- Ask Ragnar-F or joedf for write access to a project in this organization. You can contact them on theforums (either by simply posting tothis thread, or by PMingRagnar-F orjoedf directly if you're allowed to do so) or on theDiscord server. If a project does not yet exist for your language, it will be created.
- Download and runOmegaT
- Click in the menu bar on Project > Download Team Project...
- Enter
in the first input field and replace<repoName>
with the repository name (e.g. v1-nl) - Specify your new local project folder in the next field
- Click on OK
At some point during the synchronization you will be asked for your GitHub username and password. You only need to enter this information once. Due to security-related changes made by GitHub on August 13th, 2021, you will now need to enter a personal access token (PAT) instead of your GitHub password:
- Open yourGitHub account settings
- Click on "Generate new token"
- Select "Generate new token (classic)"
- Write something in "Notes" (e.g. autohotkey-docs-translation/v1-nl)
- Select "No expiration" for Expiration
- Check "repo"
- Click on "Generate token"
- Copy the string inside the green box and use this string as the password
For details, seeCreating a personal access token. If you need to force the credential dialog to reappear, remove the old credentials under Options > Preferences... > Team > Repository Credentials in OmegaT.
That's it. Now you can translate as you like. Your new translations will be uploaded automatically on a regular basis and at various events such as save, close, etc. If you want to check the current translated state of the document, click on Project > Create Translated Documents and then on Project > Access Project Contents > Current Target Document. When you think it's ready for publishing for now, click on Project > Commit Target Files and let us know via PM, so we can publish the docs. If you have questions, feel free to ask us.
- If a translation is identical to its source text, use "Register identical translation" (Ctrl+Shift+S or accessible from the menu bar or right-click menu) to mark it as translated instead of skipping it. This helps maintainability in the sense of going to the next untranslated segment (Ctrl+U); for example, if there is new text after a docs update.
- OmegaT - Free open-source translation memory tool, computer-assisted translation (CAT) software
- Google Translator without API key - Plugin for Google Translate service, without needing an API key.
- More plugins
- Microsoft Terminology Translation - Useful for when you need a computer-term in a different language. These are used my Microsoft themselves for things like Windows, Office, Skype, Xbox, Bing, etc.
- You can download *.tbx glossary files here to help with CAT software:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/language/Terminology
- DeepL - An online service that provides more accurate machine translations than other common services.