- Kolkata, West Bengal, India
- 18:51
(UTC +05:30) - avinashranjan.com
- @iavinashranjan
- in/avinashkranjan
- avinashkranjan7
Hi there, I'mAvinash!
Computer Science Engineer Full Stack (MERN) Developer 🤓 |Ethical Hacker 👨🏻💻 |Flutter Developer 🧐 |Pythoneer 🐍 |Open Source Contributor 📝|Competitive Programmer🤠 |Technical Writer 🤭|Public Speaker 🥳. Looking forward to utilize myWeb Development,Software Development andHacking Skills in a Dynamic Environment. 🧑🏻
- 🎪Visual Portfolio
- 🚩Website
- 🔭 I’m currently working as Freelancer 💻
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Full Stack Development , NextJS, GraphQL
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any cool Project
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with Open Source Project Development
- 📫 You can reach at:ranjan.avinash@hotmail.com
- ⚡ Fun fact: Caffeine helps me Code.. ☕
- 🎆 I'm Open for New Opportunities.
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Amazing-Python-Scripts Public🚀 Curated collection of Amazing Python scripts from Basics to Advance with automation task scripts.
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Malware-with-Backdoor-and-Keylogger Public archive👨🏻💻 A great tool for Ethical Hackers, a malware programmed with Backdoor and Keylogger.
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