sniffer capture http packet in gopacket(libpcap).
The sniffer project captures packets through pcap and parses the http protocol.The fetched results will be stored in the database.He also provides a webserver interface to view packet capture results.
for ubuntu/debian:
sudo aptitude install libcap-dev
for centos/redhat/fedora:
sudo yum install libpcap-devel
go get github.com/asmcos/requests
nohup ./sniffer -i eth0 &
#Support Config Json file
{ "name": "sniffer", "device": "en0", "port":80}
The sniffer can store data to a remote server or not save the data.You can submit data through serverurl.
How to config serverurl?
vim sniffer.json"serverurl":"", //Save data to server"serverurl":"" //Don't save data
How to build data server ?
See https://github.com/asmcos/AIDatas>>80extshort.weixin.qq.comPOST /mmtls/1d70cf00 HTTP/1.1 Connection :[close]Content-Length :[542]Content-Type :[application/octet-stream]Upgrade :[mmtls]User-Agent :[MicroMessenger Client]Accept :[*/*]Cache-Control :[no-cache]>>54893HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type :[application/octet-stream]Content-Length :[229]
View results through webserver http://zhanluejia.net.cn:8080/httpdata/
Use AIDatas and sniffer for linkage https://note.youdao.com/s/BdhDLrwb