- Group: Multimedia Intelligent Computing
- the School of AI, BUPT
- https://teacher.bupt.edu.cn/zhuchuang/en/index.htm
- @zhu_chuang
Homepage |Google Scholar |Researchgate
We released the code ofProML, and the paper was accepted by IJCAI 2023.
We released the code ofPyramidPix2pix, and the paper was accepted by 2022 CVPR workshop.
We released the code ofPGDF, which is the new SOTA of image classification with noisy labels.
We released the code ofHSA-NRL, and the paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI).
We released the code ofHHCL-ReID, which is the new SOTA of unsupervised person re-identification.
We released the code ofBALNMP, and the paper was accepted by Frontiers in Oncology.
BCI | PGDF | HSA-NRL | HHCL-ReID | BALNMP | LLVIP | Meta Self-Learning | IAST | CAC-UNet |
- CAC-UNet-DigestPath2019
CAC-UNet-DigestPath2019 Public1st to MICCAI DigestPath2019 challenge (https://digestpath2019.grand-challenge.org/Home/) on colonoscopy tissue segmentation and classification task. (MICCAI 2019) https://teacher.bupt.edu.cn/zhuch…
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