- Argentina
- 18:26
(UTC -03:00) - in/cristian-gabriel-granero
🔭 I’m currently working ona web-app with a great team
🌱 I’m currently learningAndroid, Java/spring and something of Dart/Flutter apps
👯 I’m looking to collaborate onAndroid applications || Java applications
💬 Ask me aboutProramming, Algorythms and Bikes...
📫 How to reach me:Personal Email
Some projects that i been working!

Juntas is a web app that make it easy for women to sharing trips with each others. Backend created with Java, Spring boot and MySQL.

Juntas is a mobile app that make it easy for women to sharing trips with each others. Created with Jetpack compose, retrofit, roomDB, dagger hilt, Maps compose, Lottie animations, Kotlin multiplatform and Material Theme 3. It stills in development!

Movie App, its a movie visualizer for Android. Created with the latest tools for android, like Jetpack compose, retrofit, dagger hilt and roomDB
- c9-10-kotlin-fulltime-app
c9-10-kotlin-fulltime-app PublicForked fromNo-Country/c9-10-kotlin-fulltime
TEAyuda app for android
- AlgoritmosGolosos
AlgoritmosGolosos PublicProcedimientos golosos - complejidad computacional JAVA-J/SWING
Java 1
- TP_semaforos_2021
TP_semaforos_2021 PublicPráctica con semáforos y mutex, a partir de una competencia de comidas rápidas
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