Development Data Partnership
Welcome to theDevelopment Data Partnership on GitHub!
TheDevelopment Data Partnership thrives because of ourcommunity. We connect professionals and experts from international organizations and companies, fostering innovative approaches and methodologies, and promoting knowledge sharing. We also ensure secure and responsible access to alternative and private intent data for global development purposes.
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We welcomediscussions on data, development economics, and other relevant topics. Feel free to start discussions, ask questions, or share insights afterjoining the community.
- 📣 Announcements: Stay updated with the latest announcements.
- 💬 General: Chat about anything and everything.
- 💡 Ideas: Share ideas for new features and projects.
- 🙏 Q&A: Ask the community for help.
For general questions or broader conversations, use the🙏 Q&A section.
TheDevelopment Data Partnership Documentation is your primary resource for finding, accessing, using, and contributing to data from ourData Partners. Curated by thePartnership team, the Documentation is a collaborative effort, continuously updated with metadata, sample data, examples, notes, and more fromData Partners and project teams.
You can access theDocumentation through Single Sign-On (SSO) or on GitHub if you are an eligible Development Partner. To join the Partnership community on GitHub, pleasesign up.
Explore the development efforts under the Partnership repositories. Whether you're a contributor or curious about our projects and roadmap, this is the place to discover ongoing initiatives, feature developments, and key milestones. Dive in, explore, and join us in making our project more robust and innovative. Your feedback and contributions are invaluable.
- Public Repositories
- Private Repositories (available tomembers only)
Development Data Partnership projects are encouraged to adopt theTemplate to bring consistency in project structure, coding standards, and best practices.
Unless otherwise specified, all code and content in our repositories are licensed under theMozilla Public License license.
- syria-economic-monitor
syria-economic-monitor PublicSupport for the Syria Economic Monitor
- india-kerala-resilience
india-kerala-resilience PublicUnderstanding the vulnerability of Kerala to Heatwaves
Jupyter Notebook
- red-sea-monitoring
red-sea-monitoring PublicData and analytics to support monitoring of changes in Red Sea maritime traffic
- red-sea-monitoring Public
Data and analytics to support monitoring of changes in Red Sea maritime traffic
datapartnership/red-sea-monitoring’s past year of commit activity - air-pollution-analysis Public
datapartnership/air-pollution-analysis’s past year of commit activity