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Apache OFBiz is an open source product for the automation of enterprise processes. It includes framework components and business applications for ERP, CRM, E-Business/E-Commerce, Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing Resource Planning. OFBiz provides a foundation and starting point for reliable, secure and scalable enterprise solutions.


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Welcome toApache OFBiz! A powerful top level Apache software project. OFBizis an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System written in Java and houses alarge set of libraries, entities, services and features to run all aspects ofyour business.

For more details about OFBiz please visit the OFBiz Documentation page:



If you want to use Eclipse, read theSetup eclipse project for OFBizsection to set it up.


If you want to use an external database like MySQL or PostgreSQL, readtheSetup an external database section to set it up.


If you want to run OFBiz without an internet connection, read theRunning gradle tasks without an internet connection section.


The directory structure and repositories have changed. For moreinformation read theRepository and directory structure section.


If you are in China you may encounter network issues or proxy settings. That’s of course unrelated to OFBiz.

System requirements

The only requirements to run OFBiz is

  • to have the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 17 installed on your system(not just the JRE, but the full JDK) that you can download from the below link.Make sure of setting the $JAVA_HOME environment variable.
    JDK download.To know more about the JDK


On Windows don’t put OFBiz in a directory with space/s in the path.

  • If on Windows, a Powershell version >= 7.1.3 installed that you can download from the below link.

Quick start

To quickly install and fire-up OFBiz, please follow the below instructions fromthe command line at the OFBiz top level directory (folder).

Download the Gradle wrapper:

MS Windows:init-gradle-wrapper

  • If you cross the error

"Powershell is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"

follow the advice there: If you want more details see:

  • If you run into problems check the the execution policy of PowerShell. See for details.By setting the execution policy to "unrestricted", you’ll be prompted to run the script once you run the init-gradle-wrapper command.


If you wonder where are stored the PowerShell Executables, here are the answers:

Unix-like OS:./gradle/

Prepare OFBiz:

Clean system and load the complete OFBiz data

Note: Depending on your Internet connection speed it might take a long timefor this step to complete if you are using OFBiz for the first time as it needsto download all dependencies. So please be patient!

MS Windows:gradlew cleanAll loadAll

Unix-like OS:./gradlew cleanAll loadAll

This command deletes all previous data and resets it to the initial demo data.

Start OFBiz:

MS Windows:gradlew ofbiz

Unix-like OS:./gradlew ofbiz

Note: Ignore the % progress indicator because this task does not end as longas OFBiz is running.

Visit OFBiz through your browser:

You can log in with the useradmin and passwordofbiz.

In case of problems visit ourFurther reading section.


If you want to set and use Docker,here is the documentation

Production setup


Currently deployment configuration is tied to the source code. If you want to separate deployment configuration from production code we recommend using Docker, seeDocker section above.

Following is a simple production setup. For more detailed information visitApache OFBiz Technical Production Setup Guide.

Package OFBiz

MS Windows:gradlew distZip

Unix-like OS:./gradlew distTar

Copy to server

Copy the archive frombuild/distributions directory to the server and unarchive them withtar xf orunzip.

Run OFBiz

From the unarchived directory you can run eitherbin/ofbiz shell script orbin/ofbiz.bat batch script.

Install as a service

MS Windows: you can usenssm

Unix-like OS:This article might give you an idea, although it seems to be outdated. Either way, you can use the standard mechanism of your distribution, like for example creating an/etc/systemd/system/ofbiz.service file.


On Windows you might get the following error when trying to run theofbiz.bat script:The input line is too long. The syntax of the command is incorrect.

The current workaround is to clone the repository and run gradlew commands from the root folder instead.


  • If you find a pre-auth security issue, please report it to: security @ proper mitigations to the security issues are complete the OFBiz team willdisclose this information to the public mailing list.

  • If you find a post-auth security issue, pleasecreate a bug in our issue tracker (Jira) .

  • If you want to use AJP on a non localhost OFBiz instance, you need to set the value of allowedRequestAttributesPatternin framework/catalina/ofbiz-component.xml

You can find more information about security in OFBiz atKeeping OFBiz secure


In production never use the credentials contained in demo data. Not only the admin credentials, but all of them.

Also we recommend to not use Windows Server in production because we are not supporting specific Windows related security issues.

Build system syntax

All build tasks are executed using theGradle build system which is embeddedin OFBiz. To execute build tasks go to OFBiz top-level directory (folder) andexecute tasks from there.

Operating System Syntax

The syntax for tasks differ slightly between windows and Unix-like systems

  • Windows:gradlew <tasks-in-here>

  • Unix-like:./gradlew <tasks-in-here>

For the rest of this document, we will use the windows syntax, if you are on aUnix-like system, you need to add the./ to gradlew

Types of tasks in Gradle

There are two types of tasks designed for OFBiz in Gradle:

  • Standard tasks: To execute general standard Gradle tasks

  • OFBiz server tasks: To execute OFBiz startup commands. These tasks startwith one of the following words:

  • ofbiz : standard server commands

  • ofbizBackground ; server commands running in a background forked process


  • OFBizserver commands require"quoting" the commands. For example:gradlew "ofbiz --help"

  • Shortcuts to task names can be used by writing the first letter of every wordin a task name. However, you cannot use the shortcut form for OFBiz servertasks. Example:gradlew loadAdminUserLogin -PuserLoginId=myadmin =gradlew lAUL -PuserLoginId=myadmin

  • Dependent tasks can be skipped with the -x switch. Example:gradlew build -x test does not run the tests within the build.

Example standard tasks

gradlew build

gradlew cleanAll loadAll testIntegration

Example OFBiz server tasks

gradlew "ofbiz --help"

gradlew "ofbiz --test" --debug-jvm

gradlew "ofbizBackground --start --portoffset 10000"

gradlew "ofbiz --shutdown --portoffset 10000"

gradlew ofbiz (default is --start)

Example mixed tasks (standard and OFBiz server)

gradlew cleanAll loadAll "ofbiz --start --portoffset 10000"

Quick reference

You can use the below common list of tasks as a quick reference for controllingthe system. This document uses the windows task syntax, if you are on aUnix-like system, you need to add the./ to gradlew i.e../gradlew

Help tasks

List OFBiz server commands

List all available commands to control the OFBiz server

gradlew "ofbiz --help"

List build tasks

List all available tasks from the build system

gradlew tasks

List build projects

List all available projects in the build system

gradlew projects

Gradle build system help

Show usage and options for the Gradle build system

gradlew --help

Server command tasks

Start OFBiz

gradlew "ofbiz --start"

start is the default server task so this also works:

gradlew ofbiz

Shutdown OFBiz

gradlew "ofbiz --shutdown"

Get OFBiz status

gradlew "ofbiz --status"

Force OFBiz shutdown

Terminate all running OFBiz server instances by calling the appropriateoperating system kill command. Use this command to force OFBiz termination ifthe --shutdown command does not work. Usually this is needed when in the middleof data loading or testing in OFBiz.

Warning: Be careful in using this command as force termination might lead to inconsistent state / data

gradlew terminateOfbiz

Start OFBiz in remote debug mode

Starts OFBiz in remote debug mode and waits for debugger or IDEs to connect onport5005

gradlew ofbiz --debug-jvm

Start OFBiz on a different port

Start OFBiz of the network port offsetted by the range provided in the argumentto --portoffset

gradlew "ofbiz --start --portoffset 10000"

Start OFBiz in the background

Start OFBiz in the background by forking it to a new process and redirecting theoutput toruntime/logs/console.log

gradlew "ofbizBackground --start"


gradlew ofbizBackground

You can also offset the port, for example:

gradlew "ofbizBackground --start --portoffset 10000"

Passing JVM runtime options to OFBiz

You can pass JVM runtime options by specifying the project property-PjvmArgs.

gradlew ofbiz -PjvmArgs="-Xms1024M -Xmx2048M" -Dsome.parameter=hello

If you do not specifyjvmArgs, a default of-Xms128M -Xmx1024M is set.

Data loading tasks

OFBiz contains the following data reader types:

  • seed: OFBiz and External Seed Data - to be maintained along with source andupdated whenever a system deployment is updated

  • seed-initial: OFBiz and External Seed Data - to be maintained along withsource like other seed data, but only loaded initially and not updated when asystem is updated except manually reviewing each line

  • demo: OFBiz Only Demo Data

  • ext: External General Data (custom)

  • ext-test: External Test Data (custom)

  • ext-demo: External Demo Data (custom)

  • tenant: Data to load into the master tenants database "ofbiztenant". Thisdata is required to identify where a tenant’s database is located. For moreinformation you can review the relevanttenantdocumentation

Available options for the --load-data server command are the following:

  • readers=[name]: only load data from certain readers separated by comma. e.g.seed,seed-initial,ext

  • file=[path]: load a single file from location or several files separated bycommas. e.g. /my/file/1,/my/file/2

  • dir=[path]: load all data files found in directory

  • component=[name]: only load data from a specific component. e.g. base

  • delegator=[name]: use the defined delegator. Default is "default". If thevalue passed is"all-tenants" then OFBiz will load the data for all definedtenants in the system.

  • group=[name]: override the entity group (org.apache.ofbiz).

  • timeout=[millis]: timeout in milliseconds

  • create-pks: create primary keys

  • drop-pks: drop primary keys

  • create-constraints: create indexes and foreign keys after loading

  • drop-constraints: drop indexes and foreign keys before loading

  • create-fks: create dummy (placeholder) foreign keys

  • maintain-txs: maintain timestamps in data file

  • try-inserts: use mostly inserts

  • repair-columns: repair column sizes (default is true w/ drop-constraints)

  • continue-on-failure: By default OFBiz will fail and stop if it is unable toload any of the files it is attempting to load. By passing this property OFBizwill ignore failures and continue loading all files

Load specific OFBiz data

you can choose which data readers to pass in the following syntax:

gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=<readers-here-comma-separated>"


gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed,seed-initial,ext,ext-demo"

 Beware that copying this command in Microsoft Word will automatically transformthe double dash in en dashes (Unicode 0x2013: –) Other cases not related to Wordwere also reported.So when this command does not work check that you are usingdash!

Load all OFBiz data

Loads all data sets; meant for initial loading of generic OFBiz data. Can beapplied for development, testing, demonstration, etc. purposes. Be aware thatexecuting this task can result in your data being overwritten in your databaseof choice.

gradlew loadAll ORgradlew "ofbiz --load-data"

Use with caution in production environments.

Load seed data

Load ONLY the seed data (not seed-initial, demo, ext* or anything else); meantfor use after an update of the code to reload the seed data as it is generallymaintained along with the code and needs to be in sync for operation

gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed"

load ext data

Load seed, seed-initial and ext data; meant for manual/generic testing,development, or going into production with a derived system based on stock OFBizwhere the ext data basically replaces the demo data

gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed,seed-initial,ext"

load ext test data

Load seed, seed-initial, ext and ext-test data; meant for automated testing witha derived system based on stock OFBiz

gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed,seed-initial,ext,ext-test"

load data from an entity file

Load data from an XML file holding entity data.

gradlew "ofbiz --load-data file=foo/bar/FileNameHere.xml"

create a new tenant

Create a new tenant in your environment, create the delegator, load initial datawith admin-user and password (needs multitenant=Y in Thefollowing project parameters are passed:

  • tenantId: mandatory

  • tenantName: optional, default is value of tenantId

  • domainName: optional, default is org.apache.ofbiz

  • tenantReaders: optional, default value is seed,seed-initial,demo

  • dbPlatform: optional, D(Derby), M(MySQL), O(Oracle), P(PostgreSQL) (default D)

  • dbIp: optional, ip address of the database

  • dbUser: optional, username of the database

  • dbPassword: optional, password of the database

gradlew createTenant -PtenantId=mytenant

gradlew createTenant -PtenantId=mytenant -PtenantName="My Name" -PdomainName=com.example -PtenantReaders=seed,seed-initial,ext -PdbPlatform=M -PdbIp= -PdbUser=mydbuser -PdbPassword=mydbpass

If run successfully, the system creates a new tenant having:

  • delegator: default#${tenandId} (e.g. default#mytenant)

  • admin user: ${tenantId}-admin (e.g. mytenant-admin)

  • admin user password: ofbiz

load data for a specific tenant

Load data for one specific tenant in a multitenant environment. Note that youmust set multitenant=Y in and the following projectparameters are passed:

  • tenantId (mandatory)

  • tenantReaders (optional)

  • tenantComponent (optional)

gradlew loadTenant -PtenantId=mytenant

gradlew loadTenant -PtenantId=mytenant -PtenantReaders=seed,seed-initial,demo -PtenantComponent=base

Testing tasks

Execute all unit tests (no need access to the DB)

gradlew test

Execute all integration tests (need access to the DB)

gradlew testIntegration


gradlew 'ofbiz --test'

Execute integration tests with a different log level

It is possible to start integration tests with a log level different from thedefault one. The log levels allowed are listed below from most verbose to leastverbose:

  • always

  • verbose

  • timing

  • info

  • important

  • warning

  • error

  • fatal

gradlew "ofbiz --test loglevel=fatal"

Execute an integration test case

Run a test case, in this example the component is "entity" and the case name is"entity-tests"

gradlew "ofbiz --test component=entity --test suitename=entitytests --test case=entity-query-tests"

Execute an integration test case in debug mode with verbose log

Listens on port5005

gradlew "ofbiz --test component=entity --test loglevel=verbose" --debug-jvm

Execute an integration test suite

gradlew "ofbiz --test component=entity --test suitename=entitytests"

Execute an integration test suite in debug mode

Listens on port5005

gradlew "ofbiz --test component=entity --test suitename=entitytests" --debug-jvm

Execute all component tests

gradlew "ofbiz --test component=entity"

Execute all component tests in debug mode

Listens on port5005

gradlew "ofbiz --test component=entity" --debug-jvm

Miscellaneous tasks

Run all tests on a clean system

gradlew cleanAll loadAll testIntegration

Clean all generated artifacts

gradlew cleanAll

Refresh the generated artifacts

gradlew clean build

Create an admin user account

Create an admin user with login name MyUserName and default password with value"ofbiz". Upon first login OFBiz will request changing the default password

gradlew loadAdminUserLogin -PuserLoginId=MyUserName

Compile Java without using Xlint output

By default Xlint prints output of all warnings detected by the compiler, if youwant to silence them

gradlew -PXlint:none build

Run OWASP tool to identify dependency vulnerabilities (CVEs)

The below command activates a gradle plugin (OWASP) and Identifies and reportsknown vulnerabilities (CVEs) in OFBiz library dependencies. The task takes timeto complete, and once done, a report will be generated in$OFBIZ_HOME/build/reports/dependency-check-report.html

gradlew -PenableOwasp dependencyCheckAnalyze

Setup eclipse project for OFBiz

Setting up OFBiz on eclipse is done by simply running the below command and thenimporting the project to eclipse. This command will generate the necessary.classpath and.project files for eclipse and it will also make the sourcecode for external libraries available in eclipse (i.e. you can view sourcethrough Ctrl + Click)

The first time you run this command it will take a long time to execute becauseit will download source packages available for project dependencies.

gradlew eclipse

Package and distribute OFBiz

In order to deploy OFBiz on a target system and in particular in a productionenvironment without requiring the target system to download Gradle and OFBizdependencies from the internet, it is possible to generate an archive bundlingOFBiz with all the Jars it depends on as atar archive

gradlew distTar

or as azip archive.

gradlew distZip

Those archives are available in thebuild/distributions directory. To runOFBiz from those archive you must first unarchive them withtar xf orunzipand then from that directory you can run eitherbin/ofbiz shell script orbin/ofbiz.bat batch script with the appropriate ofbiz options.

OFBiz plugin system

OFBiz provides an extension mechanism through plugins. Plugins are standardOFBiz components that reside in the plugins directory. Plugins can be addedmanually or fetched from a maven repository. The standard tasks for managingplugins are listed below.

Note: OFBiz plugin versions followSemantic Versioning2.0.0

Pull (download and install) a plugin automatically

Download a plugin with all its dependencies (plugins) and install themone-by-one starting with the dependencies and ending with the plugin itself.

gradlew pullPlugin -PdependencyId="org.apache.ofbiz.plugin:myplugin:0.1.0"

If the plugin resides in a custom maven repository (not jcenter or localhost)then you can use specify the repository using below command:

gradlew pullPlugin -PrepoUrl="" -PdependencyId="org.apache.ofbiz.plugin:myplugin:0.1.0"

If you need username and password to access the custom repository:

gradlew pullPlugin -PrepoUrl="" -PrepoUser=myuser -PrepoPassword=mypassword -PdependencyId="org.apache.ofbiz.plugin:myplugin:0.1.0"

Pull an official plugin from source control

Download an official plugin from source control and place it in the plugins directory.It’s able to handle branches switches


You need to use the last Git version, at least a 2.26 version

MS Windows:pullPluginSource example
Unix-like OS:./ example

Pull all official plugins from source control

Download all officially supported plugins from source control and place them in /plugins.It’s able to handle branches switches

This task deletes the /plugins directory and replaces it with the official plugins.

You need to use the last Git version, at least a 2.26 version

MS Windows:pullAllPluginsSource
Unix-like OS:./

Install a plugin

If you have a plugin called mycustomplugin and want to install it in OFBizfollow the below instructions:

  • Extract the plugin if it is compressed

  • Place the extracted directory into /plugins

  • Run the below command

gradlew installPlugin -PpluginId=myplugin

The above commands executes the task "install" in the plugin’s build.gradle fileif it exists

Uninstall a plugin

If you have an existing plugin called mycustomplugin and you wish to uninstallrun the below command

gradlew uninstallPlugin -PpluginId=myplugin

The above command executes the task "uninstall" in the plugin’s build.gradlefile if it exists

Remove a plugin

CallsuninstallPlugin on an existing plugin and then delete it from thefile-system

gradlew removePlugin -PpluginId=myplugin

Create a new plugin

Create a new plugin. The following project parameters are passed:

  • pluginId: mandatory

  • pluginResourceName: optional, default is the Capitalized value of pluginId

  • webappName: optional, default is the value of pluginId

  • basePermission: optional, default is the UPPERCASE value of pluginId

gradlew createPlugin -PpluginId=myplugin

gradlew createPlugin -PpluginId=myplugin -PpluginResourceName=MyPlugin -PwebappName=mypluginweb -PbasePermission=MYSECURITY

The above command creates a new plugin in /plugins/myplugin

Push a plugin to a repository

This task publishes an OFBiz plugin into a maven package and then uploads it toa maven repository. Currently, pushing is limited to localhost maven repository(work in progress). To push a plugin the following parameters are passed:

  • pluginId: mandatory

  • groupId: optional, defaults to org.apache.ofbiz.plugin

  • pluginVersion: optional, defaults to 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT

  • pluginDescription: optional, defaults to "Publication of OFBiz plugin${pluginId}"

gradlew pushPlugin -PpluginId=myplugin

gradlew pushPlugin -PpluginId=mycompany -PpluginGroup=com.mycompany.ofbiz.plugin -PpluginVersion=1.2.3 -PpluginDescription="Introduce special functionality X"

Miscellaneous Documentation

Repository and directory structure

OFBiz is split into two repositories:

  • ofbiz-framework: Contains the core framework and main applications in thesystem like accounting, party, order, etc

  • ofbiz-plugins: Renamed from "special-purpose" and contains optionalcomponents that are officially supported by the community

Furthermore, the hot-deploy directory is removed as the plugins directory worksas a replacement for both "special-purpose" and "hot-deploy".

If you need to load the components in the plugins directory in a specific orderplace a component-load.xml file in the plugins directory listing the order.

To check out a plugin from source control use the Windows or Unix-likepullPluginSource script.To check out all plugins from source control use thepullAllPluginsSource script.Beware this deletes a previously existing pluginsdirectory.

Running gradle tasks without an internet connection

OFBiz must run with an internet connection thefirst time it is prepared onthe system because it needs to download all the required dependencies.

After preparing OFBiz the first time correctly, it is possible to run OFBizwithout an internet connection by using the--offline command line switchwhich tells Gradle to fetch its dependencies from the cache.

If any dependencies are missing from the cache and you pass--offline switchthen the build execution will fail.

Setup an external database like MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc

To setup an external database instead of the default embedded Apache Derby, youwill need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Find the JDBC driver suitable for your database using one of the followingoptions:

    • Search for the JDBC driver injcenter andplace it in build.gradle dependencies e.g.runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:8.0.30'


    • Download the JDBC driver jar and place it in $OFBIZ_HOME/lib or the libsub-directory of any component

  2. Modify the entityengine.xml file located in$OFBIZ_HOME/framework/entity/config to switch the default database to the oneyou selected. For more details you can read the relevant section in thetechnicalsetup guide

Setup gradle tab-completion on Unix-like systems:

To get tab completion (auto complete gradle commands by pressing tab) you candownload the script from the below link and place it in the appropriate locationfor your system.

For example, on debian based systems, you can use the following command:

sudo curl -L -s -o /etc/bash_completion.d/gradle-tab-completion.bash

Crypto notice

This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which youcurrently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/orre-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using anyencryption software, please check your country’s laws, regulations and policiesconcerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software,to see if this is permitted. See for more information.

The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security(BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN)5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using or performingcryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. The form and manner of thisApache Software Foundation distribution makes it eligible for export under theLicense Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see theBIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object code andsource code.

The following provides more details on the included cryptographic software:

  • Various classes in OFBiz, including DesCrypt, HashCrypt, and BlowFishCrypt uselibraries from the Sun Java JDK API including* and javax.crypto.*(the JCE, Java Cryptography Extensions API)

  • Other classes such as HttpClient and various related ones use the JSSE (JavaSecure Sockets Extension) API


Apache OFBiz is an open source product for the automation of enterprise processes. It includes framework components and business applications for ERP, CRM, E-Business/E-Commerce, Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing Resource Planning. OFBiz provides a foundation and starting point for reliable, secure and scalable enterprise solutions.




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