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NOTE: Sacremoses only supports Python 3 now (sacremoses>=0.0.41). If you're using Python 2, the last possible version issacremoses==0.0.40.
Usage (Python)
Tokenizer and Detokenizer
>>>fromsacremosesimportMosesTokenizer,MosesDetokenizer>>>mt=MosesTokenizer(lang='en')>>>text='This, is a sentence with weird\xbb symbols\u2026 appearing everywhere\xbf'>>>expected_tokenized='This , is a sentence with weird\xbb symbols\u2026 appearing everywhere\xbf'>>>tokenized_text=mt.tokenize(text,return_str=True)>>>tokenized_text==expected_tokenizedTrue>>>mt,md=MosesTokenizer(lang='en'),MosesDetokenizer(lang='en')>>>sent="This ain't funny. It's actually hillarious, yet double Ls. | [] < > [ ] & You're gonna shake it off? Don't?">>>expected_tokens= ['This','ain',''t','funny','.','It',''s','actually','hillarious',',','yet','double','Ls','.','|','[',']','<','>','[',']','&','You',''re','gonna','shake','it','off','?','Don',''t','?']>>>expected_detokens="This ain't funny. It's actually hillarious, yet double Ls. | [] < > [] & You're gonna shake it off? Don't?">>>mt.tokenize(sent)==expected_tokensTrue>>>md.detokenize(tokens)==expected_detokensTrue
>>>fromsacremosesimportMosesTruecaser,MosesTokenizer# Train a new truecaser from a 'big.txt' file.>>>mtr=MosesTruecaser()>>>mtok=MosesTokenizer(lang='en')# Save the truecase model to 'big.truecasemodel' using `save_to`>>tokenized_docs= [mtok.tokenize(line)forlineinopen('big.txt')]>>>mtr.train(tokenized_docs,save_to='big.truecasemodel')# Save the truecase model to 'big.truecasemodel' after training# (just in case you forgot to use `save_to`)>>>mtr=MosesTruecaser()>>>mtr.train('big.txt')>>>mtr.save_model('big.truecasemodel')# Truecase a string after training a model.>>>mtr=MosesTruecaser()>>>mtr.train('big.txt')>>>mtr.truecase("THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES")['the','adventures','of','Sherlock','Holmes']# Loads a model and truecase a string using trained model.>>>mtr=MosesTruecaser('big.truecasemodel')>>>mtr.truecase("THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES")['the','adventures','of','Sherlock','Holmes']>>>mtr.truecase("THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES",return_str=True)'the ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES'>>>mtr.truecase("THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES",return_str=True,use_known=True)'the adventures of Sherlock Holmes'
>>>fromsacremosesimportMosesPunctNormalizer>>>mpn=MosesPunctNormalizer()>>>mpn.normalize('THIS EBOOK IS OTHERWISE PROVIDED TO YOU "AS-IS."')'THIS EBOOK IS OTHERWISE PROVIDED TO YOU "AS-IS."'
Usage (CLI)
Since version0.0.42, the pipeline feature for CLI is introduced, thus thereare global options that should be set first before calling the commands:
$ pip install -U sacremoses>=0.0.42$ sacremoses --helpUsage: sacremoses [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...Options: -l, --language TEXT Use language specific rules when tokenizing -j, --processes INTEGER No. of processes. -e, --encoding TEXT Specify encoding of file. -q, --quiet Disable progress bar. --version Show the version and exit. -h, --help Show this message and exit.Commands: detokenize detruecase normalize tokenize train-truecase truecase
Example to chain the following commands:
normalize with-c option to remove control characters.
tokenize with-a option for aggressive dash split rules.
truecase with-a option to indicate that model is for ASR
ifbig.truemodel exists, load the model with-m option,
otherwise train a model and save it with-m option tobig.truemodel file.
save the output to console to thebig.txt.norm.tok.true file.
cat big.txt| sacremoses -l en -j 4 \ normalize -c tokenize -a truecase -a -m big.truemodel \> big.txt.norm.tok.true
$ sacremoses tokenize --helpUsage: sacremoses tokenize [OPTIONS]Options: -a, --aggressive-dash-splits Triggers dash split rules. -x, --xml-escape Escape special charactersfor XML. -p, --protected-patterns TEXT Specify file with patters to be protectedin tokenisation. -c, --custom-nb-prefixes TEXT Specify a custom non-breaking prefixes file, add prefixes to the default ones from the specified language. -h, --help Show this message and exit. $ sacremoses -l en -j 4 tokenize< big.txt> big.txt.tok100%|██████████████████████████████████| 128457/128457 [00:05<00:00, 24363.39it/s $ wget $ sacremoses -l en -j 4 tokenize-p basic-protected-patterns< big.txt> big.txt.tok100%|██████████████████████████████████| 128457/128457 [00:05<00:00, 22183.94it/s
$ sacremoses detokenize --helpUsage: sacremoses detokenize [OPTIONS]Options: -x, --xml-unescape Unescape special charactersfor XML. -h, --help Show this message and exit. $ sacremoses -l en -j 4 detokenize< big.txt.tok> big.txt.tok.detok100%|██████████████████████████████████| 128457/128457 [00:16<00:00, 7931.26it/s]
$ sacremoses truecase --helpUsage: sacremoses truecase [OPTIONS]Options: -m, --modelfile TEXT Filename to save/load the modelfile. [required] -a, --is-asr A flag to indicate that model isfor ASR. -p, --possibly-use-first-token Use the first token as part of truecase training. -h, --help Show this message and exit.$ sacremoses -j 4 truecase -m big.model< big.txt.tok> big.txt.tok.true100%|██████████████████████████████████| 128457/128457 [00:09<00:00, 14257.27it/s]
$ sacremoses detruecase --helpUsage: sacremoses detruecase [OPTIONS]Options: -j, --processes INTEGER No. of processes. -a, --is-headline Whether the file are headlines. -e, --encoding TEXT Specify encoding of file. -h, --help Show this message and exit.$ sacremoses -j 4 detruecase< big.txt.tok.true> big.txt.tok.true.detrue100%|█████████████████████████████████| 128457/128457 [00:04<00:00, 26945.16it/s]
$ sacremoses normalize --helpUsage: sacremoses normalize [OPTIONS]Options: -q, --normalize-quote-commas Normalize quotations and commas. -d, --normalize-numbers Normalize number. -p, --replace-unicode-puncts Replace unicode punctuations BEFORE normalization. -c, --remove-control-chars Remove control characters AFTER normalization. -h, --help Show this message and exit.$ sacremoses -j 4 normalize< big.txt> big.txt.norm100%|██████████████████████████████████| 128457/128457 [00:09<00:00, 13096.23it/s]
Python port of Moses tokenizer, truecaser and normalizer