usage: kjv [flags] [reference...]Flags: -A num show num verses of context after matching verses -B num show num verses of context before matching verses -C show matching verses in context of the chapter -e highlighting of chapters and verse numbers (default when output is a TTY) -p output to less with chapter grouping, spacing, indentation, and line wrapping (default when output is a TTY) -l list books -h show helpReference: <Book> Individual book <Book>:<Chapter> Individual chapter of a book <Book>:<Chapter>:<Verse>[,<Verse>]... Individual verse(s) of a specific chapter of a book <Book>:<Chapter>-<Chapter> Range of chapters in a book <Book>:<Chapter>:<Verse>-<Verse> Range of verses in a book chapter <Book>:<Chapter>:<Verse>-<Chapter>:<Verse> Range of chapters and verses in a book /<Search> All verses that match a pattern <Book>/<Search> All verses in a book that match a pattern <Book>:<Chapter>/<Search> All verses in a chapter of a book that match a pattern