Computational Physics @ GT
A computational physics research group (PI Spencer Bryngelson)
- 🏫 We are located in theCSE school of the Georgia Tech College of Computing
- 🙋Prof. Spencer Bryngelson is the group PI, though the students do much of the work!
- We solve problems in ❤️ health and
✈️ defense withcomputational methods andfast algorithms - 🌐 Ourgroup website has more info. about the team and our research
- 🖥️ We write lots of code, feel free to dig in if you see something you like!
- 👥 If you want to work with us,check out this page!
Some of our multi-university software lives on other Github orgs:
Showing 10 of 50 repositories
- qiskit_tomography_toolbox Public Forked fromQuantumApplicationLab/qiskit_tomography_toolbox
Framework to facilitate tomography
comp-physics/qiskit_tomography_toolbox’s past year of commit activity