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⚙️ A modern, type-safe task runner for JavaScript projects.
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(short fornpm run
) is atask runner forJavaScript projects.
It can serve as a replacement for or complement to traditionalNPM package scripts.
npm install --save-dev @darkobits/nr
This will install the package and create an executable in the local NPM bin path (ie:node_modules/.bin
). If your shell isconfigured to add this location to your$PATH
,you can invoke the CLI by simply runningnr
. Otherwise, you may invoke the CLI by runningnpx nr
You may installnr
globally, but this is highly discouraged; a project that depends onnr
shouldenumerate it in itsdevDependencies
, guaranteeing version compatibility. And, if your$PATH
isconfigured to include$(npm bin)
, the developer experience is identical to installingnr
tl;dr Modern task runners don't need plugin systems.
When tools like Grunt and Gulp were conceived, it was common to build JavaScript projects by explicitlystreaming source files from one tool to another, each performing some specific modification beforewriting the resulting set of files to an adjacent directory for distribution.
This pattern almost always relied onNode streams, a notoriouslyunwieldy API, resulting in the need for aplugin foreach tool that a task-runner supported, pushing a lot of complexity from build tools up to thedevelopers that used them.
Modern tools like Babel, Webpack, TypeScript, and Vite allow for robust enough configuration that theycan often perform all of these jobs using a single invocation of a (usually well-documented)command-line interface, making plugin systems a superfluous layer of abstraction between the user andthe CLI.
Rather than relying on plugins to interface with tooling,nr
provides an API for invoking other CLIs,and a means to formalize these invocations in a JavaScript configuration file.
is configured using a JavaScript configuration file,nr.config.js
, or a TypeScript configurationfile,nr.config.ts
will search for this file in the directory from which it was invoked, andthen every directory above it until a configuration file is found.
A configuration file is responsible for creatingcommands,functions, andscripts:
- Commands describe the invocation of a single executable and any arguments provided to it, as wellas any configuration related to how the command will run, such as environment variables and how STDINand STDOUT will be handled.
- Functions are JavaScript functions that may execute arbitrary code. They may be synchronous orasynchronous. Functions can be used to interface with another application'sNode API,or to perform any in-process work that does not rely on the invocation of an external CLI.
- Scripts describe a set of instructions composed of commands, functions, and other scripts. Theseinstructions may be run in serial, in parallel, or a combination of both.
A configuration file must default-export a function that will be passed a context object that containsthe following keys:
Key | Type | Description |
command | function | Create a new command. |
fn | function | Create a new function. |
script | function | Create a new script. |
exportdefault({ command, fn, script})=>{script('build',[command('babel',{args:['src',{outDir:'dist'}]}),command('eslint',{args:'src'})]);};
We can then invoke thebuild
script thusly:
nr build
The next sections detail how to create and compose commands, functions, and scripts.
Parameter | Type | Description |
executable | string | Name of the executable to run. |
options? | CommandOptions | Optional arguments and configuration. |
Return Type | Description |
CommandThunk | Value that may be provided toscript to run the command. |
This function accepts an executable name and an options object. The object'sargs
property may be usedto specify anyCommandArguments
to pass to the executable.CommandOptions
also supports a variety of ways to customize theinvocation of a command.
Commands are executed usingexeca
, andCommandOptions
supports all valid Execa options.
To reference a command in a script, use either the return value fromcommand
or a string in theformatcmd:name
where name is the value provided inoptions.name
Assuming the typePrimitive
refers to the union ofstring | number | boolean
may take one the following three forms:
to pass a singular positional argument or to list all arguments as a `string``Record<string, Primitive>
to provide named arguments onlyArray<Primitive | Record<string, Primitive>>
to mix positional and named arguments
Each of these forms is documented in the example below.
The vast majority of modern CLIs use kebab-case for named arguments, while idiomatic JavaScript usescamelCase to define object keys. Therefore,nr
will by default convert objects keys from camelCase tokebab-case. However, some CLIs (Such as the TypeScript compiler) use camelCase for named arguments. Insuch cases, set thepreserveArgumentCasing
option totrue
in the commands' options.
importdefineConfigfrom'@darkobits/nr';exportdefaultdefineConfig(({ command})=>{// Using single primitive arguments. These commands will invokecommand('echo',{args:'Hello world!'});// echo "Hello world!"command('sleep',{args:5});// sleep 5// Example using a single object of named arguments and preserving argument// casing.command('tsc',{args:{emitDeclarationOnly:true},preserveArgumentCasing:true});// tsc --emitDeclarationOnly=true// Example using a mix of positional and named arguments.command('eslint',{args:['src',{ext:'.ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx'}]});// eslint src --ext=".ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx"// Execa's default configuration for stdio is 'pipe'. If a command opens an// application that involves interactivity, you'll need to set Execa's stdio// option to 'inherit':command('vitest',{stdio:'inherit'});});
This function has the same signature ascommand
. It can be used to execute a Node script using thecurrent version of Node installed on the system. This variant usesexecaNode
and the options argument supports allexecaNode
Parameter | Type | Description |
userFn | Fn | Function to execute. |
options? | FnOptions | Function options. |
Return Type | Description |
FnThunk | Value that may be provided toscript to run the function. |
This function accepts a functionuserFn
and an optionaloptions
To reference a function in a script, use either the return value fromfn
directly or a string in theformatfn:name
where name is the value provided inoptions.name
importdefineConfigfrom'@darkobits/nr';exportdefaultdefineConfig(({ fn, script})=>{consthelloWorldFn=fn(()=>{console.log('Hello world!');},{name:'helloWorld'});constdoneFn=fn(()=>{console.log('Done.');},{name:'done'});// Just like commands, functions may be referenced in a script by value (and// thus defined inline) or using a string with the prefix 'fn:'. The following// two examples are therefore equivalent:script('myAwesomeScript',[helloWorldFn,doneFn]);script('myAwesomeScript',['fn:helloWorld','fn:done']);});
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the script. |
instructions | Instruction | Instruction orArray<Instruction> ; commands, functions, or other scripts to execute in serial. |
options? | ScriptOptions | Optional script configuration. |
Return Type | Description |
ScriptThunk | Value that may be provided toscript to run the script. |
This function accepts a name, an instruction set, and an options object,ScriptOptions
.It will register the script using the providedname
and return a value.
To reference a script in another script, use either the return value fromscript
directly or a stringin the formatscript:name
The second argument must be anInstruction
or array of Instructions.For reference, an Instruction may be one of:
- A reference to a command by name using a
in the formatcmd:name
or by value using the valuereturned bycommand
. - A reference to a function by name using a
in the formatfn:name
or by value using the valuereturned byfn
. - A reference to another script by name using a
in the formatscript:name
or by value usingthe value returned byscript
To indicate that a group ofInstructions
should be run in parallel,wrap them in an an additional array. However, no more than one level of array nesting is allowed. If youneed more complex parallelization, define separate, smaller scripts and compose them.
importdefineConfigfrom'@darkobits/nr';exportdefaultdefineConfig(({ command, fn, script})=>{command('babel',{args:['src',{outDir:'dist'}],name:'babel'});command('eslint',{args:['src'],name:'lint'});// This script runs a single command, so its second argument need not be// wrapped in an array.script('test',command('vitest'),{description:'Run unit tests with Vitest.'});constdoneFn=fn(()=>console.log('Done!'));script('prepare',[// 1. Run these two commands in parallel.['cmd:babel','cmd:lint']// 2. Then, run this script.'script:test',// 3. Finally, run this function.doneFn],{description:'Build and lint in parallel, then run unit tests.'});script('test.coverage',command('vitest',{args:['run',{coverage:true}]}),{description:'Run unit tests and generate a coverage report.'});});
Scripts will deference their instructions after the entire configuration file has been parsed. Thismeans that if a script calls a command via a string token and something downstream re-defines a newcommand with the same name, the script will use the latter implementation of the command. This can bea powerful feature, allowing shareable configurations that users can modify in very specific ways. Ifyou want to ensure that a script always uses a specific version of a command, use the pass-by-valuemethod instead of a string token.
For users who want to ensure their configuration file is type-safe, or who want IntelliSense, you mayuse a JSDoc annotation in a JavaScript configuration file:
/**@type { import('@darkobits/nr').UserConfigurationExport} */exportdefault({ command, fn, script})=>{};
If using a TypeScript configuration file, you can use thesatisfies
importtype{UserConfigurationExport}from'@darkobits/nr';exportdefault(({ command, fn, script})=>{// Define configuration here.})satisfiesUserConfigurationExport;
exports a helper which provides type-safety and IntelliSense without requiring a JSDoc orexplicit type annotation.
importdefineConfigfrom'@darkobits/nr';exportdefaultdefineConfig(({ command, fn, script})=>{// Define configuration here.});
Once you have created annr.config.(ts|js)
file in your project and registered commands, functions,and scripts, you may invoke a registered script using thenr
nr test.coverage
Or, using a shorthand:
nr t.c
More on using shorthands below.
supports a matching feature that allows the user to pass a shorthand for the desired script name.Script names may be segmented using a dot, and the matcher will match each segment individually.
For example, if we wanted to execute a script namedbuild.watch
, we could use any of the following:
nr build.wnr bu.wanr b.w
Additionally, script name matching is case insensitive, so if we had a script namedtestScript
, thequerytestscript
would successfully match it.
If a provided shorthand matches more than one script,
will ask you to disambiguate by providingmore characters. What shorthands you will be able to use is therefore dependent on how similarly-namedyour project's scripts are.
LikeNPM package scripts,nr
supports pre and post scripts. Once a query from the CLI is matched to a specific script,nr
will lookfor a script namedpre<matchedScriptName>
. If found, these scripts willbe run before and after the matched script, respectively.
Because script name matching is case insensitive, a script named
may have pre and post scriptsnamedpreBuild
Discoverability and self-documentation are encouraged withnr
. While optional, consider leveraging thename
, anddescription
options where available when defining commands, functions, andscripts. Thoughtfully organizing your scripts and documenting what they do can go a long way in reducingfriction for new contributors.
, and--scripts
flags may be passed to list information about all knownentities of that type. Ifnr
detects that a command, function, or script was registered from athird-party package, it will indicate the name of the package that created it.
A new contributor to a project may want an overview of available scripts, and may not be familiar withwith thenr
CLI. To make this feature easily accessible, consider adding an NPM script to theproject'spackage.json
{"scripts": {"help":"nr --scripts" }}
npm run help
will now print instructions on how to interact withnr
, what scripts are available, and(hopefully) what each one does. Here's an example:
To havenr
skip searching for a configuration file and use a file at a particular path, pass the--config
flag with the path to the configuration file to use.
- NPS -
was heavily inspired byNPS,originally created byKent C. Dodds, which itself was inspired bya tweetbySindre is a Horse. npm-run-all
- The original package scriptsparallelization tool.- Grunt -The JavaScript task-runner.
- Gulp -The streaming build system.

⚙️ A modern, type-safe task runner for JavaScript projects.