This is a simple JavaScript application developed with core JavaScript without using any external JS library.In this tiny application i have tried to demonstrate how JS developers can implement OOP, Prototypal Inheritance, Static method & variable, Event Bindings, Callbacks,IIFE(immediately-invoked function expression), Anonymous functions, Method chaining, factory design pattern, Mathematics and some other JavaScript stuffs in their JavaScript application.I have developed this application totally for fun. When application starts there will appear 5-6 Kangaroos randomly bouncing around your browser window.If you click on one of them with your mouse then that Kangaroo will get attached with your cursor and will start moving wherever you move your mouse pointer.If you wanna release it from your cursor click again.
- Clone the project from git.
- Go to 'Bouncer' directory & open 'index.html' file in your browser.

If you like the project, shoot a ⭐ and feel free to fork & send PR anytime.
MIT licensed