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A PlayStation Portable (PSP) package download tool


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PKGi PSP is a PlayStation Portable port ofpkgi-ps3.

This homebrew app allows to download and install.pkg files directly on your PSP.


Comments, ideas, suggestions? You cancontact me onTwitter and onmy website.


  • easy to use: list available downloads, including searching, filtering, and sorting.
  • standalone: no PC required, everything happens directly on the PSP.
  • automatic downloads: just choose an item, and it will be downloaded by the app to your Memory Stick (ms0:/PKG/).
  • resumes interrupted downloads: you can stop a download at any time, switch applications, and come back to resume the download later.
  • localization support: Finnish, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish


  • content activation: downloaded content requires a valid license to run. If your PSP hasn't been activated, you can use one of the following plugins:


Get thelatest version here.


See thelatest changes here.

Setup instructions

You need to create apkgi.txt file inms0:/PSP/GAME/PKGI/ that contains the items available for installation.The text database format is user customizable. Checkthis section to learn how to define your own custom DB format.

Multiple databases

You can also load additional database files:

  • pkgi_games.txt
  • pkgi_dlcs.txt
  • pkgi_themes.txt
  • pkgi_psx.txt
  • pkgi_demos.txt
  • pkgi_updates.txt
  • pkgi_emulators.txt
  • pkgi_apps.txt

Items on each of these files will be auto-categorized to the file content type.Note: The app assumes that every database file has the same format, as defined indbformat.txt.

Online DB update

You can refresh and sync an online database by adding the DB URL(s) to theconfig.txt file inms0:/PSP/GAME/PKGI/.

For example:


Using this setup,

  • pkgi_games.txt will be updated with,
  • pkgi_demos.txt with,
  • andpkgi_emulators.txt with

Next time you open the app, you'll have an additional menu optionTriangle calledRefresh. When you select it, the local databases will be syncronized with the defined URLs.

DB formats

The application needs a text database that contains the items available for installation, and it must follow thedefault format definition, or have acustom format definition file.

Default DB format

The default database file format uses a very simple CSV format where each line means one item in the list:



contentidis the full content id of the item, for example:UP0000-NPXX99999_00-0000112223333000.
typeis a number for the item's content type. See thetable below for details. (set it to 0 if unknown)
nameis a string for the item's name.
descriptionis a string for the item's description.
rapthe 16 hex bytes for a RAP file, if needed by the item (.rap files will be created onms0:/PKG/RAP). Leave empty to skip the.rap file.
urlis the HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS URL where to download the.pkg file.
sizeis the size in bytes of the.pkg file, or 0 if unknown.
checksumis a SHA256 digest of the.pkg file (as 32 hex bytes) to make sure the file is not tampered with. Leave empty to skip the check.

Note:name anddescription cannot contain newlines or commas.

Sample DB file

An examplepkgi.txt file following thecontentid,type,name,description,rap,url,size,checksum format:

U00001-NP0APOLLO_00-0000000000000000,8,Apollo Save Tool v1.3.0,Save-game manager,,,6885196,DFF88635A044F319686231ACABB548CC42EA1CF3A992856572C7AF20F70D30EDU00001-CMFILEMGR_00-0000000000000000,8,CM File Manager v4.10,File manager,,,1815998,7A5FD10184546AB993A4D5F3054BCBA9E9B7A1C569EE26E366F1F5CC9DA5A554UP0001-PSPTOOL10_00-0000000000000000,8,PSP Tool v1.00,PSP Tool,,,5023819,UP0001-PSPFILER6_00-0000000000000000,8,PSP Filer v6.6,File manager,,,1295106,UP0001-NZPORTABL_00-0000000000000000,1,Nazi Zombies: Portable,Nightly 64 Mb,,,36163686,UP0001-IRISMAN00_00-VER4880000000000,8,IRISMAN 4.88.1,Backup Manager,,,29411984,E6EF607F0002B31BFB148BE4FC9BDBACB4E53110751F0E667C701D40B5290570

Content types

Type valueContent typeDB File

User-defined DB format

To use a custom database format, you need to create adbformat.txt file, and save it onms0:/PSP/GAME/PKGI/.

Thedbformat.txt definition file is a 2-line text file:

  • Line 1: the custom delimiter character (e.g.:;,,,|, etc.)
  • Line 2: the column names for every column in the custom database, delimited by the proper delimiter defined in line 1

Note: For the columns to be properly recognized, use the column tag names defined in the table above.

All the columns are optional. Your database might have more (or less) columns, so any unrecognized column will be skipped.


Exampledbformat.txt, for a database using semi-colon (;) as separator:

;name;TITLE ID;REGION;description;AUTHOR;TYPE;url;rap;size

Result: only thename,description,url,rap,size fields will be used.


Exampledbformat.txt, for a database using character pipe (|) as separator:

|REGION|TITLE|name|url|rap|contentid|DATE|PKG FILENAME|size|checksum

Result: only thename,url,rap,contentid,size,checksum fields will be used.


Using the application is simple and straight-forward:

  • MoveUP/DOWN to select the item you want to download, and pressX button.
  • To see the item's details, pressSquare.
  • To sort/filter/search pressTriangle.It will open the context menu. PressTriangle again to confirm the new settings, or pressO button to cancel any changes.
  • Press left or right trigger buttonsL1/R1 to move pages up or down.
  • PressLEFT/RIGHT buttons to switch between categories.


  • RAP data: if the item has.rap data, the file will be saved in thems0:/PKG/RAP/ folder.


  1. Where to get arap string?

    You can use a tool like RIF2RAP to generate a.rap from your existing.rif files. Then you can use a tool likehexdump to get the hex byte string.

  2. Where to get.pkg links?

    You can usePSDLE to find.pkg URLs for the games you own. Then either use the original URL, or host the file on your own web server.

  3. Where to remove interrupted/failed downloads to free up disk space?

    Check thems0:/PKG/ folder - each download will be in a separate.pkg file by its content ID. Simply delete the file and start again.

  4. Download speed is too slow!

    Optimization is still pending. (Optional) SetPower Save Settings ->WLAN Power save ->OFF , if you want to speed up the download process.




You need to have installed:

Runcmake . && make to create a release build. If you want to create file, runmake createzip.


To enable debug logging, pass-DPKGI_ENABLE_DEBUG=ON argument tocmake. The application will write debug messages to


You can also set thePSPIP environment variable to your PSP's IP address, and usemake send to uploadEBOOT.PBP directly to thems0:/PSP/GAME/PKGI folder.


pkgi-psp is released under theMIT License.

