dev-release.yaml (TFRS Dev release-2.10.0): the pipeline is automatically triggered when there is a commit to the release branch
tfrs-release.yaml (TFRS release-2.10.0): the pipeline builds the release and deploys on Test and Prod, it needs to be manually triggered
create-release.yaml (Create Release after merging to master): tag and create the release after merging release branch to master. The description of the tracking pull request becomes release notes
dev-jan-release.yaml (TFRS Dev Jan Release): the pipeline build Jan 2024 release and deploy on dev for every commit
dev-release.yaml (TFRS Dev release-2.9.0): the pipeline is automatically triggered when there is a commit to the release branch
tfrs-release.yaml (TFRS release-2.9.0): the pipelin builds the release and deploy on Test and Prod, it needs to be manually triggered