This is a silly program, designed to give your mouse momemtum, gravity and wrap/bounce at the screens edge.
sudo apt-get install python3-xlib#ORsudo apt-get install python-xlibpip install pyuserinput#optional, for CLI options to control drag and gravitypip install defopt
grav and drag are supported as args, so you can try:
python heavymouse.py --grav 1.5 --drag 0.02 #default settingspython heavymouse.py --grav 0 --drag 0.2 #more usable
###Alternate version
using pyautogui instead of pymouse/pyinput:
sudo apt-get install python3-tksudo apt-get install python3-xlibpip3 install pyautoguipython3 alternate_heavymouse.py
Sorry about the low update-rate (jerkyness) on pyautogui version - a PR to fix it would be very welcome ;)
This is a tiny toy app developed for my own enjoyment - and hopefully yours too.
There are loads of tweaks that could be done if you fancy writing a little code
- options for effect at screen edges (bounce/wrap/other)
- options to control other features
- auto-detect mouse control backend?
- package for pypi or debian?
- improve momentum implementation (strangeness, due to mouse position being an int)
- visual effects? like a trail following the mouse (this may be hard to do cross platform, but even single platform is fine if it fails gracefully)