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A community-driven Ruby coding style guide

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Role models are important.

— Officer Alex J. Murphy / RoboCop
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This Ruby style guide recommends best practices so that real-world Ruby programmers can write code that can be maintained by other real-world Ruby programmers.A style guide that reflects real-world usage gets used, while a style guide that holds to an ideal that has been rejected by the people it is supposed to help risks not getting used at all - no matter how good it is.

The guide is separated into several sections of related guidelines.We’ve tried to add the rationale behind the guidelines (if it’s omitted we’ve assumed it’s pretty obvious).

We didn’t come up with all the guidelines out of nowhere - they are mostly based on the professional experience of the editors, feedback and suggestions from members of the Ruby community and various highly regarded Ruby programming resources, such as"Programming Ruby" and"The Ruby Programming Language".

This style guide evolves over time as additional conventions are identified and past conventions are rendered obsolete by changes in Ruby itself.

You can generate a PDF copy of this guide usingAsciiDoctor PDF, and an HTML copywithAsciiDoctor using the following commands:

#Generates README.pdfasciidoctor-pdf -a allow-uri-read README.adoc#Generates README.htmlasciidoctor README.adoc

Install therouge gem to get nice syntax highlighting in the generated document.

gem install rouge

If you’re into Rails or RSpec you might want to check out the complementaryRuby on Rails Style Guide andRSpec Style Guide.

RuboCop is a static code analyzer (linter) and formatter, based on this style guide.

Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.

— Harold Abelson
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

It’s common knowledge that code is read much more often than it is written.The guidelines provided here are intended to improve the readability of code and make it consistent across the wide spectrum of Ruby code.They are also meant to reflect real-world usage of Ruby instead of a random ideal. When we had to choose between a very established practiceand a subjectively better alternative we’ve opted to recommend the established practice.[1]

There are some areas in which there is no clear consensus in the Ruby community regarding a particular style (like string literal quoting, spacing inside hash literals, dot position in multi-line method chaining, etc.).In such scenarios all popular styles are acknowledged and it’s up to you to pick one and apply it consistently.

Ruby had existed for over 15 years by the timethe guide was created, and the language’s flexibility and lack of common standards have contributed to thecreation of numerous styles for just about everything. Rallying people around the cause of community standardstook a lot of time and energy, and we still have a lot of ground to cover.

Ruby is famously optimized for programmer happiness. We’d like to believe that this guide is going to help you optimize for maximumprogrammer happiness.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

A style guide is about consistency.Consistency with this style guide is important.Consistency within a project is more important.Consistency within one class or method is the most important.

However, know when to be inconsistent — sometimes style guide recommendations just aren’t applicable. When in doubt, use your best judgment.Look at other examples and decide what looks best. And don’t hesitate to ask!

In particular: do not break backwards compatibility just to comply with this guide!

Some other good reasons to ignore a particular guideline:

  • When applying the guideline would make the code less readable, even for someone who is used to reading code that follows this style guide.

  • To be consistent with surrounding code that also breaks it (maybe for historic reasons) — although this is also an opportunity to clean up someone else’s mess (in true XP style).

  • Because the code in question predates the introduction of the guideline and there is no other reason to be modifying that code.

  • When the code needs to remain compatible with older versions of Ruby that don’t support the feature recommended by the style guide.

Translations of the guide are available in the following languages:

These translations are not maintained by our editor team, so their qualityand level of completeness may vary. The translated versions of the guide oftenlag behind the upstream English version.

Nearly everybody is convinced that every style but their own isugly and unreadable. Leave out the "but their own" and they’reprobably right…​

— Jerry Coffin (on indentation)

UseUTF-8 as the source file encoding.

UTF-8 has been the default source file encoding since Ruby 2.0.

Use only spaces for indentation. No hard tabs.

Use twospaces per indentation level (aka soft tabs).

# bad - four spacesdefsome_methoddo_somethingend# gooddefsome_methoddo_somethingend

Limit lines to 80 characters.

Most editors and IDEs have configuration options to help you with that.They would typically highlight lines that exceed the length limit.
Why Bother with 80 characters in a World of Modern Widescreen Displays?

A lot of people these days feel that a maximum line length of 80 characters isjust a remnant of the past and makes little sense today. After all - moderndisplays can easily fit 200+ characters on a single line. Still, there are someimportant benefits to be gained from sticking to shorter lines of code.

First, and foremost - numerous studies have shown that humans read much fastervertically and very long lines of text impede the reading process. As notedearlier, one of the guiding principles of this style guide is to optimize thecode we write for human consumption.

Additionally, limiting the required editor window width makes it possible tohave several files open side-by-side, and works well when using code reviewtools that present the two versions in adjacent columns.

The default wrapping in most tools disrupts the visual structure of the code,making it more difficult to understand. The limits are chosen to avoid wrappingin editors with the window width set to 80, even if the tool places a markerglyph in the final column when wrapping lines. Some web based tools may notoffer dynamic line wrapping at all.

Some teams strongly prefer a longer line length. For code maintained exclusivelyor primarily by a team that can reach agreement on this issue, it is okay toincrease the line length limit up to 100 characters, or all the way upto 120 characters. Please, restrain the urge to go beyond 120 characters.

Avoid trailing whitespace.

Most editors and IDEs have configuration options to visualize trailing whitespace andto remove it automatically on save.

Use Unix-style line endings.[2]


If you’re using Git you might want to add the following configuration setting to protect your project from Windows line endings creeping in:

$git config --global core.autocrlftrue

End each file with a newline.

This should be done via editor configuration, not manually.

Don’t use; to terminate statements and expressions.

# badputs'foobar';# superfluous semicolon# goodputs'foobar'

Use one expression per line.

# badputs'foo';puts'bar'# two expressions on the same line# goodputs'foo'puts'bar'puts'foo','bar'# this applies to puts in particular

Avoid dot where not required for operator method calls.

# badnum.+42# goodnum +42

Use spaces around operators, after commas, colons and semicolons.Whitespace might be (mostly) irrelevant to the Ruby interpreter, but its proper use is the key to writing easily readable code.

# badsum=1+2a,b=1,2classFooError<StandardError;end# goodsum=1 +2a,b=1,2classFooError <StandardError;end

There are a few exceptions:

  • Exponent operator:

# bade=M *c **2# goode=M *c**2
  • Slash in rational literals:

# bado_scale=1 /48r# goodo_scale=1/48r
  • Safe navigation operator:

# badfoo &.barfoo &.barfoo&.bar# goodfoo&.bar

Avoid chaining of&.. Replace with. and an explicit check.E.g. if users are guaranteed to have an address and addresses are guaranteed to have a zip code:

# baduser&.address&.zip# gooduser &&

If such a change introduces excessive conditional logic, consider other approaches, such as delegation:

# baduser &&user.address && goodclassUserdefzipaddress&.zipendenduser&.zip

No spaces after(,[ or before],).Use spaces around{ and before}.

# badsome(arg).other[1,2,3].each{|e|putse}# goodsome(arg).other[1,2,3].each{ |e|putse}

{ and} deserve a bit of clarification, since they are used for block and hash literals, as well as string interpolation.

For hash literals two styles are considered acceptable.The first variant is slightly more readable (and arguably more popular in the Ruby community in general).The second variant has the advantage of adding visual difference between block and hash literals.Whichever one you pick - apply it consistently.

# good - space after { and before }{one:1,two:2}# good - no space after { and before }{one:1,two:2}

With interpolated expressions, there should be no padded-spacing inside the braces.

# bad"From:#{user.first_name},#{user.last_name}"# good"From:#{user.first_name},#{user.last_name}"

No space after!.

# bad!something# good!something

No space inside range literals.

# bad1 ..3'a' ...'z'# good1..3'a'...'z'

Indentwhen as deep ascase.

# =='Misty'puts'Not again!'whensong.duration >120puts'Too long!' >21puts"It's too late"elsesong.playend# =='Misty'puts'Not again!'whensong.duration >120puts'Too long!' >21puts"It's too late"elsesong.playend
A Bit of History

This is the style established in both "The Ruby Programming Language" and "Programming Ruby".Historically it is derived from the fact thatcase andswitch statements are not blocks, hence should not be indented, and thewhen andelse keywords are labels (compiled in the C language, they are literally labels forJMP calls).

When assigning the result of a conditional expression to a variable, preserve the usual alignment of its branches.

# bad - pretty convolutedkind=caseyearwhen1850..1889then'Blues'when1890..1909then'Ragtime'when1910..1929then'New Orleans Jazz'when1930..1939then'Swing'when1940..1950then'Bebop'else'Jazz'endresult=ifsome_condcalc_somethingelsecalc_something_elseend# good - it's apparent what's going onkind=caseyearwhen1850..1889then'Blues'when1890..1909then'Ragtime'when1910..1929then'New Orleans Jazz'when1930..1939then'Swing'when1940..1950then'Bebop'else'Jazz'endresult=ifsome_condcalc_somethingelsecalc_something_elseend# good (and a bit more width efficient)kind=caseyearwhen1850..1889then'Blues'when1890..1909then'Ragtime'when1910..1929then'New Orleans Jazz'when1930..1939then'Swing'when1940..1950then'Bebop'else'Jazz'endresult=ifsome_condcalc_somethingelsecalc_something_elseend

Use empty lines between method definitions and also to break up methods into logical paragraphs internally.

# baddefsome_methoddata=initialize(options)data.manipulate!data.resultenddefsome_other_methodresultend# gooddefsome_methoddata=initialize(options)data.manipulate!data.resultenddefsome_other_methodresultend

Don’t use several empty lines in a row.

# bad - It has two empty lines.some_methodsome_method# goodsome_methodsome_method

Use empty lines around attribute accessor.

# badclassFooattr_reader:foodeffoo# do something...endend# goodclassFooattr_reader:foodeffoo# do something...endend

Use empty lines around access modifier.

# badclassFoodefbar;endprivatedefbaz;endend# goodclassFoodefbar;endprivatedefbaz;endend

Don’t use empty lines around method, class, module, block bodies.

# badclassFoodeffoobegindo_somethingdosomethingendrescuesomethingendtrueendend# goodclassFoodeffoobegindo_somethingdosomethingendrescuesomethingendendend

Avoid comma after the last parameter in a method call, especially when the parameters are not on separate lines.

# bad - easier to move/add/remove parameters, but still not preferredsome_method(size,count,color,)# badsome_method(size,count,color,)# goodsome_method(size,count,color)

Use spaces around the= operator when assigning default values to method parameters:

# baddefsome_method(arg1=:default,arg2=nil,arg3=[])# do something...end# gooddefsome_method(arg1=:default,arg2=nil,arg3=[])# do something...end

While several Ruby books suggest the first style, the second is much moreprominent in practice (and arguably a bit more readable).

Avoid line continuation with\ where not required.In practice, avoid using line continuations for anything but string concatenation.

# bad (\ is not needed here)result=1 - \2# bad (\ is required, but still ugly as hell)result=1 \         -2# goodresult=1 -2long_string='First part of the long string' \' and second part of the long string'

Adopt a consistent multi-line method chaining style.There are two popular styles in the Ruby community, both of which are considered good - leading. and trailing..

When continuing a chained method call on another line, keep the. on the second line.

# bad - need to consult first line to understand second lineone.two.three.four# good - it's immediately clear what's going on the second lineone.two.three.four

When continuing a chained method call on another line, include the. on the first line to indicate that the expression continues.

# bad - need to read ahead to the second line to know that the chain continuesone.two.three.four# good - it's immediately clear that the expression continues beyond the first lineone.two.three.four

A discussion on the merits of both alternative styles can be foundhere.

Align the arguments of a method call if they span more than one line.When aligning arguments is not appropriate due to line-length constraints, single indent for the lines after the first is also acceptable.

# starting point (line is too long)defsend_mail(source)Mailer.deliver(to:'',from:'',subject:'Important message',body:source.text)end# bad (double indent)defsend_mail(source)Mailer.deliver(to:'',from:'',subject:'Important message',body:source.text)end# gooddefsend_mail(source)Mailer.deliver(to:'',from:'',subject:'Important message',body:source.text)end# good (normal indent)defsend_mail(source)Mailer.deliver(to:'',from:'',subject:'Important message',body:source.text)end
As of Ruby 2.7 braces around an options hash are no longeroptional.

Omit the outer braces around an implicit options hash.

# baduser.set({name:'John',age:45,permissions:{read:true}})# gooduser.set(name:'John',age:45,permissions:{read:true})

Omit both the outer braces and parentheses for methods that are part of an internal DSL (e.g., Rake, Rails, RSpec).

classPerson <ActiveRecord::Base# badattr_reader(:name,:age)# goodattr_reader:name,:age# badvalidates(:name,{presence:true,length:{within:1..10}})# goodvalidates:name,presence:true,length:{within:1..10}end

Do not put a space between a method name and the opening parenthesis.

# badputs(x +y)# goodputs(x +y)

Do not put a space between a receiver name and the opening brackets.

# badcollection[index_or_key]# goodcollection[index_or_key]

Align the elements of array literals spanning multiple lines.

# bad - single indentmenu_item=%w[SpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamBakedbeansSpamSpamSpamSpamSpam]# goodmenu_item=%w[SpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamBakedbeansSpamSpamSpamSpamSpam]# goodmenu_item=%w[SpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamBakedbeansSpamSpamSpamSpamSpam]

The only real difficulties in programming are cache invalidation and naming things.

— Phil Karlton

Name identifiers in English.

# bad - identifier is a Bulgarian word, using non-ascii (Cyrillic) charactersзаплата=1_000# bad - identifier is a Bulgarian word, written with Latin letters (instead of Cyrillic)zaplata=1_000# goodsalary=1_000

Usesnake_case for symbols, methods and variables.

# bad:'some symbol':SomeSymbol:someSymbolsomeVar=5defsomeMethod# some codeenddefSomeMethod# some codeend# good:some_symbolsome_var=5defsome_method# some codeend

Do not separate numbers from letters on symbols, methods and variables.

# bad:some_sym_1some_var_1=1var_10=10defsome_method_1# some codeend# good:some_sym1some_var1=1var10=10defsome_method1# some codeend
CapitalCase is also known asUpperCamelCase,CapitalWordsandPascalCase.

UseCapitalCase for classes and modules.(Keep acronyms like HTTP, RFC, XML uppercase).

# badclassSomeclass# some codeendclassSome_Class# some codeendclassSomeXml# some codeendclassXmlSomething# some codeend# goodclassSomeClass# some codeendclassSomeXML# some codeendclassXMLSomething# some codeend

Usesnake_case for naming files, e.g.hello_world.rb.

Usesnake_case for naming directories, e.g.lib/hello_world/hello_world.rb.

Aim to have just a single class/module per source file.Name the file name as the class/module, but replacingCapitalCase withsnake_case.

UseSCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for other constants (those that don’t refer to classes and modules).

# badSomeConst=5# goodSOME_CONST=5

The names of predicate methods (methods that return a boolean value) should end in a question mark (i.e.Array#empty?).Methods that don’t return a boolean, shouldn’t end in a question mark.

# baddefeven(value)end# gooddefeven?(value)end

Avoid prefixing predicate methods with the auxiliary verbs such asis,does, orcan.These words are redundant and inconsistent with the style of boolean methods in the Ruby core library, such asempty? andinclude?.

# badclassPersondefis_tall?trueenddefcan_play_basketball?falseenddefdoes_like_candy?trueendend# goodclassPersondeftall?trueenddefbasketball_player?falseenddeflikes_candy?trueendend

The names of potentiallydangerous methods (i.e. methods that modifyself or the arguments,exit! (doesn’t run the finalizers likeexit does), etc) should end with an exclamation mark if there exists a safe version of thatdangerous method.

# bad - there is no matching 'safe' methodclassPersondefupdate!endend# goodclassPersondefupdateendend# goodclassPersondefupdate!enddefupdateendend

Define the non-bang (safe) method in terms of the bang (dangerous) one if possible.

classArraydefflatten_once!res=[]eachdo |e|[*e].each{ |f|res <<f}endreplace(res)enddefflatten_oncedup.flatten_once!endend

Prefix with_ unused block parameters and local variables.It’s also acceptable to use just_ (although it’s a bit less descriptive).This convention is recognized by the Ruby interpreter and tools like RuboCop will suppress their unused variable warnings.

#{ |k,v|v +1}defsomething(x)unused_var,used_var=something_else(x)# some codeend#{ |_k,v|v +1}defsomething(x)_unused_var,used_var=something_else(x)# some codeend#{ |_,v|v +1}defsomething(x)_,used_var=something_else(x)# some codeend

When defining binary operators and operator-alike methods, name the parameterother for operators with "symmetrical" semantics of operands.Symmetrical semantics means both sides of the operator are typically of the same or coercible types.

Operators and operator-alike methods with symmetrical semantics (the parameter should be namedother):`, `-`, `+,/,%,*,==,>,<,|,&,^,eql?,equal?.

Operators with non-symmetrical semantics (the parameter shouldnot be namedother):<<,[] (collection/item relations between operands),=== (pattern/matchable relations).

Note that the rule should be followedonly if both sides of the operator have the same semantics.Prominent exception in Ruby core is, for example,Array#*(int).

# gooddef +(other)# body omittedend# baddef <<(other)@internal <<otherend# gooddef <<(item)@internal <<itemend# bad# Returns some string multiplied `other` timesdef *(other)# body omittedend# good# Returns some string multiplied `num` timesdef *(num)# body omittedend

Do not usefor, unless you know exactly why.Most of the time iterators should be used instead.for is implemented in terms ofeach (so you’re adding a level of indirection), but with a twist -for doesn’t introduce a new scope (unlikeeach) and variables defined in its block will be visible outside it.

arr=[1,2,3]# badforeleminarrdoputselemend# note that elem is accessible outside of the for loopelem# => 3# goodarr.each{ |elem|putselem}# elem is not accessible outside each blockelem# => NameError: undefined local variable or method `elem'

Do not usethen for multi-lineif/unless/when/in.

# badifsome_conditionthen# body omittedend# badcasefoowhenbarthen# body omittedend# badcaseexpressioninpatternthen# body omittedend# goodifsome_condition# body omittedend# goodcasefoowhenbar# body omittedend# goodcaseexpressioninpattern# body omittedend

Always put the condition on the same line as theif/unless in a multi-line conditional.

# badifsome_conditiondo_somethingdo_something_elseend# goodifsome_conditiondo_somethingdo_something_elseend

Prefer the ternary operator(?:) overif/then/else/end constructs.It’s more common and obviously more concise.

# badresult=ifsome_conditionthensomethingelsesomething_elseend# goodresult=some_condition ?something :something_else

Use one expression per branch in a ternary operator.This also means that ternary operators must not be nested.Preferif/else constructs in these cases.

# badsome_condition ?(nested_condition ?nested_something :nested_something_else) :something_else# goodifsome_conditionnested_condition ?nested_something :nested_something_elseelsesomething_elseend

Do not useif x; …​. Use the ternary operator instead.

# badresult=ifsome_condition;somethingelsesomething_elseend# goodresult=some_condition ?something :something_else

Prefercase overif-elsif when compared value is the same in each clause.

# badifstatus ==:activeperform_actionelsifstatus ==:inactive ||status ==:hibernatingcheck_timeoutelsefinal_actionend# goodcasestatuswhen:activeperform_actionwhen:inactive,:hibernatingcheck_timeoutelsefinal_actionend

Leverage the fact thatif andcase are expressions which return a result.

# badifconditionresult=xelseresult=yend# goodresult=ifconditionxelseyend

Usewhen x then …​ for one-line cases.

The alternative syntaxwhen x: …​ has been removed as of Ruby 1.9.

Do not usewhen x; …​. See the previous rule.

Do not usein pattern; …​. Usein pattern then …​ for one-linein pattern branches.

# badcaseexpressioninpattern;do_somethingend# goodcaseexpressioninpatternthendo_somethingend

Use! instead ofnot.

# bad - parentheses are required because of op precedencex=(notsomething)# goodx= !something

Avoid unnecessary uses of!!

!! converts a value to boolean, but you don’t need this explicit conversion in the condition of a control expression; using it only obscures your intention.

Consider using it only when there is a valid reason to restrict the resulttrue orfalse. Examples include outputting to a particular format or API like JSON, or as the return value of apredicate? method. In these cases, also consider doing a nil check instead:!something.nil?.

# badx='test'# obscure nil checkif !!x# body omittedend# goodx='test'ifx# body omittedend# gooddefnamed?  !name.nil?end# gooddefbanned?  !!banned_until&.future?end

Do not useand andor in boolean context -and andor are control flowoperators and should be used as such. They have very low precedence, and can beused as a short form of specifying flow sequences like "evaluate expression 1,and only if it is not successful (returnednil), evaluate expression 2". Thisis especially useful for raising errors or early return without breaking thereading flow.

# good: and/or for control flowx=extract_argumentsorraiseArgumentError,"Not enough arguments!"user.suspended?andreturn:denied# bad# and/or in conditions (their precedence is low, might produce unexpected result)ifgot_needed_argumentsandarguments_valid# ...body omittedend# in logical expression calculationok=got_needed_argumentsandarguments_valid# good# &&/|| in conditionsifgot_needed_arguments &&arguments_valid# ...body omittedend# in logical expression calculationok=got_needed_arguments &&arguments_valid# bad# &&/|| for control flow (can lead to very surprising results)x=extract_arguments ||raise(ArgumentError,"Not enough arguments!")

Avoid several control flow operators in one expression, as that quicklybecomes confusing:

# bad# Did author mean conditional return because `#log` could result in `nil`?# ...or was it just to have a smart one-liner?x=extract_argumentsandlog("extracted")andreturn# good# If the intention was conditional returnx=extract_argumentsifxreturniflog("extracted")end# If the intention was just "log, then return"x=extract_argumentsifxlog("extracted")returnend
Whether organizing control flow withand andor is a good idea has been a controversial topic in the community for a long time. But if you do, prefer these operators over&&/||. As the different operators are meant to have different semantics that makes it easier to reason whether you’re dealing with a logical expression (that will get reduced to a boolean value) or with flow of control.
Why is usingand andor as logical operators a bad idea?

Simply put - because they add some cognitive overhead, as they don’t behave like similarly named logical operators in other languages.

First of all,and andor operators have lower precedence than the= operator, whereas the&& and|| operators have higher precedence than the= operator, based on order of operations.

foo=trueandfalse# results in foo being equal to true. Equivalent to (foo = true) and falsebar=falseortrue# results in bar being equal to false. Equivalent to (bar = false) or true

Also&& has higher precedence than||, where asand andor have the same one. Funny enough, even thoughand andorwere inspired by Perl, they don’t have different precedence in Perl.

trueortrueandfalse# => false (it's effectively (true or true) and false)true ||true &&false# => true (it's effectively true || (true && false)falseortrueandfalse# => false (it's effectively (false or true) and false)false ||true &&false# => false (it's effectively false || (true && false))

Avoid multi-line?: (the ternary operator); useif/unless instead.

Prefer modifierif/unless usage when you have a single-line body.Another good alternative is the usage of control flowand/or.

# badifsome_conditiondo_somethingend# gooddo_somethingifsome_condition# another good optionsome_conditionanddo_something

Avoid modifierif/unless usage at the end of a non-trivial multi-line block.

# bad10.timesdo# multi-line body omittedendifsome_condition# goodifsome_condition10.timesdo# multi-line body omittedendend

Avoid nested modifierif/unless/while/until usage.Prefer&&/|| if appropriate.

# baddo_somethingifother_conditionifsome_condition# gooddo_somethingifsome_condition &&other_condition

Preferunless overif for negative conditions (or control flow||).

# baddo_somethingif !some_condition# baddo_somethingif notsome_condition# gooddo_somethingunlesssome_condition# another good optionsome_condition ||do_something

Do not useunless withelse.Rewrite these with the positive case first.

# badunlesssuccess?puts'failure'elseputs'success'end# goodifsuccess?puts'success'elseputs'failure'end

Don’t use parentheses around the condition of a control expression.

# badif(x >10)# body omittedend# goodifx >10# body omittedend
There is an exception to this rule, namelysafe assignment in condition.

Do not usewhile/until condition do for multi-linewhile/until.

# badwhilex >5do# body omittedenduntilx >5do# body omittedend# goodwhilex >5# body omittedenduntilx >5# body omittedend

Prefer modifierwhile/until usage when you have a single-line body.

# badwhilesome_conditiondo_somethingend# gooddo_somethingwhilesome_condition

Preferuntil overwhile for negative conditions.

# baddo_somethingwhile !some_condition# gooddo_somethinguntilsome_condition

UseKernel#loop instead ofwhile/until when you need an infinite loop.

# badwhiletruedo_somethingenduntilfalsedo_somethingend# goodloopdodo_somethingend

UseKernel#loop withbreak rather thanbegin/end/until orbegin/end/while for post-loop tests.

# badbeginputsvalval +=1endwhileval <0# goodloopdoputsvalval +=1breakunlessval <0end

Avoidreturn where not required for flow of control.

# baddefsome_method(some_arr)returnsome_arr.sizeend# gooddefsome_method(some_arr)some_arr.sizeend

Avoidself where not required.(It is only required when calling aself write accessor, methods named after reserved words, or overloadable operators.)

# baddefready?ifself.last_reviewed_at >self.last_updated_atself.worker.update(self.content,self.options)self.status=:in_progressendself.status ==:verifiedend# gooddefready?iflast_reviewed_at >last_updated_atworker.update(content,options)self.status=:in_progressendstatus ==:verifiedend

As a corollary, avoid shadowing methods with local variables unless they are both equivalent.

classFooattr_accessor:options# okdefinitialize(options)self.options=options# both options and self.options are equivalent hereend# baddefdo_something(options={})unlessoptions[:when] ==:lateroutput(self.options[:message])endend# gooddefdo_something(params={})unlessparams[:when] ==:lateroutput(options[:message])endendend

Don’t use the return value of= (an assignment) in conditional expressions unless the assignment is wrapped in parentheses.This is a fairly popular idiom among Rubyists that’s sometimes referred to assafe assignment in condition.

# bad (+ a warning)ifv=array.grep(/foo/)do_something(v)# some codeend# good (MRI would still complain, but RuboCop won't)if(v=array.grep(/foo/))do_something(v)# some codeend# goodv=array.grep(/foo/)ifvdo_something(v)# some codeend

Avoid the use ofBEGIN blocks.

Do not useEND blocks. UseKernel#at_exit instead.

# badEND{puts'Goodbye!'}# goodat_exit{puts'Goodbye!'}

Avoid use of nested conditionals for flow of control.

Prefer a guard clause when you can assert invalid data.A guard clause is a conditional statement at the top of a function that bails out as soon as it can.

# baddefcompute_thing(thing)ifthing[:foo]update_with_bar(thing[:foo])ifthing[:foo][:bar]partial_compute(thing)elsere_compute(thing)endendend# gooddefcompute_thing(thing)returnunlessthing[:foo]update_with_bar(thing[:foo])returnre_compute(thing)unlessthing[:foo][:bar]partial_compute(thing)end

Prefernext in loops instead of conditional blocks.

# bad[0,1,2,3].eachdo |item|ifitem >1putsitemendend# good[0,1,2,3].eachdo |item|nextunlessitem >1putsitemend

Preferraise overfail for exceptions.

# badfailSomeException,'message'# goodraiseSomeException,'message'

Don’t specifyRuntimeError explicitly in the two argument version ofraise.

# badraiseRuntimeError,'message'# good - signals a RuntimeError by defaultraise'message'

Prefer supplying an exception class and a message as two separate arguments toraise, instead of an exception instance.

#'message')# Note that there is no way to do `raise'message'), backtrace`.# goodraiseSomeException,'message'# Consistent with `raise SomeException, 'message', backtrace`.

Do not return from anensure block.If you explicitly return from a method inside anensure block, the return will take precedence over any exception being raised, and the method will return as if no exception had been raised at all.In effect, the exception will be silently thrown away.

# baddeffooraiseensurereturn'very bad idea'end

Useimplicit begin blocks where possible.

# baddeffoobegin# main logic goes hererescue# failure handling goes hereendend# gooddeffoo# main logic goes hererescue# failure handling goes hereend

Mitigate the proliferation ofbegin blocks by usingcontingency methods (a term coined by Avdi Grimm).

# badbeginsomething_that_might_failrescueIOError# handle IOErrorendbeginsomething_else_that_might_failrescueIOError# handle IOErrorend# gooddefwith_io_error_handlingyieldrescueIOError# handle IOErrorendwith_io_error_handling{something_that_might_fail}with_io_error_handling{something_else_that_might_fail}

Don’t suppress exceptions.

# badbegindo_something# an exception occurs hererescueSomeErrorend# goodbegindo_something# an exception occurs hererescueSomeErrorhandle_exceptionend# goodbegindo_something# an exception occurs hererescueSomeError# Notes on why exception handling is not performedend# gooddo_somethingrescuenil

Avoid usingrescue in its modifier form.

# bad - this catches exceptions of StandardError class and its descendant classesread_filerescuehandle_error($!)# good - this catches only the exceptions of Errno::ENOENT class and its descendant classesdeffooread_filerescueErrno::ENOENT=>ehandle_error(e)end

Don’t use exceptions for flow of control.

# badbeginn /drescueZeroDivisionErrorputs'Cannot divide by 0!'end#'Cannot divide by 0!'elsen /dend

Avoid rescuing theException class.This will trap signals and calls toexit, requiring you tokill -9 the process.

# badbegin# calls to exit and kill signals will be caught (except kill -9)exitrescueExceptionputs"you didn't really want to exit, right?"# exception handlingend# goodbegin# a blind rescue rescues from StandardError, not Exception as many# programmers assume.rescue=>e# exception handlingend# also goodbegin# an exception occurs hererescueStandardError=>e# exception handlingend

Put more specific exceptions higher up the rescue chain, otherwise they’ll never be rescued from.

# badbegin# some coderescueStandardError=>e# some handlingrescueIOError=>e# some handling that will never be executedend# goodbegin# some coderescueIOError=>e# some handlingrescueStandardError=>e# some handlingend

Use the convenience orFile.binread when only reading a file start to finish in a single operation.

## text mode# bad (only when reading from beginning to end - modes: 'r', 'rt', 'r+', 'r+t'), &:read){ |f|} |f|,'r'),'r', &:read),'r'){ |f|},'r')do |f|f.readend# binary mode# bad (only when reading from beginning to end - modes: 'rb', 'r+b'),'rb'),'rb', &:read),'rb'){ |f|},'rb')do |f|f.readend# goodFile.binread(filename)

Use the convenience methodsFile.write orFile.binwrite when only opening a file to create / replace its content in a single operation.

## text mode# bad (only truncating modes: 'w', 'wt', 'w+', 'w+t'),'w').write(content),'w'){ |f|f.write(content)},'w')do |f|f.write(content)end# goodFile.write(filename,content)## binary mode# bad (only truncating modes: 'wb', 'w+b'),'wb').write(content),'wb'){ |f|f.write(content)},'wb')do |f|f.write(content)end# goodFile.binwrite(filename,content)

Release external resources obtained by your program in anensure block.'testfile')begin# .. processrescue# .. handle errorensuref.closeiffend

Use versions of resource obtaining methods that do automatic resource cleanup when possible.

# bad - you need to close the file descriptor'testfile')# some action on the filef.close# good - the file descriptor is closed'testfile')do |f|# some action on the fileend

When doing file operations after confirming the existence check of a file, frequent parallel file operations may cause problems that are difficult to reproduce.Therefore, it is preferable to use atomic file operations.

# bad - race condition with another process may result in an error in `mkdir`unlessDir.exist?(path)FileUtils.mkdir(path)end# good - atomic and idempotent creationFileUtils.mkdir_p(path)# bad - race condition with another process may result in an error in `remove`ifFile.exist?(path)FileUtils.remove(path)end# good - atomic and idempotent removalFileUtils.rm_f(path)

Prefer the use of exceptions from the standard library over introducing new exception classes.

Avoid the use of parallel assignment for defining variables.Parallel assignment is allowed when it is the return of a method call (e.g.Hash#values_at), used with the splat operator, or when used to swap variable assignment.Parallel assignment is less readable than separate assignment.

# bada,b,c,d='foo','bar','baz','foobar'# gooda='foo'b='bar'c='baz'd='foobar'# good - swapping variable assignment# Swapping variable assignment is a special case because it will allow you to# swap the values that are assigned to each variable.a='foo'b='bar'a,b=b,aputsa# => 'bar'putsb# => 'foo'# good - method returndefmulti_return[1,2]endfirst,second=multi_return# good - use with splatfirst, *list=[1,2,3,4]# first => 1, list => [2, 3, 4]hello_array= *'Hello'# => ["Hello"]a= *(1..3)# => [1, 2, 3]

Use parallel assignment when swapping 2 values.

# badtmp=xx=yy=tmp# goodx,y=y,x

Avoid the use of unnecessary trailing underscore variables duringparallel assignment. Named underscore variables are to be preferred overunderscore variables because of the context that they provide.Trailing underscore variables are necessary when there is a splat variabledefined on the left side of the assignment, and the splat variable isnot an underscore.

# badfoo='one,two,three,four,five'# Unnecessary assignment that does not provide useful informationfirst,second,_=foo.split(',')first,_,_=foo.split(',')first, *_=foo.split(',')# goodfoo='one,two,three,four,five'# The underscores are needed to show that you want all elements# except for the last number of underscore elements*beginning,_=foo.split(',')*beginning,something,_=foo.split(',')a,=foo.split(',')a,b,=foo.split(',')# Unnecessary assignment to an unused variable, but the assignment# provides us with useful information.first,_second=foo.split(',')first,_second,=foo.split(',')first, *_ending=foo.split(',')

Use shorthand self assignment operators whenever applicable.

# badx=x +yx=x *yx=x**yx=x /yx=x ||yx=x &&y# goodx +=yx *=yx **=yx /=yx ||=yx &&=y

Use||= to initialize variables only if they’re not already initialized.

# badname=name ?name :'Bozhidar'# badname='Bozhidar'unlessname# good - set name to 'Bozhidar', only if it's nil or falsename ||='Bozhidar'

Don’t use||= to initialize boolean variables.(Consider what would happen if the current value happened to befalse.)

# bad - would set enabled to true even if it was falseenabled ||=true# goodenabled=trueifenabled.nil?

Use&&= to preprocess variables that may or may not exist.Using&&= will change the value only if it exists, removing the need to check its existence withif.

# badifsomethingsomething=something.downcaseend# badsomething=something ?something.downcase :nil# oksomething=something.downcaseifsomething# goodsomething=something &&something.downcase# bettersomething &&=something.downcase

Preferequal? over== when comparingobject_id.Object#equal? is provided to compare objects for identity, and in contrastObject#== is provided for the purpose of doing value comparison.

# badfoo.object_id ==bar.object_id# goodfoo.equal?(bar)

Similarly, prefer usingHash#compare_by_identity than usingobject_id for keys:

# badhash={}hash[foo.object_id]=:barifhash.key?(baz.object_id)# ...# goodhash={}.compare_by_identityhash[foo]=:barifhash.key?(baz)# ...

Note thatSet also hasSet#compare_by_identity available.

Avoid explicit use of the case equality operator===.As its name implies it is meant to be used implicitly bycase expressions and outside of them it yields some pretty confusing code.

# badArray ===something(1..100) ===7/something/ ===some_string# goodsomething.is_a?(Array)(1..100).include?(7)some_string.match?(/something/)
With direct subclasses ofBasicObject, usingis_a? is not an option sinceBasicObject doesn’t provide that method (it’s defined inObject). In thoserare cases it’s OK to use===.

Preferis_a? overkind_of?. The two methods are synonyms, butis_a? is the more commonly used name in the wild.

# badsomething.kind_of?(Array)# goodsomething.is_a?(Array)

Preferis_a? overinstance_of?.

While the two methods are similar,is_a? will consider the whole inheritancechain (superclasses and included modules), which is what you normally would wantto do.instance_of?, on the other hand, only returnstrue if an object is aninstance of that exact class you’re checking for, not a subclass.

# badsomething.instance_of?(Array)# goodsomething.is_a?(Array)

UseObject#instance_of? instead of class comparison for equality.

# badvar.class ==Datevar.class.equal?(Date)var.class.eql?(Date) =='Date'# goodvar.instance_of?(Date)

Do not useeql? when using== will do.The stricter comparison semantics provided byeql? are rarely needed in practice.

# bad - eql? is the same as == for strings'ruby'.eql?some_str# good'ruby' ==some_str1.0.eql?x# eql? makes sense here if want to differentiate between Integer and Float 1

Use the Proc call shorthand when the called method is the only operation of a block.

#{ |name|name.upcase}#

Prefer{…​} overdo…​end for single-line blocks.Avoid using{…​} for multi-line blocks (multi-line chaining is always ugly).Always usedo…​end for "control flow" and "method definitions" (e.g. in Rakefiles and certain DSLs).Avoiddo…​end when chaining.

names=%w[BozhidarFilippSarah]# badnames.eachdo |name|putsnameend# goodnames.each{ |name|putsname}# badnames.selectdo |name|name.start_with?('S'){ |name|name.upcase}#{ |name|name.start_with?('S')}.map(&:upcase)

Some will argue that multi-line chaining would look OK with the use of {…​}, but they should ask themselves - is this code really readable and can the blocks' contents be extracted into nifty methods?

Use multi-linedo…​end block instead of single-linedo…​end block.

# badfoodo |arg|bar(arg)end# goodfoodo |arg|bar(arg)end# bad->(arg)dobar(arg)end# good->(arg){bar(arg)}

Consider using explicit block argument to avoid writing block literal that just passes its arguments to another block.

require'tempfile'# baddefwith_tmp_dirDir.mktmpdirdo |tmp_dir|Dir.chdir(tmp_dir){ |dir|yielddir}# block just passes argumentsendend# gooddefwith_tmp_dir(&block)Dir.mktmpdirdo |tmp_dir|Dir.chdir(tmp_dir, &block)endendwith_tmp_dirdo |dir|puts"dir is accessible as a parameter and pwd is set:#{dir}"end

Avoid comma after the last parameter in a block, except in cases where only a single argument is present and its removal would affect functionality (for instance, array destructuring).

# bad - easier to move/add/remove parameters, but still not preferred[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]].eachdo |a,b,c,|a +b +cend# good[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]].eachdo |a,b,c|a +b +cend# bad[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]].each{ |a,b,c,|a +b +c}# good[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]].each{ |a,b,c|a +b +c}# good - this comma is meaningful for array destructuring[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]].map{ |a,|a}

Do not use nested method definitions, use lambda instead.Nested method definitions actually produce methods in the same scope (e.g. class) as the outer method.Furthermore, the "nested method" will be redefined every time the method containing its definition is called.

# baddeffoo(x)defbar(y)# body omittedendbar(x)end# good - the same as the previous, but no bar redefinition on every foo calldefbar(y)# body omittedenddeffoo(x)bar(x)end# also gooddeffoo(x)bar=->(y){ ...}

Use the new lambda literal syntax for single-line body blocks.Use thelambda method for multi-line blocks.

# badl=lambda{ |a,b|a +b},2)# correct, but looks extremely awkwardl=->(a,b)dotmp=a *7tmp *b /50end# goodl=->(a,b){a +b},2)l=lambdado |a,b|tmp=a *7tmp *b /50end

Don’t omit the parameter parentheses when defining a stabby lambda with parameters.

# badl=->x,y{something(x,y)}# goodl=->(x,y){something(x,y)}

Omit the parameter parentheses when defining a stabby lambda with no parameters.

# badl=->(){something}# goodl=->{something}


#{ |n|putsn}# goodp=proc{ |n|putsn} overproc[] orproc.() for both lambdas and procs.

# bad - looks similar to Enumeration accessl=->(v){putsv}l[1]# bad - most compact form, but might be confusing for newcomers to Rubyl=->(v){putsv}l.(1)# good - a bit verbose, but crystal clearl=->(v){putsv}

Avoid methods longer than 10 LOC (lines of code).Ideally, most methods will be shorter than 5 LOC.Empty lines do not contribute to the relevant LOC.

Avoid top-level method definitions. Organize them in modules, classes or structs instead.

It is fine to use top-level method definitions in scripts.
# baddefsome_method;end# goodclassSomeClassdefsome_method;endend

Avoid single-line methods.Although they are somewhat popular in the wild, there are a few peculiarities about their definition syntax that make their use undesirable.At any rate - there should be no more than one expression in a single-line method.

Ruby 3 introduced an alternative syntax for single-line method definitions, that’s discussed in the next sectionof the guide.
# baddeftoo_much;something;something_else;end# okish - notice that the first ; is requireddefno_braces_method;bodyend# okish - notice that the second ; is optionaldefno_braces_method;body;end# okish - valid syntax, but no ; makes it kind of hard to readdefsome_method()bodyend# gooddefsome_methodbodyend

One exception to the rule are empty-body methods.

# gooddefno_op;end

Only use Ruby 3.0’s endless method definitions with a single linebody. Ideally, such method definitions should be both simple (asingle expression) and free of side effects.

It’s important to understand that this guideline doesn’tcontradict the previous one. We still caution against the use ofsingle-line method definitions, but if such methods are to be used,prefer endless methods.
# baddeffib(x)=ifx <2xelsefib(x -1) +fib(x -2)end# gooddefthe_answer=42defget_x=@xdefsquare(x)=x *x# Not (so) good: has side effectdefset_x(x)=(@x=x)defprint_foo=puts("foo")

Keywords with lower precedence than= can appear ambiguous when used after an endless method definition. This includesand,or, and the modifier forms ofif,unless,while, anduntil. In these cases, the code may appear to include these keywords as part of the method body, but instead they actually modify the method definition itself.

In this cases, prefer using a normal method over an endless method.

# baddeffoo=trueifbar# good - using a non-endless method is more explicitdeffootrueendifbar# ok - method body is explicitdeffoo=(trueifbar)# ok - method definition is explicit(deffoo=true)ifbar

Use:: only to reference constants (this includes classes and modules) and constructors (likeArray() orNokogiri::HTML()).Do not use:: for regular method calls.

# badSomeClass::some_methodsome_object::some_method# goodSomeClass.some_methodsome_object.some_methodSomeModule::SomeClass::SOME_CONSTSomeModule::SomeClass()

Do not use:: to define class methods.

# badclassFoodefself::some_methodendend# goodclassFoodefself.some_methodendend

Usedef with parentheses when there are parameters.Omit the parentheses when the method doesn’t accept any parameters.

# baddefsome_method()# body omittedend# gooddefsome_method# body omittedend# baddefsome_method_with_parametersparam1,param2# body omittedend# gooddefsome_method_with_parameters(param1,param2)# body omittedend

Use parentheses around the arguments of method calls, especially if the first argument begins with an open parenthesis(, as inf((3 + 2) + 1).

# badx=Math.siny# goodx=Math.sin(y)# badarray.deletee# goodarray.delete(e)#'Temperance',30#'Temperance',30)

Always omit parentheses for method calls with no arguments.

# badKernel.exit!()2.even?()fork()'test'.upcase()# goodKernel.exit!2.even?fork'test'.upcase

Always omit parentheses for methods that have "keyword" status in Ruby.

Unfortunately, it’s not exactly clearwhich methods have "keyword" status.There is agreement that declarative methods have "keyword" status.However, there’s less agreement on which non-declarative methods, if any, have "keyword" status.

For non-declarative methods with "keyword" status (e.g., variousKernel instance methods), two styles are considered acceptable.By far the most popular style is to omit parentheses.Rationale: The code reads better, and method calls look more like keywords.A less-popular style, but still acceptable, is to include parentheses.Rationale: The methods have ordinary semantics, so why treat them differently, and it’s easier to achieve a uniform style by not worrying about which methods have "keyword" status.Whichever one you pick, apply it consistently.

# good (most popular)putstemperance.agesystem'ls'exit1# also good (less popular)puts(temperance.age)system('ls')exit(1)

Always use parentheses when callingsuper with arguments:

# badsupername,age# goodsuper(name,age)
When callingsuper without arguments,super andsuper() mean different things. Decide what is appropriate for your usage.

Avoid parameter lists longer than three or four parameters.

Define optional arguments at the end of the list of arguments.Ruby has some unexpected results when calling methods that have optional arguments at the front of the list.

# baddefsome_method(a=1,b=2,c,d)puts"#{a},#{b},#{c},#{d}"endsome_method('w','x')# => '1, 2, w, x'some_method('w','x','y')# => 'w, 2, x, y'some_method('w','x','y','z')# => 'w, x, y, z'# gooddefsome_method(c,d,a=1,b=2)puts"#{a},#{b},#{c},#{d}"endsome_method('w','x')# => '1, 2, w, x'some_method('w','x','y')# => 'y, 2, w, x'some_method('w','x','y','z')# => 'y, z, w, x'

Put required keyword arguments before optional keyword arguments. Otherwise, it’s much harder to spot optional keyword arguments there, if they’re hidden somewhere in the middle.

# baddefsome_method(foo:false,bar:,baz:10)# body omittedend# gooddefsome_method(bar:,foo:false,baz:10)# body omittedend

Use keyword arguments when passing a boolean argument to a method.

# baddefsome_method(bar=false)putsbarend# bad - common hack before keyword args were introduceddefsome_method(options={})bar=options.fetch(:bar,false)putsbarend# gooddefsome_method(bar:false)putsbarendsome_method# => falsesome_method(bar:true)# => true

Prefer keyword arguments over optional arguments.

# baddefsome_method(a,b=5,c=1)# body omittedend# gooddefsome_method(a,b:5,c:1)# body omittedend

Use keyword arguments instead of option hashes.

# baddefsome_method(options={})bar=options.fetch(:bar,false)putsbarend# gooddefsome_method(bar:false)putsbarend

When passing an existing hash as keyword arguments, add additional arguments directly rather than usingmerge.

# badsome_method(**opts.merge(foo:true))# goodsome_method(**opts,foo:true)

Use Ruby 2.7’s arguments forwarding.

# baddefsome_method(*args, &block)other_method(*args, &block)end# baddefsome_method(*args, **kwargs, &block)other_method(*args, **kwargs, &block)end# bad# Please note that it can cause unexpected incompatible behavior# because `...` forwards block also.#*args)other_method(*args)end# gooddefsome_method(...)other_method(...)end

Use Ruby 3.1’s anonymous block forwarding.

In most cases, block argument is given name similar to&block or&proc. Their names have no information and& will be sufficient for syntactic meaning.

# baddefsome_method(&block)other_method(&block)end# gooddefsome_method(&)other_method(&)end

If you really need "global" methods, add them to Kernel and make them private.

Use a consistent structure in your class definitions.

classPerson# extend/include/prepend go firstextendSomeModuleincludeAnotherModuleprependYetAnotherModule# inner classesclassCustomError <StandardErrorend# constants are nextSOME_CONSTANT=20# afterwards we have attribute macrosattr_reader:name# followed by other macros (if any)validates:name# public class methods are next in linedefself.some_methodend# initialization goes between class methods and other instance methodsdefinitializeend# followed by other public instance methodsdefsome_methodend# protected and private methods are grouped near the endprotecteddefsome_protected_methodendprivatedefsome_private_methodendend

Split multiple mixins into separate statements.

# badclassPersonincludeFoo,Barend# goodclassPerson# multiple mixins go in separate statementsincludeFooincludeBarend

Prefer a two-line format for class definitions with no body. It is easiest to read, understand, and modify.

# okishclassFooError <StandardError;end# okclassFooError <StandardErrorend
Many editors/tools will fail to understand properly the usage trying to locate the class definition might try a grep "class FooError".A final difference is that the name of your class is not available to theinheritedcallback of the base class with form.In general it’s better to stick to the basic two-line style.

Don’t nest multi-line classes within classes.Try to have such nested classes each in their own file in a folder named like the containing class.

# bad# foo.rbclassFooclassBar# 30 methods insideendclassCar# 20 methods insideend# 30 methods insideend# good# foo.rbclassFoo# 30 methods insideend# foo/bar.rbclassFooclassBar# 30 methods insideendend# foo/car.rbclassFooclassCar# 20 methods insideendend

Define (and reopen) namespaced classes and modules using explicit nesting.Using the scope resolution operator can lead to surprising constant lookups due to Ruby’slexical scoping, which depends on the module nesting at the point of definition.

moduleUtilitiesclassQueueendend# badclassUtilities::StoreModule.nesting# => [Utilities::Store]definitialize# Refers to the top level ::Queue class because Utilities isn't in the# current nesting chain.@queue=Queue.newendend# goodmoduleUtilitiesclassWaitingListModule.nesting# => [Utilities::WaitingList, Utilities] Refers to Utilities::Queueendendend

Prefer modules to classes with only class methods.Classes should be used only when it makes sense to create instances out of them.

# badclassSomeClassdefself.some_method# body omittedenddefself.some_other_method# body omittedendend# goodmoduleSomeModulemodule_functiondefsome_method# body omittedenddefsome_other_method# body omittedendend

Prefer the use ofmodule_function overextend self when you want to turn a module’s instance methods into class methods.

# badmoduleUtilitiesextendselfdefparse_something(string)# do stuff hereenddefother_utility_method(number,string)# do some more stuffendend# goodmoduleUtilitiesmodule_functiondefparse_something(string)# do stuff hereenddefother_utility_method(number,string)# do some more stuffendend

When designing class hierarchies make sure that they conform to theLiskov Substitution Principle.

Try to make your classes asSOLID as possible.

Always supply a properto_s method for classes that represent domain objects.


Use theattr family of functions to define trivial accessors or mutators.

# badclassPersondefinitialize(first_name,last_name)@first_name=first_name@last_name=last_nameenddeffirst_name@first_nameenddeflast_name@last_nameendend# goodclassPersonattr_reader:first_name,:last_namedefinitialize(first_name,last_name)@first_name=first_name@last_name=last_nameendend

For accessors and mutators, avoid prefixing method names withget_ andset_.It is a Ruby convention to use attribute names for accessors (readers) andattr_name= for mutators (writers).

# badclassPersondefget_name"#{@first_name}#{@last_name}"enddefset_name(name)@first_name,@last_name=name.split(' ')endend# goodclassPersondefname"#{@first_name}#{@last_name}"enddefname=(name)@first_name,@last_name=name.split(' ')endend

Avoid the use ofattr.Useattr_reader andattr_accessor instead.

# bad - creates a single attribute accessor (deprecated in Ruby 1.9)attr:something,trueattr:one,:two,:three# behaves as attr_reader# goodattr_accessor:somethingattr_reader:one,:two,:three

Consider, which defines the trivial accessors, constructor and comparison operators for you.

# goodclassPersonattr_accessor:first_name,:last_namedefinitialize(first_name,last_name)@first_name=first_name@last_name=last_nameendend#,:last_name)doend

Don’t extend an instance initialized it introduces a superfluous class level and may also introduce weird errors if the file is required multiple times.

# badclassPerson <,:last_name)end#,:last_name)

Don’t extend an instance initialized byData.define.Extending it introduces a superfluous class level.

# badclassPerson <Data.define(:first_name,:last_name)endPerson.ancestors# => [Person, #<Class:0x0000000105abed88>, Data, Object, (...)]# goodPerson=Data.define(:first_name,:last_name)Person.ancestors# => [Person, Data, Object, (...)]

Preferduck-typing over inheritance.

# badclassAnimal# abstract methoddefspeakendend# extend superclassclassDuck <Animaldefspeakputs'Quack! Quack'endend# extend superclassclassDog <Animaldefspeakputs'Bau! Bau!'endend# goodclassDuckdefspeakputs'Quack! Quack'endendclassDogdefspeakputs'Bau! Bau!'endend

Avoid the usage of class (@@) variables due to their "nasty" behavior in inheritance.

classParent@@class_var='parent'defself.print_class_varputs@@class_varendendclassChild <Parent@@class_var='child'endParent.print_class_var# => will print 'child'

As you can see all the classes in a class hierarchy actually share one class variable.Class instance variables should usually be preferred over class variables.

Assign proper visibility levels to methods (private,protected) in accordance with their intended usage.Don’t go off leaving everythingpublic (which is the default).

Indent thepublic,protected, andprivate methods as much as the method definitions they apply to.Leave one blank line above the visibility modifier and one blank line below in order to emphasize that it applies to all methods below it.

# goodclassSomeClassdefpublic_method# some codeendprivatedefprivate_method# some codeenddefanother_private_method# some codeendend

Usedef self.method to define class methods.This makes the code easier to refactor since the class name is not repeated.

classTestClass# baddefTestClass.some_method# body omittedend# gooddefself.some_other_method# body omittedend# Also possible and convenient when you# have to define many class methods.class <<selfdeffirst_method# body omittedenddefsecond_method_etc# body omittedendendend

Preferalias when aliasing methods in lexical class scope as the resolution ofself in this context is also lexical, and it communicates clearly to the user that the indirection of your alias will not be altered at runtime or by any subclass unless made explicit.


Sincealias, likedef, is a keyword, prefer bareword arguments over symbols or strings.In other words, doalias foo bar, notalias :foo :bar.

Also be aware of how Ruby handles aliases and inheritance: an alias references the method that was resolved at the time the alias was defined; it is not dispatched dynamically.

classFugitive <Westernerdeffirst_name'Nobody'endend

In this example,Fugitive#given_name would still call the originalWesterner#first_name method, notFugitive#first_name.To override the behavior ofFugitive#given_name as well, you’d have to redefine it in the derived class.

classFugitive <Westernerdeffirst_name'Nobody'endaliasgiven_namefirst_nameend

Always usealias_method when aliasing methods of modules, classes, or singleton classes at runtime, as the lexical scope ofalias leads to unpredictability in these cases.

moduleMononymousdefself.included(other)other.class_eval{alias_method:full_name,:given_name}endendclassSting <WesternerincludeMononymousend

When class (or module) methods call other such methods, omit the use of a leadingself or own name followed by a. when calling other such methods.This is often seen in "service classes" or other similar concepts where a class is treated as though it were a function.This convention tends to reduce repetitive boilerplate in such classes.

classTestClass# bad - more work when class renamed/method,param2) bad - more verbose than,param2),param2)new(param1).call(param2)end# ...other methods...end

Do not define constants within a block, since the block’s scope does not isolate or namespace the constant in any way.

Define the constant outside of the block instead, or use a variable or method if defining the constant in the outer scope would be problematic.

# bad - FILES_TO_LINT is now defined globallytask:lintdoFILES_TO_LINT=Dir['lib/*.rb']# ...end# good - files_to_lint is only defined inside the blocktask:lintdofiles_to_lint=Dir['lib/*.rb']# ...end

Consider adding factory methods to provide additional sensible ways to create instances of a particular class.

classPersondefself.create(options_hash)# body omittedendend

In constructors, avoid unnecessary disjunctive assignment (||=) of instance variables.Prefer plain assignment.In ruby, instance variables (beginning with an@) are nil until assigned a value, so in most cases the disjunction is unnecessary.

# baddefinitialize@x ||=1end# gooddefinitialize@x=1end

Good code is its own best documentation.As you’re about to add a comment, ask yourself, "How can I improve the code so that this comment isn’t needed?".Improve the code and then document it to make it even clearer.

— Steve McConnell

Write self-documenting code and ignore the rest of this section. Seriously!

If thehow can be made self-documenting, but not thewhy (e.g. the code works around non-obvious library behavior, or implements an algorithm from an academic paper), add a comment explaining the rationale behind the code.

# badx=BuggyClass.something.dupdefcompute_dependency_graph  ...30linesofrecursivegraphmerging...end# good# BuggyClass returns an internal object, so we have to dup it to modify it.x=BuggyClass.something.dup# This is algorithm 6.4(a) from Worf & Yar's _Amazing Graph Algorithms_ (2243).defcompute_dependency_graph  ...30linesofrecursivegraphmerging...end

Write comments in English.

Use one space between the leading# character of the comment and the text of the comment.

Comments longer than a word are capitalized and use punctuation.Useone space after periods.

Avoid superfluous comments.

# badcounter +=1# Increments counter by one.

Keep existing comments up-to-date.An outdated comment is worse than no comment at all.

Good code is like a good joke: it needs no explanation.

— old programmers maxim
through Russ Olsen

Avoid writing comments to explain bad code.Refactor the code to make it self-explanatory.("Do or do not - there is no try." Yoda)

Annotations should usually be written on the line immediately above the relevant code.

# baddefbarbaz(:quux)# FIXME: This has crashed occasionally since v3.2.1.end# gooddefbar# FIXME: This has crashed occasionally since v3.2.1.baz(:quux)end

The annotation keyword is followed by a colon and a space, then a note describing the problem.

# baddefbar# FIXME This has crashed occasionally since v3.2.1.baz(:quux)end# gooddefbar# FIXME: This has crashed occasionally since v3.2.1.baz(:quux)end

If multiple lines are required to describe the problem, subsequent lines should be indented three spaces after the# (one general plus two for indentation purposes).

defbar# FIXME: This has crashed occasionally since v3.2.1. It may#   be related to the BarBazUtil upgrade.baz(:quux)end

In cases where the problem is so obvious that any documentation would be redundant, annotations may be left at the end of the offending line with no note.This usage should be the exception and not the rule.

defbarsleep100# OPTIMIZEend

UseTODO to note missing features or functionality that should be added at a later date.

UseFIXME to note broken code that needs to be fixed.

UseOPTIMIZE to note slow or inefficient code that may cause performance problems.

UseHACK to note code smells where questionable coding practices were used and should be refactored away.

UseREVIEW to note anything that should be looked at to confirm it is working as intended.For example:REVIEW: Are we sure this is how the client does X currently?

Use other custom annotation keywords if it feels appropriate, but be sure to document them in your project’sREADME or similar.

Place magic comments above all code and documentation in a file (except shebangs, which are discussed next).

# bad# Some documentation about Person# frozen_string_literal: trueclassPersonend# good# frozen_string_literal: true# Some documentation about PersonclassPersonend

Place magic comments below shebangs when they are present in a file.

# bad# frozen_string_literal: true#!/usr/bin/env rubyApp.parse(ARGV)# good#!/usr/bin/env ruby# frozen_string_literal: trueApp.parse(ARGV)

Use one magic comment per line if you need multiple.

# bad# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; encoding: ascii-8bit -*-# good# frozen_string_literal: true# encoding: ascii-8bit

Separate magic comments from code and documentation with a blank line.

# bad# frozen_string_literal: true# Some documentation for PersonclassPerson# Some codeend# good# frozen_string_literal: true# Some documentation for PersonclassPerson# Some codeend

Prefer literal array and hash creation notation (unless you need to pass parameters to their constructors, that is).

# goodarr=[]{}

Prefer%w to the literal array syntax when you need an array of words (non-empty strings without spaces and special characters in them).Apply this rule only to arrays with two or more elements.

# badSTATES=['draft','open','closed']# goodSTATES=%w[draftopenclosed]

Prefer%i to the literal array syntax when you need an array of symbols (and you don’t need to maintain Ruby 1.9 compatibility).Apply this rule only to arrays with two or more elements.

# badSTATES=[:draft,:open,:closed]# goodSTATES=%i[draftopenclosed]

Avoid comma after the last item of anArray orHash literal, especially when the items are not on separate lines.

# bad - easier to move/add/remove items, but still not preferredVALUES=[1001,2020,3333,]# badVALUES=[1001,2020,3333,]# goodVALUES=[1001,2020,3333]

Avoid the creation of huge gaps in arrays.

arr=[]arr[100]=1# now you have an array with lots of nils

When accessing the first or last element from an array, preferfirst orlast over[0] or[-1].first andlast take less effort to understand, especially for a less experienced Ruby programmer or someone from a language with different indexing semantics.

arr=[1,2,3]# okarr[0]# => 1arr[-1]# => 3# (arguably) betterarr.first# => 1arr.last# => 3# good - assignments can only be done via []=arr[0]=2arr[-1]=5

UseSet instead ofArray when dealing with unique elements.Set implements a collection of unordered values with no duplicates.This is a hybrid ofArray's intuitive inter-operation facilities andHash's fast lookup.

Prefer symbols instead of strings as hash keys.

# badhash={'one'=>1,'two'=>2,'three'=>3}# goodhash={one:1,two:2,three:3}

Avoid the use of mutable objects as hash keys.

Avoid the use of shared mutable objects as hash default values.

Creating a Hash in such a way will share the default valueacross all keys, causing unexpected behavior when modifying it.

For example, when the Hash was created with an Array as the argument,callinghash[:foo] << 'bar' will also change the value of allother keys that have not been explicitly assigned to.

#[]){}) okay -- beware this will silently discard mutations and only remember{}{}{{}}{[]}# good - frozen solution will raise an error when mutation is[].freeze){}.freeze)# good - using a proc will create a new object for each keyh=Hash.newh.default_proc=->(h,k){[]}h.default_proc=->(h,k){{}}# good - using a block will create a new object for each{ |h,k|h[k]=[]}{ |h,k|h[k]={}}

Use the Ruby 1.9 hash literal syntax when your hash keys are symbols.

# badhash={:one=>1,:two=>2,:three=>3}# goodhash={one:1,two:2,three:3}

Use the Ruby 3.1 hash literal value syntax when your hash key and value are the same.

# badhash={one:one,two:two,three:three}# goodhash={one:,two:,three:}

Wrap hash literal in braces if it is a last array item.

# bad[1,2,one:1,two:2]# good[1,2,{one:1,two:2}]

Don’t mix the Ruby 1.9 hash syntax with hash rockets in the same hash literal.When you’ve got keys that are not symbols stick to the hash rockets syntax.

# bad{a:1,'b'=>2}# good{:a=>1,'b'=>2}

Hash::[] was a pre-Ruby 2.1 way of constructing hashes from arrays of key-value pairs,or from a flat list of keys and values. It has an obscure semantic and looks cryptic in code.Since Ruby 2.1,Enumerable#to_h can be used to construct a hash from a list of key-value pairs,and it should be preferred. Instead ofHash[] with a list of literal keys and values,just a hash literal should be preferred.

# badHash[ary]Hash[a,b,c,d]# goodary.to_h{a=>b,c=>d}

UseHash#key? instead ofHash#has_key? andHash#value? instead ofHash#has_value?.

# badhash.has_key?(:test)hash.has_value?(value)# goodhash.key?(:test)hash.value?(value)

UseHash#each_key instead ofHash#keys.each andHash#each_value instead ofHash#values.each.

# badhash.keys.each{ |k|pk}hash.values.each{ |v|pv}hash.each{ |k,_v|pk}hash.each{ |_k,v|pv}# goodhash.each_key{ |k|pk}hash.each_value{ |v|pv}

UseHash#fetch when dealing with hash keys that should be present.

heroes={batman:'Bruce Wayne',superman:'Clark Kent'}# bad - if we make a mistake we might not spot it right awayheroes[:batman]# => 'Bruce Wayne'heroes[:supermann]# => nil# good - fetch raises a KeyError making the problem obviousheroes.fetch(:supermann)

Introduce default values for hash keys viaHash#fetch as opposed to using custom logic.

batman={name:'Bruce Wayne',is_evil:false}# bad - if we just use || operator with falsey value we won't get the expected resultbatman[:is_evil] ||true# => true# good - fetch works correctly with falsey valuesbatman.fetch(:is_evil,true)# => false

Prefer the use of the block instead of the default value inHash#fetch if the code that has to be evaluated may have side effects or be expensive.

batman={name:'Bruce Wayne'}# bad - if we use the default value, we eager evaluate it# so it can slow the program down if done multiple timesbatman.fetch(:powers,obtain_batman_powers)# obtain_batman_powers is an expensive call# good - blocks are lazy evaluated, so only triggered in case of KeyError exceptionbatman.fetch(:powers){obtain_batman_powers}

UseHash#values_at orHash#fetch_values when you need to retrieve several values consecutively from a hash.

# bademail=data['email']username=data['nickname']# badkeys=%w[emailnickname].freezeemail,{ |key|data[key]}# goodemail,username=data.values_at('email','nickname')# also goodemail,username=data.fetch_values('email','nickname')

Prefertransform_keys ortransform_values overeach_with_object ormap when transforming just the keys or just the values of a hash.

# bad{a:1,b:2}.each_with_object({}){ |(k,v),h|h[k]=v *v}{a:1,b:2}.map{ |k,v|[k.to_s,v]}.to_h# good{a:1,b:2}.transform_values{ |v|v *v}{a:1,b:2}.transform_keys{ |k|k.to_s}

Rely on the fact that as of Ruby 1.9 hashes are ordered.

Do not modify a collection while traversing it.

When accessing elements of a collection, avoid direct access via[n] by using an alternate form of the reader method if it is supplied.This guards you from calling[] onnil.

# badRegexp.last_match[1]# goodRegexp.last_match(1)

When providing an accessor for a collection, provide an alternate form to save users from checking fornil before accessing an element in the collection.

# baddefawesome_things@awesome_thingsend# gooddefawesome_things(index=nil)ifindex &&@awesome_things@awesome_things[index]else@awesome_thingsendend

Prefermap overcollect,find overdetect,select overfind_all,reduce overinject,include? overmember? andsize overlength.This is not a hard requirement; if the use of the alias enhances readability, it’s ok to use it.The rhyming methods are inherited from Smalltalk and are not common in other programming languages.The reason the use ofselect is encouraged overfind_all is that it goes together nicely withreject and its name is pretty self-explanatory.

Don’t usecount as a substitute forsize.ForEnumerable objects other thanArray it will iterate the entire collection in order to determine its size.

# badsome_hash.count# goodsome_hash.size

Useflat_map instead ofmap +flatten.This does not apply for arrays with a depth greater than 2, i.e. ifusers.first.songs == ['a', ['b','c']], then usemap + flatten rather thanflat_map.flat_map flattens the array by 1, whereasflatten flattens it all the way.

# goodall_songs=users.flat_map(&:songs).uniq

Preferreverse_each toreverse.each because some classes thatinclude Enumerable will provide an efficient implementation.Even in the worst case where a class does not provide a specialized implementation, the general implementation inherited fromEnumerable will be at least as efficient as usingreverse.each.

# badarray.reverse.each{ ...}# goodarray.reverse_each{ ...}

The methodObject#then is preferred overObject#yield_self, since the namethen states the intention, not the behavior. This makes the resulting code easier to read.

# badobj.yield_self{ |x|x.do_something}# goodobj.then{ |x|x.do_something}
You can read more about the rationale behind this guidelinehere.

Slicing arrays with ranges to extract some of their elements (e.gary[2..5]) is a popular technique. Below you’ll find a few small considerations to keep in mind when using it.

  • [0..-1] inary[0..-1] is redundant and simply synonymous withary.

# bad - you're selecting all the elements of the arrayary[0..-1]ary[0..nil]ary[0...nil]# goodary
  • Ruby 2.6 introduced endless ranges, which provide an easier way to describe a slice going all the way to the end of an array.

# bad - hard to process mentallyary[1..-1]ary[1..nil]# good - easier to read and more conciseary[1..]
  • Ruby 2.7 introduced beginless ranges, which are also handy in slicing. However, unlike the somewhat obscure-1 inary[1..-1], the0 inary[0..42] is clearas a starting point. In fact, changing it toary[..42] could potentially make it less readable. Therefore, using code likeary[0..42]is fine. On the other hand,ary[nil..42] should be replaced withary[..42] orarr[0..42].

# bad - hard to process mentallyary[nil..42]# good - easier to readary[..42]ary[0..42]

Add underscores to large numeric literals to improve their readability.

# bad - how many 0s are there?num=1000000# good - much easier to parse for the human brainnum=1_000_000

Prefer lowercase letters for numeric literal prefixes.0o for octal,0x for hexadecimal and0b for binary.Do not use0d prefix for decimal literals.

# badnum=01234num=0O1234num=0X12ABnum=0B10101num=0D1234num=0d1234# good - easier to separate digits from the prefixnum=0o1234num=0x12ABnum=0b10101num=1234

UseInteger to check the type of an integer number.SinceFixnum is platform-dependent, checking against it will return different results on 32-bit and 64-bit machines. badtimestamp.is_a?(Fixnum)timestamp.is_a?(Bignum)# goodtimestamp.is_a?(Integer)

Prefer to use ranges when generating random numbers instead of integers with offsets, since it clearly states your intentions.Imagine simulating a roll of a dice:

# badrand(6) +1# goodrand(1..6)

When performing float-division on two integers, either usefdiv or convert one-side integer to float.

# bada.to_f /b.to_f# gooda.to_f /ba /b.to_fa.fdiv(b)

Avoid (in)equality comparisons of floats as they are unreliable.

Floating point values are inherently inaccurate, and comparing them for exact equality is almost never the desired semantics. Comparison via the==/!= operators checks floating-point value representation to be exactly the same, which is very unlikely if you perform any arithmetic operations involving precision loss.

# badx ==0.1x !=0.1# good - using BigDecimalx.to_d ==0.1.to_d# good - not an actual float comparisonx ==Float::INFINITY# good(x -0.1).abs <Float::EPSILON# goodtolerance=0.0001(x -0.1).abs <tolerance# Or some other epsilon based type of comparison:#

When using exponential notation for numbers, prefer using the normalized scientific notation, which uses a mantissa between 1 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive). Omit the exponent altogether if it is zero.

The goal is to avoid confusion between powers of ten and exponential notation, as one quickly reading10e7 could think it’s 10 to the power of 7 (one then 7 zeroes) when it’s actually 10 to the power of 8 (one then 8 zeroes). If you want 10 to the power of 7, you should do1e7.

power notationexponential notationoutput

10 ** 7



10 ** 6



10 ** 7



One could favor the alternative engineering notation, in which the exponent must always be a multiple of 3 for easy conversion to the thousand / million / …​ system.

# bad10e60.3e411.7e53.14e0# good1e73e31.17e63.14

Alternative : engineering notation:

# bad3.2e70.1e512e4# good1e617e60.98e9

Prefer string interpolation and string formatting to string concatenation:

# +' <' +'>'# goodemail_with_name="#{} <#{}>"# goodemail_with_name=format('%s <%s>',,

Adopt a consistent string literal quoting style.There are two popular styles in the Ruby community, both of which are considered good - single quotes by default and double quotes by default.

The string literals in this guide are using single quotes by default.

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don’t need string interpolation or special symbols such as\t,\n,', etc.

# badname="Bozhidar"name='De\'Andre'# goodname='Bozhidar'name="De'Andre"

Prefer double-quotes unless your string literal contains " or escape characters you want to suppress.

# badname='Bozhidar'sarcasm="I\"like\" it."# goodname="Bozhidar"sarcasm='I "like" it.'

Don’t use the character literal syntax?x.Since Ruby 1.9 it’s basically redundant -?x would be interpreted as'x' (a string with a single character in it).

# badchar= ?c# goodchar='c'

Don’t leave out{} around instance and global variables being interpolated into a string.

classPersonattr_reader:first_name,:last_namedefinitialize(first_name,last_name)@first_name=first_name@last_name=last_nameend# bad - valid, but awkwarddefto_s"#@first_name #@last_name"end# gooddefto_s"#{@first_name}#{@last_name}"endend$global=0# badputs"$global = #$global"# goodputs"$global =#{$global}"

Don’t useObject#to_s on interpolated objects.It’s called on them automatically.

# badmessage="This is the#{result.to_s}."# goodmessage="This is the#{result}."

Avoid usingString#+ when you need to construct large data chunks.Instead, useString#<<.Concatenation mutates the string instance in-place and is always faster thanString#+, which creates a bunch of new string objects.

# badhtml=''html +='<h1>Page title</h1>'paragraphs.eachdo |paragraph|html +="<p>#{paragraph}</p>"end# good and also fasthtml=''html <<'<h1>Page title</h1>'paragraphs.eachdo |paragraph|html <<"<p>#{paragraph}</p>"end

Don’t useString#gsub in scenarios in which you can use a faster and more specialized alternative.

url=''str='lisp-case-rules'# badurl.gsub('http://','https://')str.gsub('-','_')# goodurl.sub('http://','https://')'-','_')

Prefer the use ofString#chars overString#split with empty string or regexp literal argument.

These cases have the same behavior since Ruby 2.0.
# badstring.split(//)string.split('')# goodstring.chars

Prefer the use ofsprintf and its aliasformat over the fairly crypticString#% method.

# bad'%d %d' %[20,10]# => '20 10'# goodsprintf('%d %d',20,10)# => '20 10'# goodsprintf('%<first>d %<second>d',first:20,second:10)# => '20 10'format('%d %d',20,10)# => '20 10'# goodformat('%<first>d %<second>d',first:20,second:10)# => '20 10'

When using named format string tokens, favor%<name>s over%{name} because it encodes information about the type of the value.

# badformat('Hello, %{name}',name:'John')# goodformat('Hello, %<name>s',name:'John')

Break long strings into multiple lines but don’t concatenate them with+.If you want to add newlines, use heredoc. Otherwise use\:

# bad"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. " +"Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, " +"when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book."# good<<~LOREM  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.  Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,  when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.LOREM# good"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. "\"Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, "\"when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book."

Use Ruby 2.3’s squiggly heredocs for nicely indented multi-line strings.

# bad - using Powerpack String#strip_margincode=<<-RUBY.strip_margin('|')  |def test  |  some_method  |  other_method  |endRUBY# also badcode=<<-RUBYdef test  some_method  other_methodendRUBY# goodcode=<<~RUBY  def test    some_method    other_method  endRUBY

Use descriptive delimiters for heredocs.Delimiters add valuable information about the heredoc content, and as an added bonus some editors can highlight code within heredocs if the correct delimiter is used.

# badcode=<<~END  def foo    bar  endEND# goodcode=<<~RUBY  def foo    bar  endRUBY# goodcode=<<~SUMMARY  An imposing black structure provides a connection between the past and  the future in this enigmatic adaptation of a short story by revered  sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke.SUMMARY

Place method calls with heredoc receivers on the first line of the heredoc definition.The bad form has significant potential for error if a new line is added or removed.

# badquery=<<~SQL  select foo from barSQL.strip_indent# goodquery=<<~SQL.strip_indent  select foo from barSQL

Place the closing parenthesis for method calls with heredoc arguments on the first line of the heredoc definition.The bad form has potential for error if the new line before the closing parenthesis is removed.

# badfoo(<<~SQL  select foo from barSQL)# goodfoo(<<~SQL)  select foo from barSQL when retrieving the current system time.

Don’t useDateTime unless you need to account for historical calendar reform - and if you do, explicitly specify thestart argument to clearly state your intentions.

# bad - uses DateTime for current good - uses Time for current bad - uses DateTime for modern dateDateTime.iso8601('2016-06-29')# good - uses Date for modern dateDate.iso8601('2016-06-29')# good - uses DateTime with start argument for historical dateDateTime.iso8601('1751-04-23',Date::ENGLAND)

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think"I know, I’ll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.

— Jamie Zawinski

Don’t use regular expressions if you just need plain text search in string.

foo='I am an example string'# bad - using a regular expression is an overkill herefoo =~/example/# goodfoo['example']

For simple constructions you can use regexp directly through string index.

match=string[/regexp/]# get content of matched regexpfirst_group=string[/text(grp)/,1]# get content of captured groupstring[/text (grp)/,1]='replace'# string => 'text replace'

Use non-capturing groups when you don’t use the captured result.

# bad/(first|second)/# good/(?:first|second)/

Do not mix named captures and numbered captures in a Regexp literal.Because numbered capture is ignored if they’re mixed.

# bad - There is no way to access `(BAR)` capturing.m=/(?<foo>FOO)(BAR)/.match('FOOBAR')pm[:foo]# => "FOO"pm[1]# => "FOO"pm[2]# => nil   - not "BAR"# good - Both captures are accessible with names.m=/(?<foo>FOO)(?<bar>BAR)/.match('FOOBAR')pm[:foo]# => "FOO"pm[:bar]# => "BAR"# good - `(?:BAR)` is non-capturing grouping.m=/(?<foo>FOO)(?:BAR)/.match('FOOBAR')pm[:foo]# => "FOO"# good - Both captures are accessible with numbers.m=/(FOO)(BAR)/.match('FOOBAR')pm[1]# => "FOO"pm[2]# => "BAR"

Prefer using names to refer named regexp captures instead of numbers.

# badm=/(?<foo>FOO)(?<bar>BAR)/.match('FOOBAR')pm[1]# => "FOO"pm[2]# => "BAR"# goodm=/(?<foo>FOO)(?<bar>BAR)/.match('FOOBAR')pm[:foo]# => "FOO"pm[:bar]# => "BAR"

Don’t use the cryptic Perl-legacy variables denoting last regexp group matches ($1,$2, etc).UseRegexp.last_match(n) instead.

/(regexp)/ =~string...# badprocess $1# goodprocessRegexp.last_match(1)

Avoid using numbered groups as it can be hard to track what they contain.Named groups can be used instead.

# bad/(regexp)/ =~string# some codeprocessRegexp.last_match(1)# good/(?<meaningful_var>regexp)/ =~string# some codeprocessmeaningful_var

Character classes have only a few special characters you should care about:^,-,\,], so don’t escape. or brackets in[].

Be careful with^ and$ as they match start/end of line, not string endings.If you want to match the whole string use:\A and\z (not to be confused with\Z which is the equivalent of/\n?\z/).

string="some injection\nusername"string[/^username$/]# matchesstring[/\Ausername\z/]# doesn't match

Usex (free-spacing) modifier for multi-line regexps.

That’s known asfree-spacing mode. In this mode leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.
# badregex=/start\\s\(group)\(?:alt1|alt2)\end/# goodregexp=/  start\s  (group)  (?:alt1|alt2)  end/x

Usex modifier for complex regexps.This makes them more readable and you can add some useful comments.

regexp=/  start         # some text\s            # white space char  (group)       # first group  (?:alt1|alt2) # some alternation  end/x

For complex replacementssub/gsub can be used with a block or a hash.

words='foo bar'words.sub(/f/,'f'=>'F')# => 'Foo bar'words.gsub(/\w+/){ |word|word.capitalize}# => 'Foo Bar'

Use%() (it’s a shorthand for%Q) for single-line strings which require both interpolation and embedded double-quotes.For multi-line strings, prefer heredocs.

# bad (no interpolation needed)%(<div>Some text</div>)# should be '<div>Some text</div>'# bad (no double-quotes)%(This is#{quality} style)# should be "This is #{quality} style"# bad (multiple lines)%(<div>\n<span>#{exclamation}</span>\n</div>)# should be a heredoc.# good (requires interpolation, has quotes, single line)%(<tr><td>#{name}</td>)

Avoid%() or the equivalent%q() unless you have a string with both' and" in it.Regular string literals are more readable and should be preferred unless a lot of characters would have to be escaped in them.

# badname=%q(Bruce Wayne)time=%q(8 o'clock)question=%q("What did you say?")# goodname='Bruce Wayne'time="8 o'clock"question='"What did you say?"'quote=%q(<p class='quote'>"What did you say?"</p>)

Use%r only for regular expressions matchingat least one/ character.

# bad%r{\s+}# good%r{^/(.*)$}%r{^/blog/2011/(.*)$}

Avoid the use of%x unless you’re going to execute a command with backquotes in it (which is rather unlikely).

# baddate=%x(date)# gooddate=`date`echo=%x(echo `date`)

Avoid the use of%s.It seems that the community has decided:"some string" is the preferred way to create a symbol with spaces in it.

Use the braces that are the most appropriate for the various kinds of percent literals.

  • () for string literals (%q,%Q).

  • [] for array literals (%w,%i,%W,%I) as it is aligned with the standard array literals.

  • {} for regexp literals (%r) since parentheses often appear inside regular expressions. That’s why a less common character with{ is usually the best delimiter for%r literals.

  • () for all other literals (e.g.%s,%x)

# bad%q{"Test's king!", John said.}# good%q("Test's king!", John said.)# bad%w(onetwothree)%i(onetwothree)# good%w[onetwothree]%i[onetwothree]# bad%r((\w+)-(\d+))%r{\w{1,2}\d{2,5}}# good%r{(\w+)-(\d+)}%r|\w{1,2}\d{2,5}|

Avoid needless metaprogramming.

Do not mess around in core classes when writing libraries (do not monkey-patch them).

The block form ofclass_eval is preferable to the string-interpolated form.

When you use the string-interpolated form, always supply__FILE__ and__LINE__, so that your backtraces make sense:

class_eval'def use_relative_model_naming?; true; end',__FILE__,__LINE__

define_method is preferable toclass_eval { def …​ }

When usingclass_eval (or othereval) with string interpolation, add a comment block showing its appearance if interpolated (a practice used in Rails code):

# from activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety.rbUNSAFE_STRING_METHODS.eachdo |unsafe_method|if'String'.respond_to?(unsafe_method)class_eval<<-EOT,__FILE__,__LINE__ +1      def#{unsafe_method}(*params, &block)       # def capitalize(*params, &block)        to_str.#{unsafe_method}(*params, &block)  #   to_str.capitalize(*params, &block)      end                                         # end      def#{unsafe_method}!(*params)              # def capitalize!(*params)        @dirty = true                             #   @dirty = true        super                                     #   super      end                                         # end    EOTendend

Avoid usingmethod_missing for metaprogramming because backtraces become messy, the behavior is not listed in#methods, and misspelled method calls might silently work, e.g.nukes.luanch_state = false.Consider using delegation, proxy, ordefine_method instead.If you must usemethod_missing:

  • Be sure toalso definerespond_to_missing?

  • Only catch methods with a well-defined prefix, such asfind_by_*--make your code as assertive as possible.

  • Callsuper at the end of your statement

  • Delegate to assertive, non-magical methods:

# baddefmethod_missing(meth, *params, &block)if/^find_by_(?<prop>.*)/ =~meth# ... lots of code to do a find_byelsesuperendend# gooddefmethod_missing(meth, *params, &block)if/^find_by_(?<prop>.*)/ =~methfind_by(prop, *params, &block)elsesuperendend# best of all, though, would to define_method as each findable attribute is declared

Preferpublic_send oversend so as not to circumventprivate/protected visibility.

# We have an ActiveModel Organization that includes concern ActivatablemoduleActivatableextendActiveSupport::Concernincludeddobefore_create:create_tokenendprivatedefreset_token# some codeenddefcreate_token# some codeenddefactivate!# some codeendendclassOrganization <ActiveRecord::BaseincludeActivatableendlinux_organization=Organization.find(...)# bad - violates privacylinux_organization.send(:reset_token)# good - should throw an exceptionlinux_organization.public_send(:reset_token)

Prefer__send__ oversend, assend may overlap with existing methods.

require'socket'u1=UDPSocket.newu1.bind('',4913)u2=UDPSocket.newu2.connect('',4913)# bad - Won't send a message to the receiver object. Instead it will send a message via UDP socket.u2.send:sleep,0# good - Will actually send a message to the receiver object.u2.__send__ ...

UseYARD and its conventions for API documentation.

Don’t use block comments.They cannot be preceded by whitespace and are not as easy to spot as regular comments.

# bad=begincomment lineanother comment line=end# good# comment line# another comment line
From Perl’s POD to RD

This is not really a block comment syntax, but more ofan attempt to emulate Perl’sPOD documentation system.

There’s anrdtool for Ruby that’s pretty similar to POD.Basicallyrdtool scans a file for=begin and=end pairs, and extractsthe text between them all. This text is assumed to be documentation inRD format.You can read more about ithere.

RD predated the rise of RDoc and YARD and was effectively obsoleted by them.[3]

The gemspec should not containRUBY_VERSION as a condition to switch dependencies.RUBY_VERSION is determined byrake release, so users may end up with wrong dependency.

# badGem::Specification.newdo |s|ifRUBY_VERSION >='2.5's.add_dependency'gem_a'elses.add_dependency'gem_b'endend

Fix by either:

  • Post-install messages.

  • Add both gems as dependency (if permissible).

  • If development dependencies, move to Gemfile.

Preferadd_dependency overadd_runtime_dependency becauseadd_dependency is considered soft-deprecatedand the Bundler team recommendsadd_dependency.

# badGem::Specification.newdo |s|s.add_runtime_dependency'gem_a'end# goodGem::Specification.newdo |s|s.add_dependency'gem_a'end

Don’t do explicit non-nil checks unless you’re dealing with boolean values.

# baddo_somethingif !something.nil?do_somethingifsomething !=nil# gooddo_somethingifsomething# good - dealing with a booleandefvalue_set?  !@some_boolean.nil?end

Use$stdout/$stderr/$stdin instead ofSTDOUT/STDERR/STDIN.STDOUT/STDERR/STDIN are constants, and while you can actually reassign (possibly to redirect some stream) constants in Ruby, you’ll get an interpreter warning if you do so.

# badSTDOUT.puts('hello')hash={out:STDOUT,key:value}defm(out=STDOUT)out.puts('hello')end# good$stdout.puts('hello')hash={out: $stdout,key:value}defm(out= $stdout)out.puts('hello')end
The only valid use-case for the stream constants is obtaining references to the original streams (assuming you’ve redirected some of the global vars).

Usewarn instead of$stderr.puts.Apart from being more concise and clear,warn allows you to suppress warnings if you need to (by setting the warn level to 0 via-W0).

# bad$stderr.puts'This is a warning!'# goodwarn'This is a warning!'

Prefer the use ofArray#join over the fairly crypticArray#* with a string argument.

# bad%w[onetwothree] *', '# => 'one, two, three'# good%w[onetwothree].join(', ')# => 'one, two, three'

UseArray() instead of explicitArray check or[*var], when dealing with a variable you want to treat as an Array, but you’re not certain it’s an array.

# badpaths=[paths]unlesspaths.is_a?(Array)paths.each{ |path|do_something(path)}# bad (always creates a new Array instance)[*paths].each{ |path|do_something(path)}# good (and a bit more readable)Array(paths).each{ |path|do_something(path)}

Use ranges orComparable#between? instead of complex comparison logic when possible.

# baddo_somethingifx >=1000 &&x <=2000# gooddo_somethingif(1000..2000).include?(x)# gooddo_somethingifx.between?(1000,2000)

Prefer the use of predicate methods to explicit comparisons with==.Numeric comparisons are OK.

# badifx %2 ==0endifx %2 ==1endifx ==nilend# goodifx.even?endifx.odd?endifx.nil? ==0end

Prefer bitwise predicate methods over direct comparison operations.

# bad - checks any set bits(variable &flags).positive?# goodvariable.anybits?(flags)# bad - checks all set bits(variable &flags) ==flags# goodvariable.allbits?(flags)# bad - checks no set bits(variable &flags).zero?(variable &flags) ==0# goodvariable.nobits?(flags)

Avoid using Perl-style special variables (like$:,$;, etc).They are quite cryptic and their use in anything but one-liner scripts is discouraged.

# bad$:.unshiftFile.dirname(__FILE__)# good$LOAD_PATH.unshiftFile.dirname(__FILE__)

Use the human-friendly aliases provided by theEnglish library if required.

# badprint $', $$# goodrequire'English'print $POSTMATCH, $PID

For all your internal dependencies, you should userequire_relative.Use ofrequire should be reserved for external dependencies

# badrequire'set'require'my_gem/spec/helper'require'my_gem/lib/something'# goodrequire'set'require_relative'helper'require_relative'../lib/something'

This way is more expressive (making clear which dependency is internal or not) and more efficient (asrequire_relative doesn’t have to try all of$LOAD_PATH contrary torequire).

Writeruby -w safe code.

Avoid hashes as optional parameters.Does the method do too much? (Object initializers are exceptions for this rule).

Use module instance variables instead of global variables.

# bad$foo_bar=1# goodmoduleFooclass <<

UseOptionParser for parsing complex command line options andruby -s for trivial command line options.

Do not mutate parameters unless that is the purpose of the method.

Avoid more than three levels of block nesting.

Code in a functional way, avoiding mutation when that makes sense.

a=[];[1,2,3].each{ |i|a <<i *2}# bada=[1,2,3].map{ |i|i *2}# gooda={};[1,2,3].each{ |i|a[i]=i *17}# bada=[1,2,3].reduce({}){ |h,i|h[i]=i *17;h}# gooda=[1,2,3].each_with_object({}){ |i,h|h[i]=i *17}# good

Omit the.rb extension for filename passed torequire andrequire_relative.

If the extension is omitted, Ruby tries adding '.rb', '.so', and so on to the nameuntil found. If the file named cannot be found, aLoadError will be raised.There is an edge case file is loaded instead of file exists whenrequire 'foo.rb' will be changed torequire 'foo',but that seems harmless.
# badrequire'foo.rb'require_relative'../foo.rb'# goodrequire'foo'require''require_relative'../foo'require_relative'../'

The methodtap can be helpful for debugging purposes but should not be left in production code.

#,path).tapdo |config|config.checkifcheckend#,path)config.checkifcheckconfig

This is simpler and more efficient.

Here are some tools to help you automatically check Ruby code against this guide.

RuboCop is a Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on this style guide.RuboCop already covers a significant portion of the guide and hasplugins for most popular Ruby editors and IDEs.

RuboCop’s cops (code checks) have links to the guidelines that they are based on, as part of their metadata.

RubyMine's code inspections arepartially based on this guide.

This guide started its life in 2011 as an internal company Ruby coding guidelines (written byBozhidar Batsov).Bozhidar had always been bothered as a Ruby developer about one thing - Python developers had a great programming style reference (PEP-8) and Rubyists never got an official guide, documenting Ruby coding style and best practices.Bozhidar firmly believed that style matters.He also believed that a great hacker community, such as Ruby has, should be quite capable of producing this coveted document.The rest is history…​

At some point Bozhidar decided that the work he was doing might be interesting to members of the Ruby community in general and that the world had little need for another internal company guideline.But the world could certainly benefit from a community-driven and community-sanctioned set of practices, idioms and style prescriptions for Ruby programming.

Bozhidar served as the guide’s only editor for a few years, before a team of editors was formed once the project transitioned to RuboCop HQ.

Since the inception of the guide we’ve received a lot of feedback from members of the exceptional Ruby community around the world.Thanks for all the suggestions and the support! Together we can make a resource beneficial to each and every Ruby developer out there.

Many people, books, presentations, articles and other style guides influenced the community Ruby style guide. Here are some of them:

The guide is still a work in progress - some guidelines are lacking examples, some guidelines don’t have examples that illustrate them clearly enough.Improving such guidelines is a great (and simple way) to help the Ruby community!

In due time these issues will (hopefully) be addressed - just keep them in mind for now.

Nothing written in this guide is set in stone.It’s our desire to work together with everyone interested in Ruby coding style, so that we could ultimately create a resource that will be beneficial to the entire Ruby community.

Feel free to open tickets or send pull requests with improvements.Thanks in advance for your help!

You can also support the project (and RuboCop) with financial contributions via one of the following platforms:

It’s easy, just follow the contribution guidelines below:

This guide is written inAsciiDoc and is published as HTML usingAsciiDoctor.The HTML version of the guide is hosted on GitHub Pages.

Originally the guide was written in Markdown, but was converted to AsciiDoc in 2019.

A community-driven style guide is of little use to a community that doesn’t know about its existence.Tweet about the guide, share it with your friends and colleagues.Every comment, suggestion or opinion we get makes the guide just a little bit better.And we want to have the best possible guide, don’t we?

1. Occasionally we might suggest to the reader to consider some alternatives, though.
2. *BSD/Solaris/Linux/macOS users are covered by default, Windows users have to be extra careful.
3. According to thisWikipedia article the format used to be popular until the early 2000s when it was superseded by RDoc.

