BlueGreen Labs
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TheBlueGreen labs open-science resources provide free tools to manage, access and model environmental data. Projects consist of output of formal research lines, software and hardware implementations through which BlueGreen tries to give back to the open-source scientific community. Below you find a short list with links to our most popular projects. BlueGreen Labs functions as a software steward for the listed projects. As such, BlueGreen Labs does not monetize any of the projects below.
If you find anything missing, a software bug or want to add documentation we refer toour contribution guidelines. Please be mindfull of ourcode of conduct andconsultancy policy within the context of open source software development. Our time and expertise is valuable, to quickly pick our brains, problem-solving, validation and insights pleasebook an appointment. To stay up to date please follow us onLinkedIn.
- MODISTools - extract point based MODIS data -
- appeears - extract point based and regional remote sensing data -
- ecmwfr - access ECMWF data on the Data Store (DS), including ERA5 fields -
- daymetr - high resolution climatology DAYMET data for North America -
( ❕ end-of-life ❕ )
- snotelr - SNOTEL snow coverage data -
- hwsdr - download global soil properties data -
- amerifluxr - access Ameriflux data programmatically (with Housen Chu)
- Google Earth Engine subsets - python package to extract point based time series from GEE
- phenor - a phenology modelling framework in R -doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12970
- ONEFlux docker images - automating deployment of the ONEFlux processing pipeline
- phenocamr - process PhenoCam data into start and end of season values -
- phenocam installation tool - installation routine for Netcam SC5 camera hardware
- phenocam installation tool (v2) - installation routine for Netcam Live2 camera hardware
- photosphere - hardware setup of project
- TetraPi - a multi-spectral Raspberry pi camera
- RPi camera responses - Raspberry pi camera spectral responses
- foto - classify image texture using the Fourier Transform Textural Ordination -
- igrf - calculate the international geomagnetic reference field -
- skylight - a simple sky illuminance model -
- geoloctools - pre-process geolocation tracking data ( 💥 experimental 💥 )
- skytrackr - geolocation by light using a physical sky illuminance model ( 💥 experimental 💥 )
- Jungle Weather - workflow of theJungle Weather (citizen science) data recovery project
- Jungle Rhythms - workflow of theJungle Rhythms (citizen science) data recovery project
- weaHTR guides - template matching marking tool for GIMP
- weaHTR python package - python toolset for character recognition of weather records ( 💥 experimental 💥 )
- A handful of Pixels - an introduction to geospatial data science in R
- R tutorials - code for our collection of tutorials on data science
- R project template - a basic R template to populate project directories
- Landscape element segmentation - a machine learning demo using pyTorch to segment street level imagery
- Linux research environment - a simple bash script to setup a research environment
- R environment setup - a simple R script to install required R libraries (native)
Popular repositoriesLoading
- raspberry_pi_camera_responses
raspberry_pi_camera_responses PublicSpectral response curves for the raspberry pi cameras
- photosphere
photosphere PublicInterface a raspberry pi with the Ricoh Theta S for time lapse spheres
- phenograss-example Public
Grassland model example, recreating Figure 1 from my Nature Climate Change paper
bluegreen-labs/phenograss-example’s past year of commit activity