on Azure
- tutorial-great-expectations: A tutorial for the Great Expectations library.
- tutorial-face-mask-detection: A tutorial to detect masks, using MobileNetV1.
- tutorial-mlops: A tutorial to learn MLOps best practices with an example using DVC, pycaret and MLflow.
, with its exercises
- tutorial-hyperparameter-optimization: A tutorial to know about the latest hyperparameters optimization techniques.
- tutorial-streamlit-demo: A demo of what you can do with streamlit.
- tutorial-anomalib-demo: A demo of what you can do with anomalib to detect anomalies in images.
- tutorial-weather-KMI: Zavemtem weather in 2023.
- ml-skeleton-py: An opinionated project template that allows you to get started on a new machine learning project
- python-minimal-boilerplate: A minimal-yet-opinionated project template to kickstart a new Python project
- skeleton-pyspark: An opinionated project template that allows you to get started on an ETL job with PySpark
- face-mask-detection: A face mask detection model 😷
- fresh-coffee-listener: Sound detection model to automatically count coffee consumption ☕️
- snowflake-ml: Toy use case on how to use Snowflake as a full ML platform. ❄️
- bikefitting: A project to use video of someone biking to get a recommendation on the optimal saddle height
- terraform-module-azure-snowflake: Terraform module for Snowflake on Azure
- artyfarty: ggplot2 theme + palette presets
- cheek: Crontab-like scHeduler for Effective Execution of tasKs, cheek for short
- databooks: for sharing and caring about Jupyter notebooks ❤️
- dbt-fabric: dbt adapter for Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouses
- expiring-lru-cache: LRU caching with expiration period
- github-stats-card: ⭐️ a minimal but inclusive github stats badge ⭐️
- nbdefs2py: extract functions and classes from notebooks
- phonehome: KISS telemetry for FOSS packages
- rootsstyle: a dataroots inspired style for Matplotlib
- tf-profile: CLI tool to profile Terraform runs, written in Go
Check out all our events or sign up to ourweekly digest 👈
Our latest posts:
- #technoshare summary - week 10 (10/03/2025)
- #technoshare summary - week 9 (03/03/2025)
- Why Microsoft Copilot Adoption Fails (and How to Fix It) (26/02/2025)
- #technoshare summary - week 8 (24/02/2025)
- DevOps in Power BI/Fabric: Why It Matters for Your Business (17/02/2025)
Check out all our posts 👈
Our open positions:
- 🚀 Business Unit Lead
- ☀️ Data Client Partner
- 🛠 Data & Cloud Engineer
- ⛅️ Cloud (& Data) Engineer
- 📊 Data Management Engineer
- ⚙️ Junior Machine Learning Engineer
- 🤖 Machine Learning Engineer
- 🧠 Expert Machine Learning Engineer
- 💡 MLOps Engineer
- 🔭 Data Strategy Consultant
For more info check 👈
Popular repositoriesLoading
- ml-skeleton-py
ml-skeleton-py Public templateA best-practices first project template that allows you to get started on a new machine learning project.
- tutorial-face-mask-detection
tutorial-face-mask-detection PublicIn this project, we develop a pipeline to detect unmasked faces in images. This can, for example, be used to alert people that do not wear a mask when entering a building.
- cheek-progress-status Public Forked fromdatarootsio/cheek
cheek: a pico-sized declarative job scheduler
datarootsio/cheek-progress-status’s past year of commit activity - airflow-workshop Public
datarootsio/airflow-workshop’s past year of commit activity