tree2dot is a simple command-line utility to generate a DOT graph file from atree expressed in a Lisp-like syntax.
tree2dot reads input from stdin and outputs the resulting DOT file to stdout.
Example usage:tree2dot < examples/test.txt > examples/
This will take the tree in examples/test.txt and output a DOT file toexamples/
The output of tree2dot can also be piped directly into graphviz.
Example usage:tree2dot < examples/test.txt | dot -Tsvg > examples/test.svg
This will take the tree in examples/test.txt, pipe the resulting DOT to the dotprogram, and output a SVG file to examples/test.svg. You will need the graphvizpackage installed for this to run. On Debian/Ubuntu-based systems, this can bedone by runningapt-get install graphviz
tree2dot is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt.