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LeetCode Problems' Solutions


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LeetCode Problems' Solutions[力扣话题分类]

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2173Longest Winning Streak 🔒MySQLHard
2172Maximum AND Sum of ArrayGoHard
2171Removing Minimum Number of Magic BeansGoMedium
2170Minimum Operations to Make the Array AlternatingGoMedium
2169Count Operations to Obtain ZeroGoEasy
2168Unique Substrings With Equal Digit Frequency 🔒GoMedium
2167Minimum Time to Remove All Cars Containing Illegal GoodsGoHard
2166Design BitsetGoMedium
2165Smallest Value of the Rearranged NumberGoMedium
2164Sort Even and Odd Indices IndependentlyGoEasy
2163Minimum Difference in Sums After Removal of ElementsGoHard
2162Minimum Cost to Set Cooking TimeGoMedium
2161Partition Array According to Given PivotGoMedium
2160Minimum Sum of Four Digit Number After Splitting DigitsGoEasy
2159Order Two Columns Independently 🔒MySQLMedium
2158Amount of New Area Painted Each Day 🔒GoHard
2157Groups of StringsGoHard
2156Find Substring With Given Hash ValueGoHard
2155All Divisions With the Highest Score of a Binary ArrayGoMedium
2154Keep Multiplying Found Values by TwoGoEasy
2153The Number of Passengers in Each Bus II 🔒MySQLHard
2152Minimum Number of Lines to Cover Points 🔒GoMedium
2151Maximum Good People Based on StatementsGoHard
2150Find All Lonely Numbers in the ArrayGoMedium
2149Rearrange Array Elements by SignGoMedium
2148Count Elements With Strictly Smaller and Greater ElementsGoEasy
2147Number of Ways to Divide a Long CorridorGoHard
2146K Highest Ranked Items Within a Price RangeGoMedium
2145Count the Hidden SequencesGoMedium
2144Minimum Cost of Buying Candies With DiscountGoEasy
2143Choose Numbers From Two Arrays in Range 🔒GoHard
2142The Number of Passengers in Each Bus I 🔒MySQLMedium
2141Maximum Running Time of N ComputersGoHard
2140Solving Questions With BrainpowerGoMedium
2139Minimum Moves to Reach Target ScoreGoMedium
2138Divide a String Into Groups of Size kGoEasy
2137Pour Water Between Buckets to Make Water Levels Equal 🔒GoMedium
2136Earliest Possible Day of Full BloomGoHard
2135Count Words Obtained After Adding a LetterGoMedium
2134Minimum Swaps to Group All 1's Together IIGoMedium
2133Check if Every Row and Column Contains All NumbersGoEasy
2132Stamping the GridGoHard
2131Longest Palindrome by Concatenating Two Letter WordsGoMedium
2130Maximum Twin Sum of a Linked ListGoMedium
2129Capitalize the TitleGoEasy
2128Remove All Ones With Row and Column Flips 🔒GoMedium
2127Maximum Employees to Be Invited to a MeetingGoHard
2126Destroying AsteroidsGoMedium
2125Number of Laser Beams in a BankGoMedium
2124Check if All A's Appears Before All B'sGoEasy
2123Minimum Operations to Remove Adjacent Ones in Matrix 🔒GoHard
2122Recover the Original ArrayGoHard
2121Intervals Between Identical ElementsGoMedium
2120Execution of All Suffix Instructions Staying in a GridGoMedium
2119A Number After a Double ReversalGoEasy
2118Build the Equation 🔒MySQLHard
2117Abbreviating the Product of a RangeGoHard
2116Check if a Parentheses String Can Be ValidGoMedium
2115Find All Possible Recipes from Given SuppliesGoMedium
2114Maximum Number of Words Found in SentencesGoEasy
2113Elements in Array After Removing and Replacing Elements 🔒GoMedium
2112The Airport With the Most Traffic 🔒MySQLMedium
2111Minimum Operations to Make the Array K-IncreasingGoHard
2110Number of Smooth Descent Periods of a StockGoMedium
2109Adding Spaces to a StringGoMedium
2108Find First Palindromic String in the ArrayGoEasy
2107Number of Unique Flavors After Sharing K Candies 🔒GoMedium
2106Maximum Fruits Harvested After at Most K StepsGoHard
2105Watering Plants IIGoMedium
2104Sum of Subarray RangesGoMedium
2103Rings and RodsGoEasy
2102Sequentially Ordinal Rank TrackerGoHard
2101Detonate the Maximum BombsGoMedium
2100Find Good Days to Rob the BankGoMedium
2099Find Subsequence of Length K With the Largest SumGoEasy
2098Subsequence of Size K With the Largest Even Sum 🔒GoMedium
2097Valid Arrangement of PairsGoHard
2096Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to AnotherGoMedium
2095Delete the Middle Node of a Linked ListGoMedium
2094Finding 3-Digit Even NumbersGoEasy
2093Minimum Cost to Reach City With Discounts 🔒GoMedium
2092Find All People With SecretGoHard
2091Removing Minimum and Maximum From ArrayGoMedium
2090K Radius Subarray AveragesGoMedium
2089Find Target Indices After Sorting ArrayGoEasy
2088Count Fertile Pyramids in a LandGoHard
2087Minimum Cost Homecoming of a Robot in a GridGoMedium
2086Minimum Number of Buckets Required to Collect Rainwater from HousesGoMedium
2085Count Common Words With One OccurrenceGoEasy
2084Drop Type 1 Orders for Customers With Type 0 Orders 🔒MySQLMedium
2083Substrings That Begin and End With the Same Letter 🔒GoMedium
2082The Number of Rich Customers 🔒MySQLEasy
2081Sum of k-Mirror NumbersGoHard
2080Range Frequency QueriesGoMedium
2079Watering PlantsGoMedium
2078Two Furthest Houses With Different ColorsGoEasy
2077Paths in Maze That Lead to Same Room 🔒GoMedium
2076Process Restricted Friend RequestsGoHard
2075Decode the Slanted CiphertextGoMedium
2074Reverse Nodes in Even Length GroupsGoMedium
2073Time Needed to Buy TicketsGoEasy
2072The Winner University 🔒MySQLEasy
2071Maximum Number of Tasks You Can AssignGoHard
2070Most Beautiful Item for Each QueryGoMedium
2069Walking Robot Simulation IIGoMedium
2068Check Whether Two Strings are Almost EquivalentGoEasy
2067Number of Equal Count Substrings 🔒GoMedium
2066Account Balance 🔒MySQLMedium
2065Maximum Path Quality of a GraphGoHard
2064Minimized Maximum of Products Distributed to Any StoreGoMedium
2063Vowels of All SubstringsGoMedium
2062Count Vowel Substrings of a StringGoEasy
2061Number of Spaces Cleaning Robot Cleaned 🔒GoMedium
2060Check if an Original String Exists Given Two Encoded StringsGoHard
2059Minimum Operations to Convert NumberGoMedium
2058Find the Minimum and Maximum Number of Nodes Between Critical PointsGoMedium
2057Smallest Index With Equal ValueGoEasy
2056Number of Valid Move Combinations On ChessboardGoHard
2055Plates Between CandlesGoMedium
2054Two Best Non-Overlapping EventsGoMedium
2053Kth Distinct String in an ArrayGoEasy
2052Minimum Cost to Separate Sentence Into Rows 🔒GoMedium
2051The Category of Each Member in the Store 🔒MySQLMedium
2050Parallel Courses IIIGoHard
2049Count Nodes With the Highest ScoreGoMedium
2048Next Greater Numerically Balanced NumberGoMedium
2047Number of Valid Words in a SentenceGoEasy
2046Sort Linked List Already Sorted Using Absolute Values 🔒GoMedium
2045Second Minimum Time to Reach DestinationGoHard
2044Count Number of Maximum Bitwise-OR SubsetsGoMedium
2043Simple Bank SystemGoMedium
2042Check if Numbers Are Ascending in a SentenceGoEasy
2041Accepted Candidates From the Interviews 🔒MySQLMedium
2040Kth Smallest Product of Two Sorted ArraysGoHard
2039The Time When the Network Becomes IdleGoMedium
2038Remove Colored Pieces if Both Neighbors are the Same ColorGoMedium
2037Minimum Number of Moves to Seat EveryoneGoEasy
2036Maximum Alternating Subarray Sum 🔒GoMedium
2035Partition Array Into Two Arrays to Minimize Sum DifferenceGoHard
2034Stock Price FluctuationGoMedium
2033Minimum Operations to Make a Uni-Value GridGoMedium
2032Two Out of ThreeGoEasy
2031Count Subarrays With More Ones Than Zeros 🔒GoMedium
2030Smallest K-Length Subsequence With Occurrences of a LetterGoHard
2029Stone Game IXGoMedium
2028Find Missing ObservationsGoMedium
2027Minimum Moves to Convert StringGoEasy
2026Low-Quality Problems 🔒MySQLEasy
2025Maximum Number of Ways to Partition an ArrayGoHard
2024Maximize the Confusion of an ExamGoMedium
2023Number of Pairs of Strings With Concatenation Equal to TargetGoMedium
2022Convert 1D Array Into 2D ArrayGoEasy
2021Brightest Position on Street 🔒GoMedium
2020Number of Accounts That Did Not Stream 🔒MySQLMedium
2019The Score of Students Solving Math ExpressionGoHard
2018Check if Word Can Be Placed In CrosswordGoMedium
2017Grid GameGoMedium
2016Maximum Difference Between Increasing ElementsGoEasy
2015Average Height of Buildings in Each Segment 🔒GoMedium
2014Longest Subsequence Repeated k TimesGoHard
2013Detect SquaresGoMedium
2012Sum of Beauty in the ArrayGoMedium
2011Final Value of Variable After Performing OperationsGoEasy
2010The Number of Seniors and Juniors to Join the Company II 🔒MySQLHard
2009Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array ContinuousGoHard
2008Maximum Earnings From TaxiGoMedium
2007Find Original Array From Doubled ArrayGoMedium
2006Count Number of Pairs With Absolute Difference KGoEasy
2005Subtree Removal Game with Fibonacci Tree 🔒GoHard
2004The Number of Seniors and Juniors to Join the Company 🔒MySQLHard
2003Smallest Missing Genetic Value in Each SubtreeGoHard
2002Maximum Product of the Length of Two Palindromic SubsequencesGoMedium
2001Number of Pairs of Interchangeable RectanglesGoMedium
2000Reverse Prefix of WordGoEasy
1999Smallest Greater Multiple Made of Two Digits 🔒GoMedium
1998GCD Sort of an ArrayGoHard
1997First Day Where You Have Been in All the RoomsGoMedium
1996The Number of Weak Characters in the GameGoMedium
1995Count Special QuadrupletsGoEasy
1994The Number of Good SubsetsGoHard
1993Operations on TreeGoMedium
1992Find All Groups of FarmlandGoMedium
1991Find the Middle Index in ArrayGoEasy
1990Count the Number of Experiments 🔒MySQLMedium
1989Maximum Number of People That Can Be Caught in Tag 🔒GoMedium
1988Find Cutoff Score for Each School 🔒MySQLMedium
1987Number of Unique Good SubsequencesGoHard
1986Minimum Number of Work Sessions to Finish the TasksGoMedium
1985Find the Kth Largest Integer in the ArrayGoMedium
1984Minimum Difference Between Highest and Lowest of K ScoresGoEasy
1983Widest Pair of Indices With Equal Range Sum 🔒GoMedium
1982Find Array Given Subset SumsGoHard
1981Minimize the Difference Between Target and Chosen ElementsGoMedium
1980Find Unique Binary StringGoMedium
1979Find Greatest Common Divisor of ArrayGoEasy
1978Employees Whose Manager Left the Company 🔒MySQLEasy
1977Number of Ways to Separate NumbersGoHard
1976Number of Ways to Arrive at DestinationGoMedium
1975Maximum Matrix SumGoMedium
1974Minimum Time to Type Word Using Special TypewriterGoEasy
1973Count Nodes Equal to Sum of Descendants 🔒GoMedium
1972First and Last Call On the Same Day 🔒MySQLHard
1971Find if Path Exists in GraphGoEasy
1970Last Day Where You Can Still CrossGoHard
1969Minimum Non-Zero Product of the Array ElementsGoMedium
1968Array With Elements Not Equal to Average of NeighborsGoMedium
1967Number of Strings That Appear as Substrings in WordGoEasy
1966Binary Searchable Numbers in an Unsorted Array 🔒GoMedium
1965Employees With Missing Information 🔒MySQLEasy
1964Find the Longest Valid Obstacle Course at Each PositionGoHard
1963Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the String BalancedGoMedium
1962Remove Stones to Minimize the TotalGoMedium
1961Check If String Is a Prefix of ArrayGoEasy
1960Maximum Product of the Length of Two Palindromic SubstringsGoHard
1959Minimum Total Space Wasted With K Resizing OperationsGoMedium
1958Check if Move is LegalGoMedium
1957Delete Characters to Make Fancy StringGoEasy
1956Minimum Time For K Virus Variants to Spread 🔒GoHard
1955Count Number of Special SubsequencesGoHard
1954Minimum Garden Perimeter to Collect Enough ApplesGoMedium
1953Maximum Number of Weeks for Which You Can WorkGoMedium
1952Three DivisorsGoEasy
1951All the Pairs With the Maximum Number of Common Followers 🔒MySQLMedium
1950Maximum of Minimum Values in All Subarrays 🔒GoMedium
1949Strong Friendship 🔒MySQLMedium
1948Delete Duplicate Folders in SystemGoHard
1947Maximum Compatibility Score SumGoMedium
1946Largest Number After Mutating SubstringGoMedium
1945Sum of Digits of String After ConvertGoEasy
1944Number of Visible People in a QueueGoHard
1943Describe the PaintingGoMedium
1942The Number of the Smallest Unoccupied ChairGoMedium
1941Check if All Characters Have Equal Number of OccurrencesGoEasy
1940Longest Common Subsequence Between Sorted Arrays 🔒GoMedium
1939Users That Actively Request Confirmation Messages 🔒MySQLEasy
1938Maximum Genetic Difference QueryGoHard
1937Maximum Number of Points with CostGoMedium
1936Add Minimum Number of RungsGoMedium
1935Maximum Number of Words You Can TypeGoEasy
1934Confirmation Rate 🔒MySQLMedium
1933Check if String Is Decomposable Into Value-Equal Substrings 🔒GoEasy
1932Merge BSTs to Create Single BSTGoHard
1931Painting a Grid With Three Different ColorsGoHard
1930Unique Length-3 Palindromic SubsequencesGoMedium
1929Concatenation of ArrayGoEasy
1928Minimum Cost to Reach Destination in TimeGoHard
1927Sum GameGoMedium
1926Nearest Exit from Entrance in MazeGoMedium
1925Count Square Sum TriplesGoEasy
1924Erect the Fence II 🔒GoHard
1923Longest Common SubpathGoHard
1922Count Good NumbersGoMedium
1921Eliminate Maximum Number of MonstersGoMedium
1920Build Array from PermutationGoEasy
1919Leetcodify Similar Friends 🔒MySQLHard
1918Kth Smallest Subarray Sum 🔒GoMedium
1917Leetcodify Friends Recommendations 🔒MySQLHard
1916Count Ways to Build Rooms in an Ant ColonyGoHard
1915Number of Wonderful SubstringsGoMedium
1914Cyclically Rotating a GridGoMedium
1913Maximum Product Difference Between Two PairsGoEasy
1912Design Movie Rental SystemGoHard
1911Maximum Alternating Subsequence SumGoMedium
1910Remove All Occurrences of a SubstringGoMedium
1909Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly IncreasingGoEasy
1908Game of Nim 🔒GoMedium
1907Count Salary Categories 🔒MySQLMedium
1906Minimum Absolute Difference QueriesGoMedium
1905Count Sub IslandsGoMedium
1904The Number of Full Rounds You Have PlayedGoMedium
1903Largest Odd Number in StringGoEasy
1902Depth of BST Given Insertion Order 🔒GoMedium
1901Find a Peak Element IIGoMedium
1900The Earliest and Latest Rounds Where Players CompeteGoHard
1899Merge Triplets to Form Target TripletGoMedium
1898Maximum Number of Removable CharactersGoMedium
1897Redistribute Characters to Make All Strings EqualGoEasy
1896Minimum Cost to Change the Final Value of ExpressionGoHard
1895Largest Magic SquareGoMedium
1894Find the Student that Will Replace the ChalkGoMedium
1893Check if All the Integers in a Range Are CoveredGoEasy
1892Page Recommendations II 🔒MySQLHard
1891Cutting Ribbons 🔒GoMedium
1890The Latest Login in 2020 🔒MySQLEasy
1889Minimum Space Wasted From PackagingGoHard
1888Minimum Number of Flips to Make the Binary String AlternatingGoMedium
1887Reduction Operations to Make the Array Elements EqualGoMedium
1886Determine Whether Matrix Can Be Obtained By RotationGoEasy
1885Count Pairs in Two Arrays 🔒GoMedium
1884Egg Drop With 2 Eggs and N FloorsGoMedium
1883Minimum Skips to Arrive at Meeting On TimeGoHard
1882Process Tasks Using ServersGoMedium
1881Maximum Value after InsertionGoMedium
1880Check if Word Equals Summation of Two WordsGoEasy
1879Minimum XOR Sum of Two ArraysGoHard
1878Get Biggest Three Rhombus Sums in a GridGoMedium
1877Minimize Maximum Pair Sum in ArrayGoMedium
1876Substrings of Size Three with Distinct CharactersGoEasy
1875Group Employees of the Same Salary 🔒MySQLMedium
1874Minimize Product Sum of Two Arrays 🔒GoMedium
1873Calculate Special Bonus 🔒MySQLEasy
1872Stone Game VIIIGoHard
1871Jump Game VIIGoMedium
1870Minimum Speed to Arrive on TimeGoMedium
1869Longer Contiguous Segments of Ones than ZerosGoEasy
1868Product of Two Run-Length Encoded Arrays 🔒GoMedium
1867Orders With Maximum Quantity Above Average 🔒MySQLMedium
1866Number of Ways to Rearrange Sticks With K Sticks VisibleGoHard
1865Finding Pairs With a Certain SumGoMedium
1864Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the Binary String AlternatingGoMedium
1863Sum of All Subset XOR TotalsGoEasy
1862Sum of Floored PairsGoHard
1861Rotating the BoxGoMedium
1860Incremental Memory LeakGoMedium
1859Sorting the SentenceGoEasy
1858Longest Word With All Prefixes 🔒GoMedium
1857Largest Color Value in a Directed GraphGoHard
1856Maximum Subarray Min-ProductGoMedium
1855Maximum Distance Between a Pair of ValuesGoMedium
1854Maximum Population YearGoEasy
1853Convert Date Format 🔒MySQLEasy
1852Distinct Numbers in Each Subarray 🔒GoMedium
1851Minimum Interval to Include Each QueryGoHard
1850Minimum Adjacent Swaps to Reach the Kth Smallest NumberGoMedium
1849Splitting a String Into Descending Consecutive ValuesGoMedium
1848Minimum Distance to the Target ElementGoEasy
1847Closest RoomGoHard
1846Maximum Element After Decreasing and RearrangingGoMedium
1845Seat Reservation ManagerGoMedium
1844Replace All Digits with CharactersGoEasy
1843Suspicious Bank Accounts 🔒MySQLMedium
1842Next Palindrome Using Same Digits 🔒GoHard
1841League Statistics 🔒MySQLMedium
1840Maximum Building HeightGoHard
1839Longest Substring Of All Vowels in OrderGoMedium
1838Frequency of the Most Frequent ElementGoMedium
1837Sum of Digits in Base KGoEasy
1836Remove Duplicates From an Unsorted Linked List 🔒GoMedium
1835Find XOR Sum of All Pairs Bitwise ANDGoHard
1834Single-Threaded CPUGoMedium
1833Maximum Ice Cream BarsGoMedium
1832Check if the Sentence Is PangramGoEasy
1831Maximum Transaction Each Day 🔒MySQLMedium
1830Minimum Number of Operations to Make String SortedGoHard
1829Maximum XOR for Each QueryGoMedium
1828Queries on Number of Points Inside a CircleGoMedium
1827Minimum Operations to Make the Array IncreasingGoEasy
1826Faulty Sensor 🔒GoEasy
1825Finding MK AverageGoHard
1824Minimum Sideway JumpsGoMedium
1823Find the Winner of the Circular GameGoMedium
1822Sign of the Product of an ArrayGoEasy
1821Find Customers With Positive Revenue this Year 🔒MySQLEasy
1820Maximum Number of Accepted Invitations 🔒GoMedium
1819Number of Different Subsequences GCDsGoHard
1818Minimum Absolute Sum DifferenceGoMedium
1817Finding the Users Active MinutesGoMedium
1816Truncate SentenceGoEasy
1815Maximum Number of Groups Getting Fresh DonutsGoHard
1814Count Nice Pairs in an ArrayGoMedium
1813Sentence Similarity IIIGoMedium
1812Determine Color of a Chessboard SquareGoEasy
1811Find Interview Candidates 🔒MySQLMedium
1810Minimum Path Cost in a Hidden Grid 🔒GoMedium
1809Ad-Free Sessions 🔒MySQLEasy
1808Maximize Number of Nice DivisorsGoHard
1807Evaluate the Bracket Pairs of a StringGoMedium
1806Minimum Number of Operations to Reinitialize a PermutationGoMedium
1805Number of Different Integers in a StringGoEasy
1804Implement Trie II (Prefix Tree) 🔒GoMedium
1803Count Pairs With XOR in a RangeGoHard
1802Maximum Value at a Given Index in a Bounded ArrayGoMedium
1801Number of Orders in the BacklogGoMedium

