I’m a software engineer with over 10 years of commercial iOS development experience.
My purpose is to create apps that people just love to use.
Create a list, complete it, repeat it.
SwiftUI, App Clip, Lock Screen Widgets, Home Screen Widgets, Drag & drop support, Dark mode support, Voiceover & Dynamic Text support, Localised to 32 languages, Taptic feedback
🤩 Featured by Apple in Japan, September 2022
🤩 Featured by Apple in 8 Countries, February 2021
Show large text on your screen.
Over 822,000 downloads, Lock Screen Widgets, Home Screen Widgets, Action Extension, Dark mode support, Voiceover & Dynamic Text support, Localised to 37 languages, Taptic feedback, Custom App Icons, URL Scheme deeplinking, Using SF Symbols
🤩 Featured by Apple in 41 Countries, May 2022
😍 Mentioned in the App Store Story:Discover the Apps Behind CODA, February 2022
🤩 Featured by Apple in 23 Countries, February 2014 - June 2014
Siri Shortcut: Allows you to dictate text, then enlarges it in the Make It Big app
Track a single point in time.
SwiftUI, ActivityKit (Dynamic island, Live activities), BackgroundTasks, CoreMotion, WidgetKit (Lock screen and Home screen widgets)
ℹ️ Removed until a suitable image API is found (previous one is no longer maintained).
A conversation visualiser. Converts your speech to images, providing context to conversations.
Swift Playgrounds 4 app, SwiftUI, Speech API (Speech Recognition), Natural Language API (to identify adjectives/nouns), Async/Await
Play Pong with your face!
SwiftUI, ARKit, SpriteKit, GameKit (Game Center leaderboard), Taptic feedback
Scans for codes using your camera, or from an image in your photos.
SwiftUI, Vision Framework, AVFoundation, Taptic feedback, Action Extension (scan codes from Image share sheet)
Minimalist Pomodoro Timer.
SwiftUI, Taptic feedback, AirPlay (AVKit)
Track the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) daily new cases and deaths in the UK.
Open source, Swift Charts, SwiftUI, Async/Await, Widget, Background task to fetch periodically, local notifications
Monitor the current battery level of your device. As you charge your device, the battery level will be announced.
Dark mode support, Custom App Icons, Taptic feedback, Siri Shortcuts
An interactive animating spirograph generator.
Swift Playgrounds 4 app, Open source, SwiftUI
SwiftUI app to search and showcase SF Symbols. 🔎
Open source, SwiftUI, (enum style values, searchable modifier, dismiss environment variable, text selection, multiple sheet presentation, foundation pluraliser)
SwiftUI app to allow other developers craft that perfect SwiftUI button effect. 👌🏼
Open source, SwiftUI
- appleid-animation
appleid-animation PublicRecreating the animation on https://appleid.apple.com using SwiftUI
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