This is a python project, that fetches definitions of words from urban dictionary's public API.
Future additions. PRs are always welcome :)
- Calculate ratio of
and decide the probability of a correct definition.
Python 3.9 or higher is required
To install the library you can use the following command:
# Linux/MacOSpython3 -m pip install --upgrade python-urbandict# Windowspy -3 -m pip install --upgrade python-urbandict
Or just try:
pip install python-urbandict
You can create an instance of theUrbanDict
class and pass a word to it. After that you can use thesearch
method that will retrieve the definitions from UrbanDictionary.If you want to you can also leave the word attribute empty, in which case a random word is selected by UrbanDictionary.
frompyurbandictimportUrbanDictword=UrbanDict("python")results=word.search()print(results[0])>>>Definition(word='python',definition='The best thing to happen to [Computer Science] students in a data and [file] structures or [algorithms] class.',example='Joe: "Man...I spent a week coding that [algorithm] in C."\r\nMoe: "I got it [done in one] evening with [Python]. It works great."\r\nJoe: "Say, what? Where can I download that?"',author='TheNextBillGates',thumbs_up=243,thumbs_down=71,sound_urls=['https://api.twilio.com/2008-08-01/Accounts/ACd09691b82112e4b26fce156d7c01d0ed/Recordings/RE7065a4ef810937cc16ae2b6e4b54b67d'],written_on='2010-03-24T05:24:18.000Z',permalink='http://python.urbanup.com/4826760',defid=4826760,current_vote='')