This is a simple irc logger written in elisp! It's used for logging all the irc channelsyou've joined and automatically organizing them into folders by date. It also supports addingirc channels at run time.
- clone this repo to any location
- add the path of the repo to
- byte compile the source file
write the following config with any file name (eg..erc.emacs
;; .erc.emacs(add-to-list 'load-path "__PATH_TO_THE_REPO__")(require 'erc-logger)(require 'erc-join);; You may customize some options using;; M-x customize-group erc-logger (erc-autojoin-mode 1)(erc :server "" :port 6667 :nick "__YOUR_NICKNAME__" :password "__YOUR_PASSWORD__")(setq erc-autojoin-channels-alist '(("" "#c" "#c++" "#linux" "#lisp" "##c++" "#clasp" "#clojure" "#guile" "#vim" "#neovim" "#emacs" "#erc")))(erc-logger-log-start))))
You can run with emacs daemon
emacs -l /path/to/.erc.emacs --daemon=/path/to/socket-file
and connect using emacs-client
emacs-client -nw -c -s /path/to/socket-file
You can join new channel at run time using the irc command/join