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Redux is a state container for JavaScript apps.
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Aims to improve the overall structure of the source code. Makes reasoning about the code easier.
- redux-schema - Automatic actions, reducers and validation for Redux.
- redux-tcomb - Immutable and type-checked state and actions for Redux.
- redux-action-tree - The Cerebral signals running with Redux.
- redux-elm - The Elm Architecture in JavaScript.
- redux-orm - Small, simple and immutable ORM to manage relational data in your Redux store.
- redux-api-middleware - Redux middleware for calling an API.
- redux-ignore - Higher-order reducer to ignore Redux actions.
- redux-modifiers - Collection of generic functions for writing Redux reducers to operate on various data structures.
- rereduce - Reducer library for Redux.
- redux-search - Redux bindings for client-side search.
- redux-logger - Logger middleware for Redux.
- redux-immutable - Redux-immutable is used to create an equivalent function of Redux combineReducers that works with Immutable.js state.
- reselect - Selector library for Redux.
- redux-requests - Manages in-flight requests with a Redux reducer to avoid issuing duplicate requests.
- redux-undo - Higher order reducer to add undo/redo functionality to Redux state containers.
- redux-bug-reporter - Bug reporter and bug playback tool for Redux.
- redux-transducers - Transducer utilities for Redux.
- redux-storage - Persistence layer for Redux with flexible backends.
- redux-persist - Persist and rehydrate a Redux store.
Side Effects / Asynchronous Actions
- redux-saga - Alternative side effect model for Redux apps.
- redux-promise-middleware - Redux middleware for resolving and rejecting promises with conditional optimistic updates.
- redux-effects - You write pure functions, redux-effects handles the rest.
- redux-thunk - Thunk middleware for Redux.
- redux-connect - Provides decorator for resolving async props in react-router, extremely useful for handling server-side rendering in React.
- redux-loop - Port of elm-effects and the Elm Architecture to Redux that allows you to sequence your effects naturally and purely by returning them from your reducers.
- redux-side-effects - Redux toolset for keeping all the side effects inside your reducers while maintaining their purity.
- redux-logic - Redux middleware for organizing business logic and action side effects.
- redux-observable - RxJS middleware for action side effects in Redux using "Epics".
- redux-ship - Composable, testable and typable side effects.
Aims to make parts of the source code easier to read/write.
- redux-act - Opinionated lib to create actions and reducers for Redux.
- redux-crud - Set of standard actions and reducers for Redux CRUD Applications.
- redux-devtools-inspector - Another Redux DevTools Monitor.
- redux-diff-logger - Diff logger between states for Redux.
- redux-devtools-chart-monitor - Chart monitor for Redux DevTools.
- redux-devtools - DevTools for Redux with hot reloading, action replay, and customizable UI.
- redux-devtools-dispatch - Dispatch your actions manually to test if your app Reacts well.
- redux-devtools-dock-monitor - Resizable and movable dock for Redux DevTools monitors.
- redux-devtools-filterable-log-monitor - Filterable tree view monitor for Redux DevTools.
- redux-devtools-log-monitor - The default monitor for Redux DevTools with a tree view.
- remote-redux-devtools - Redux DevTools remotely.
- redux-test-recorder - Redux middleware to automatically generate tests for reducers through ui interaction.
- react-redux - Official React bindings for Redux.
- react-easy-universal - Universal Routing & Rendering with React & Redux was too hard. Now it's easy.
- redux-form-material-ui - Set of wrapper components to facilitate using Material UI with Redux Form.
- redux-async-connect - It allows you to request async data, store them in Redux state and connect them to your React component.
- redux-tiny-router - Router made for Redux and made for universal apps. Stop using the router as a controller, it's just state.
- redux-router - Redux bindings for React Router – keep your router state inside your Redux store.
- react-router-redux - Ruthlessly simple bindings to keep react-router and Redux in sync.
- ground-control - Scalable reducer management & powerful data fetching for React Router & Redux.
- redux-form - Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store.
- react-redux-form - Create forms easily in React with Redux.
- redux-react-local - Local component state via Redux.
- redux-ui - Easy UI state management for React Redux.
- redux-actions - Flux Standard Action utilities for Redux.
- redux-promise - FSA-compliant promise middleware for Redux.
- backbone-redux - Easy way to keep your backbone collections and Redux store in sync.
- redux-falcor - Connect your Redux front-end to your falcor back-end.
- redux-observable - RxJS middleware for action side effects in Redux using "Epics".
- rx-redux - Reimplementation of Redux using RxJS.
- redux-rx - RxJS utilities for Redux.
- redurx - Redux'ish Functional State Management using RxJS.
- redux-electron-store - Redux store enhancer that allows automatic synchronization between electron processes.
- deku-redux - Bindings for Redux in deku < v2.
- redux-rollbar-middleware - Redux middleware that wraps exceptions in actions and sends them to Rollbar with current state.
- kasia - React Redux toolset for the WordPress API.
Boilerplates / Scaffolds / Starter Kits / Generators / Stack Ensembles
- redux-cli - Opinionated CLI for building Redux/React apps quicker.
- reactuate - React/Redux stack (not a boilerplate kit).
- react-chrome-extension-boilerplate - Boilerplate for Chrome Extension React.js project.
- universal-redux - Npm package that lets you jump right into coding React and Redux with universal (isomorphic) rendering. Only manage Express setups or Webpack configurations if you want to.
- generator-react-aspnet-boilerplate - Starting point for building isomorphic React applications with ASP.NET Core 1, leveraging existing techniques.
- generator-redux - CLI tools for Redux: next-gen functional Flux/React with devtools.
- generator-react-webpack-redux - React Webpack Generator including Redux support.
- socrates - Small (8kb), batteries-included Redux store to reduce boilerplate and promote good habits.
- redux-core - Minimal Redux.
Redux's concepts
Redux official documentation does a great job at explaining Redux's core principles.
Why immutable data structures
Theguide on performance of React's official documentation explains well what immutable data structures are and why they play an important role.
Side Effects
Redux Loop's readme gives a good insight on Side Effects in the context of Redux.
Reading the aforementioned material will get you a good start for writing apps with Redux.If you are curious for more, check out following resources.
Functional Programming - Basics
Thispost goes over basic concepts of functional programming while building a YouTube instant search demo app.
Reactive Programming
Thisintroduction to Reactive Programming explains Reactive Programming with clarity.
Functional Programming - Going beyond
Well writtenarticle that talks about interesting computer science concepts implemented in functional languages and how these apply to JavaScript.
Curious about monads? Wikipedia gives a goodoverview on monads andthis article explains monads in more details with graphics and simple examples.