- London, UK
- 00:05
(UTC) - https://www.alapan.me
My Name is Alapan and I am an Automation Test Engineer from India, currently living in London, UK, and working at Apple. You can find me on.
- 🔭 I’m currently working with Python and Java based Automation Test Frameworks
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Data Structures and Algorithms
- 💬 Ask me about anything. Always happy to help
- 📫 How to reach me:admin@alapan.me
- 🤵 Pronouns: He/Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I once binge watched a TV series(House of Cards) for 36 hours Hours Straight
- 💾 Stackoverflow:https://stackoverflow.com/users/4571271/alapan-das
- 🐞 Testing Blog:https://testersdock.com/
- Cypress-Automation
Cypress-Automation PublicTest Scripts demonstrating different features of the Cypress Automation Tool with Detailed Blog Articles. (check readme)
- Robot-Framework
Robot-Framework PublicTest Scripts demonstrating different features of Robot Framework with Detailed Blog Articles. (check readme)
- NightwatchJS
NightwatchJS PublicNightwatch.js is an integrated, easy to use End-to-End testing solution for web applications and websites. Check the readme for detailed Blog Articles.
- Playwright-Automation
Playwright-Automation PublicTest Scripts demonstrating different features of Playwright with Detailed Blog Articles.
- Maths-Easy
Maths-Easy PublicApp is developed as a part of a series depicting Android App creation with the help of Framework7 & Cordova
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