Uses the excellentpyA2L
library to generate an XDF using data from an A2L. See included CSV format for examples.
Only tested on a small subset of A2Ls which use AXIS_PTS_REF - the concepts, however, should be fairly universal.
A few notes:
- Open the A2L and re-save it using UTF-8. Many A2Ls are in LATIN-1 or worse ASCII with wrong characters. Saving it as UTF-8 solves a lot of pain.
- PyA2L has issues with "// " strings in descriptions. Search for "//=" and replace with "=".
- PyA2L has a few other weird parse issues you may need to fix manually.
- Unzip a PDX file to a directory.
- Run "python3 "
- Checkout dtcs.csv and diag.csv for DTCs and $22 identifiers respectively.
Tested on PDX from several vendors.