This repository is a small (but detailed) project that houses a GraphQL API Server using Apollo Server, Express, NodeJS, MongoDB, Mongoose and JWT Authentication. The server is essentially a task manager for users, ...similar to a todo list.
It uses modern syntax, tools and concepts that we would use in the real world to build a GraphQL server from scratch and persists datafrom Atlas (Mongo cloud).
It is set up to follow pragmatic design patterns and conforms to modular code, reusability and a single responsibility principles.
- GraphQL & friends
- Apollo Server
- Express & friends
- Mongoose models
- Dot env
- Bcrypt
- Json web token
- Uuid
Change the connection string to connect to your database first. If you're using MongoDB then pass the db in your connection string and it should work automatically.
$ npm install$ npm run dev
- Connect to your database
- Create a user
- Add a token to user
- Begin adding tasks
Auth:Each user needs to be authenticated and can only perform request/query operations on her tasks.
- Login to GET/SET token
- Use the token as "BearerTOKEN" for additional request(s)
See below for the details of the API, and check the docs for the rest of the queries.
You can create your own mutations, here are some of the basics:
mutationCreateUser {signup(input: {name:"Ahad",email:"",password:"abcde" }), {idnameemailcreatedAtupdatedAt }}
mutationLogin {login(input: {email:"",password:"abcde" }) {token }}
mutationCreateTask {createTask(input: {name:"Task 1",completed:false }) {idname }}
queryGetUser {user {nameemailtasks {idname } }}
queryGetAllTasks {tasks {idnamecompleteduser {idemailname } }}
Some more advanced GraphQL features included in this repo:
- Relationships
- Data Loaders (this will help cache our data)
- Subscriptions