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A development workflow tool for working with AWS CloudFormation.


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Rain is what happens when you have a lot of CloudFormation

Rain is also a command line tool for working withAWS CloudFormation templates and stacks.

Make it Rain


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Key features

  • Interactive deployments: Withrain deploy, rain packages your CloudFormation templates, prompts you for any parameters that have not yet been defined, shows you a summary of the changes that will be made, and then displays real-time updates as your stack is being deployed. Once finished, you get a summary of the outcome along with any error messages collected along the way - including errors messages for stacks that have been rolled back and no longer exist.

  • Consistent formatting of CloudFormation templates: Usingrain fmt, you can format your CloudFormation templates to a consistent standard or reformat a template from JSON to YAML (or YAML to JSON if you prefer). Rain preserves your comments when using YAML and switches use ofintrinsic functions to use the short syntax where possible.

  • Combined logs for nested stacks with sensible filtering: When you runrain log, you will see a combined stream of logs from the stack you specified along with any nested stack associated with it. Rain also filters out uninteresting log messages by default so you just see the errors that require attention. You can also userain log --chart to see a Gantt chart that shows you how long each operation took for a given stack.

  • Build new CloudFormation templates:rain build generates new CloudFormation templates containing skeleton resources that you specify. This saves you having to look up which properties are available and which are required vs. optional. Build skeleton templates by specifying a resource name likeAWS::S3::Bucket, or enable the Bedrock Claude model in your account to use generative AI with a command likerain build --prompt "A VPC with 2 subnets". (Note that Bedrock is not free, and requires somesetup).NEW Use therain build --recommend command to pick from a list of functional templates that will pass typical compliance checks by default. These templates are great starting points for infrastructure projects.

  • Build policy validation files: Therain build command can now send prompts to the Bedrock Cloude3 Haiku and Sonnet models, which can write Open Policy Agent (OPA) Rego files or CloudFormation Guard files, to verify the compliance of your templates

  • Manipulate CloudFormation stack sets:rain stackset deploy creates a new stackset, updates an existing one or adds a stack instance(s) to an existing stack set. You can list stack sets usingrain stackset ls, review stack set details withrain stackset ls <stack set name> and delete stack set and\or its instances withrain stackset rm <stack set name>

  • Predict deployment failures (EXPERIMENTAL):rain forecast analyzes a template and the target deployment account to predict things that might go wrong when you attempt to create, update, or delete a stack. This command speeds up development by giving you advanced notice for issues like missing permissions, resources that already exist, and a variety of other common resource-specific deployment blockers.

  • Modules (EXPERIMENTAL):rain pkg supports client-side module development with the!Rain::Module directive. Rain modules are partial templates that are inserted into the parent template, with some extra functionality added to enable extending existing resource types. This feature integrates with CodeArtifact to enable package publish and install.

  • Content Deployment (EXPERIMENTAL):rain deploy andrain rm support metadata commands that can upload static assets to a bucket and then delete those assets when the bucket is deleted. Rain can also run build scripts before and after stack deployment to prepare content like web sites and lambda functions before uploading to S3.

Note that in order to use experimental commands, you have to add--experimental or-x as an argument.

Getting started

If you havehomebrew installed,brew install rain

Or you can download the appropriate binary for your system fromthe releases page.

Or if you're aGopher, you cango install

Usage:  rain [command]Stack commands:  cat         Get the CloudFormation template from a running stack  cc          Interact with templates using Cloud Control API instead of CloudFormation  deploy      Deploy a CloudFormation stack or changeset from a local template  logs        Show the event log for the named stack  ls          List running CloudFormation stacks or changesets  rm          Delete a CloudFormation stack or changeset  stackset    This command manipulates stack sets.  watch       Display an updating view of a CloudFormation stackTemplate commands:  bootstrap   Creates the artifacts bucket  build       Create CloudFormation templates  diff        Compare CloudFormation templates  fmt         Format CloudFormation templates  forecast    Predict deployment failures  merge       Merge two or more CloudFormation templates  module      Interact with Rain modules in CodeArtifact  pkg         Package local artifacts into a template  tree        Find dependencies of Resources and Outputs in a local templateOther Commands:  console     Login to the AWS console  help        Help about any command  info        Show your current configuration

You can find shell completion scripts indocs/ anddocs/


Rain is written inGo and uses theAWS SDK for Go v2.

To contribute a change to Rain,fork this repository, make your changes, and submit a Pull Request.

Go Generate, documentation indocs/, the auto completion scripts and a copy of the cloudformation specification incft/spec/cfn.go are generated throughgo generate.


Rain is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Example Usage


Therain pkg command can be used as a replacement for theaws cloudformation package CLI command. When packaging a template,rain looks for specificdirectives to appear in resources.


The!Rain::Embed directive simply inserts the contents of a file into the template as a string.

The template:

Resources:Test:Type:AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandleMetadata:Comment:!Rain::Embed embed.txt

The contents ofembed.txt, which is in the same directory as the template:

This is a test

The resulting packaged template:

Resources:Test:Type:AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandleMetadata:Comment:This is a test


The!Rain::Include directive parses a YAML or JSON file and inserts the object into the template.

The template:

Resources:Test:!Rain::Include include-file.yaml

The file to be included:


The resulting packaged template:



The!Rain::Env directive reads environment variables and inserts them into the template as strings.

The template:

Resources:Test:Type:AWS::S3::BucketProperties:BucketName:!Rain::Env BUCKET_NAME

The resulting packaged template, if you have exported an environment variable namedBUCKET_NAME with valueabc:



The!Rain::S3Http directive uploads a file or directory to S3 and inserts theHTTPS URL into the template as a string.

The template:

Resources:Test:Type:A::B::CProperties:TheS3URL:!Rain::S3Http s3http.txt

If you have a file calleds3http.txt in the same directory as the template,rain will use your current default profile to upload the file to the artifactbucket that rain creates as a part of bootstrapping. If the path provided is adirectory and not a file, the directory will be zipped first.



The!Rain::S3 directive is basically the same asS3Http, but it inserts the S3 URI instead of an HTTPS URL.

The template:

Resources:Test:Type:A::B::CProperties:TheS3URI:!Rain::S3 s3.txt

If you have a file calleds3.txt in the same directory as the template,rain will use your current default profile to upload the file to the artifactbucket that rain creates as a part of bootstrapping. If the path provided is adirectory and not a file, the directory will be zipped first.


If instead of providing a path to a file, you supply an object with properties, you can exercise more control over how the object is uploaded to S3. The following example is a common pattern for uploading Lambda function code. The optionalRun property is a local script that you want Rain to run before uploading the content atPath.


The packaged template:


Metadata commands

You can add a metadata section to anAWS::S3::Bucket resource to take additional actions during deployment, such as running pre and post build scripts, uploading content to the bucket after stack deployment completes, and emptying the contents of the bucket when the stack is deleted.

Resources:Bucket:Type:AWS::S3::BucketMetadata:Rain:EmptyOnDelete:trueContent:site/distVersion:2DistributionLogicalId:SiteDistributionRunBefore:Command:buildsite.shArgs:          -ALiteralArgumentRunAfter:Command:buildsite.shArgs:            -Rain::OutputValue AStackOutputKey

EmptyOnDelete: If true, the bucket's contents, including all versions, will be deleted so that the bucket itself can be deleted. This can be useful for development environments, but be careful about using it in production!

Version: Rain doesn't do anything with this, but incrementing the number can force the stack to deploy if there have been no infrastructure changes to the stack.

RunBefore: Rain will run this command before the stack deploys. Useful to run your website build script before bothering to deploy, to make sure it builds successfully.

RunAfter: Rain will run this command after deployment, and it is capable of doing stack output lookups to provide arguments to the script. This is useful if you deployed a resource like an API Gateway and need to know the stage URL to plug in to your website configuration. UseRain::OutputValue OutputKey to pass one of the arguments to the script.

DistributionLogicalId: Supply the logical id of a CloudFront distribution to invalidate all files in it after the content upload completes.

Seetest/webapp/ for a complete example of using these commands with Rain modules.


The!Rain::Module directive is an experimental feature that allows you tocreate local modules of reuseable code that can be inserted into templates.Rain modules are basically just CloudFormation templates, with a Parameterssection that corresponds to the Properties that a consumer will set whenusing the module. Rain modules are very flexible, since you can overrideany of the resource properties from the parent template.

In order to use this feature, you have to acknowledge that it's experimental byadding a flag on the command line:

rain pkg -x my-template.yaml

Keep in mind that with new versions of rain, this functionality could change,so use caution if you decide to use this feature for production applications.Therain pkg command does not actually deploy any resources if the templatedoes not upload any objects to S3, so you always have a chance to review thepackaged template. It's recommended to run linters and scanners on the packagedtemplate, rather than a pre-processed template that makes use of these advanceddirectives.

A sample module:

Description:This module creates a compliant bucket, along with a second bucket to store access logsParameters:LogBucketName:Type:StringResources:Bucket:Type:AWS::S3::BucketProperties:LoggingConfiguration:DestinationBucketName:!Ref LogBucketBucketEncryption:ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration:          -ServerSideEncryptionByDefault:SSEAlgorithm:AES256PublicAccessBlockConfiguration:BlockPublicAcls:trueBlockPublicPolicy:trueIgnorePublicAcls:trueRestrictPublicBuckets:trueTags:        -Key:test-tagValue:test-value1LogBucket:Type:AWS::S3::BucketDeletionPolicy:RetainProperties:BucketName:!Ref LogBucketNameBucketEncryption:ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration:          -ServerSideEncryptionByDefault:SSEAlgorithm:AES256VersioningConfiguration:Status:EnabledPublicAccessBlockConfiguration:BlockPublicAcls:trueBlockPublicPolicy:trueIgnorePublicAcls:trueRestrictPublicBuckets:true

Note that we defined a single parameter to the module calledLogBucketName.In the module, we create an additional bucket to hold logs, and we apply thename to that bucket. In the template that uses the module, we specify that nameas a property. This shows how we have extended the basic behavior of a bucketto add something new.

A template that uses the module (in this example we reference a local module,but it's also possible to reference a URL):

Resources:ModuleExample:Type:!Rain::Module "./bucket-module.yaml"Properties:LogBucketName:test-module-log-bucketOverrides:Bucket:UpdateReplacePolicy:DeleteProperties:VersioningConfiguration:Status:EnabledTags:            -Key:test-tagValue:test-value2

Note that in addition to supplying the expectedLogBucketName property, we have alsodecided to override a few of the properties on the underlyingAWS::S3::Bucket resource,which shows the flexibility of the inheritance model.

The resulting template after runningrain pkg:

Resources:ModuleExampleBucket:Type:AWS::S3::BucketProperties:LoggingConfiguration:DestinationBucketName:!Ref ModuleExampleLogBucketBucketEncryption:ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration:          -ServerSideEncryptionByDefault:SSEAlgorithm:AES256PublicAccessBlockConfiguration:BlockPublicAcls:trueBlockPublicPolicy:trueIgnorePublicAcls:trueRestrictPublicBuckets:trueTags:        -Key:test-tagValue:test-value2VersioningConfiguration:Status:EnabledModuleExampleLogBucket:DeletionPolicy:RetainType:AWS::S3::BucketProperties:BucketName:test-module-log-bucketBucketEncryption:ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration:          -ServerSideEncryptionByDefault:SSEAlgorithm:AES256VersioningConfiguration:Status:EnabledPublicAccessBlockConfiguration:BlockPublicAcls:trueBlockPublicPolicy:trueIgnorePublicAcls:trueRestrictPublicBuckets:true

Publish modules to CodeArtifact

Rain integrates with AWS CodeArtifact to enable an experience similar to npmpublish and install. A directory that includes Rain module YAML files can bepackaged up withrain module publish, and then the directory can be installedby developers withrain module install.

Module packaging

You can reference a collection of Rain modules with an alias inside of theparent template. Add aRain section to the template to configure the packagealias. There's nothing special about a package, it's just an alias to adirectory or a zip file. A zip file can also have a sha256 hash associated withit to verify the contents.

Rain:Packages:aws:Location:!Rain::Module aws/foo.yamlBar:Type:!Rain::Module xyz/bar.yamlBaz:Type:$abc/baz.yaml# Shorthand for !Rain::Module abc/baz.yaml

A module package is published and released from this repository separately fromthe Rain binary release. This allows the package to be referenced by versionnumbers using tags, such asm0.1.0 as shown in the example above. The majorversion number will be incremented if any breaking changes are introduced tothe modules. The available modules in the release package are listed below.

Treat these modules as samples to be used as a proof-of-concept for building yourown module packages.


A VPC with just two availability zones. This module is useful for POCs and simple projects.


A simple bucket with encryption enabled and public access blocked


A bucket, plus extra buckets for access logs and replication and a bucket policy that should pass most typical compliance checks.


A bucket policy that denies requests not made with TLS.


An ELBv2 load balancer


An S3 bucket and a CloudFront distribution to host content for a web site


A Cognito User Pool and associated resources




A Lambda function and associated API Gateway resources

IfParam and IfNotParam

Inside a module, you can add a Metadata attribute to show or hide resources,depending on whether the parent template sets a parameter value. This is similarto the Conditional section in a template, but somewhat simpler, and it only works in modules.


If the parent template does not set a value for theFoo property, the module willomit the resource. The opposite is true forIfNotParam.

IfParam can be useful to make flexible modules that can optionally do things likeconfigure permissions for related resources, like allowing access to a bucket or table.

IfNotParam is useful if you have pre-created a resource and you don't want the moduleto create it for you.

Gantt Chart

Output a chart to an HTML file that you can view with a browser to look at how long stack operations take for each resource.

rain log --chart CDKToolkit > ~/Desktop/chart.html


You can now write CloudFormation templates in Apple's new configurationlanguage, Pkl. Rain commands that accept input as JSON or YAML now also acceptfiles with the.pkl extension. We host a Pkl package in aseparaterepo that isgenerated based on the CloudFormation registry. This package has classes thatcan be imported for each registry resource type, in addition to higher levelpatterns. This allows you to write a type-safe template and create your ownclient-side modules, in a way that is similar to CDK, but with declarativecode.

Example Pkl template:

amends"package://"import"package://"ascfnimport"package://"asbucketDescription ="Create a bucket"Parameters {    ["Name"] {Type ="String"Default ="baz"    }}Resources {    ["MyBucket"]=newbucket.Bucket {BucketName = cfn.Ref("Name")    }}


You can put constants into theRain section in the template and then refer tothose constants later in the template. Constants can be strings or entireobjects (but only strings can be used later in Sub functions). Use the!Rain::Constant directive to refer to a constant in the template. Forstrings, you can add constants to!Sub strings with the${Rain::ConstantName} pseudo-parameter. Constants can contain previosulydeclared constants in Sub strings using the same format. TheRain sectiongets removed during packaging.

Parameters:Prefix:Type:StringRain:Constants:Test1:ezbeard-rain-test-constantsTest2:!Sub ${Prefix}-${Rain::Test1}-SubTestResources:Bucket:Type:AWS::S3::BucketProperties:BucketName:!Rain::Constant Test1Bucket2:Type:AWS::S3::BucketProperties:BucketName:!Rain::Constant Test2Bucket3:Type:AWS::S3::BucketProperties:BucketName:!Sub "pre-${Prefix}-${Rain::Test1}-suffix"

Runrain pkg on that template to produce the following output:

Parameters:Prefix:Type:StringResources:Bucket:Type:AWS::S3::BucketProperties:BucketName:ezbeard-rain-test-constantsBucket2:Type:AWS::S3::BucketProperties:BucketName:!Sub ${Prefix}-ezbeard-rain-test-constants-SubTestBucket3:Type:AWS::S3::BucketProperties:BucketName:!Sub pre-${Prefix}-ezbeard-rain-test-constants-suffix

Other CloudFormation tools

  • cfn-lint

    Validate CloudFormation yaml/json templates against the CloudFormation spec and additional checks. Includes checking valid values for resource properties and best practices.

  • cfn-guard

    Guard is a policy evaluation tool that allows you to build your own rules with a custom DSL. You can also pull rules from theguard registry to scan your templates for resources that don't comply with common best practices.

  • taskcat

    taskcat is a tool that tests AWS CloudFormation templates. It deploys your AWS CloudFormation template in multiple AWS Regions and generates a report with a pass/fail grade for each region. You can specify the regions and number of Availability Zones you want to include in the test, and pass in parameter values from your AWS CloudFormation template. taskcat is implemented as a Python class that you import, instantiate, and run.

Are we missing an excellent tool? Let us know via a GitHub issue.

