conda is a system-level, binary package and environment manager running on all major operating systems and platforms.
Conda is an open-source organization and the community behind theconda package manager.
The conda community is composed of three organizations here on GitHub:
- conda: where officially supported projects live
- conda-incubator: where community incubated projects live
- conda-archive: where inactive and archived projects live
The flowchart below explains how projects move within these organizations:
flowchart LR %% nodes community(Community):::community incubator(conda-incubator):::github conda(conda):::github archive(conda-archive):::github %% graph community-- invitation -->incubator incubator-- graduation -->conda %% incubator-- inactive -->archive %% incubator-- unassociated -->community conda-- inactive -->archive %% conda-- dissolved -->incubator %% archive-- revived -->incubator %% style classDef community fill:#fff,stroke:#24292f,stroke-width:2,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 classDef github fill:#24292f,stroke:none,color:#fff
Projects may also be directly added to the conda organization upon request to thesteering council. For more details, please readIncorporate a Software Project into the main conda Organization.
These are GitHub projects that conda repositories use to keep track of their work.
- Conda Community Site
- Conda Documentation Site
- Governance: outlines and defines how the conda community works
- CEPs: Conda Enhancement Proposals
- Discourse: conda community discussion forum
- Zulip: chat with us
- BlueSky: for the latest news
All interactions within the conda Organization are governed by ourCode of Conduct.
Showing 10 of 37 repositories
- conda-index Public
conda index, formerly part of conda-build. Create channels from collections of packages.
conda/conda-index’s past year of commit activity