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A NMEA parser library in pure Go


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This is a NMEA library for the Go programming language (Golang).


  • Parse individual NMEA 0183 sentences
  • Support for sentences with NMEA 4.10 "TAG Blocks"
  • Register custom parser for unsupported sentence types
  • User-friendly MIT license


To install go-nmea usego get:

go get

This will then make package available to you.

Staying up to date

To update go-nmea to the latest version, usego get -u

Supported sentences

Sentence with link is supported by this library. NMEA0183 sentences list is basedonIEC 61162-1:2016 (Edition 5.0 2016-08) table of contents.

AAMWaypoint arrival alarmgpsd
ABKAIS addressed and binary broadcast acknowledgement
ABMAIS addressed binary and safety related message
ACAAIS channel assignment message
ACKAcknowledge alarm
ACNAlert command
ACSAIS channel management information source
AIRAIS interrogation request
AKDAcknowledge detail alarm condition
ALAReport detailed alarm condition
ALCCyclic alert list
ALFAlert sentence
ALRSet alarm state
APBHeading/track controller (autopilot) sentence Bgpsd
ARCAlert command refused
BBMAIS broadcast binary message
BECBearing and distance to waypoint, Dead reckoning1
BODBearing origin to destinationgpsd
BWCBearing and distance to waypoint, Great circlegpsd
BWRBearing and distance to waypoint, Rhumb linegpsd
BWWBearing waypoint to waypointgpsd
CURWater current layer, Multi-layer water current data
DBKDepth Below Keel (obsolete, use DPT instead)gpsd
DBSDepth below transducergpsd
DBTDepth below transducergpsd
DDCDisplay dimming control
DORDoor status detection
DSCDigital selective calling information
DSEExpanded digital selective calling
DTMDatum referencegpsd
EPVCommand or report equipment property value
ETLEngine telegraph operation status
EVEGeneral event message
FIRFire detection
FSIFrequency set information
GBSGNSS satellite fault detection
GENGeneric binary information
GFAGNSS fix accuracy and integrity
GGAGlobal positioning system (GPS) fix data1
GLLGeographic position, Latitude/longitude1
GNSGNSS fix datagpsd
GRSGNSS range residuals
GSAGNSS DOP and active satellites1
GSTGNSS pseudorange noise statistics
GSVGNSS satellites in view1
HBTHeartbeat supervision sentence
HCRHeading correction report
HDGHeading, deviation and variationgpsd
HDMHeading - Magneticgpsd
HDTHeading truegpsd
HMRHeading monitor receive
HMSHeading monitor set
HRMheel angle, roll period and roll amplitude measurement device
HSCHeading steering commandgpsd
HSSHull stress surveillance systems
HTCHeading/track control command
HTDHeading /track control data
KLDSKenwood LMR - FleetSync AVL
KLIDKenwood LMR - FleetSync
KLSHKenwood LMR - FleetSync AVL
KNDSKenwood LMR - Digital AVL
KNIDKenwood LMR - Digital
KNSHKenwood LMR - Digital AVL
KWDWPLKenwood Waypoint Location - Amateur Radiodirewolf
LR1AIS long-range reply sentence 1
LR2AIS long-range reply sentence 2
LR3AIS long-range reply sentence 3
LRFAIS long-range function
LRIAIS long-range interrogation
MDAMeteorological Compositegpsd
MTAAir Temperature (obsolete, use XDR instead)
MOBMan over board notification
MSKMSK receiver interface
MSSMSK receiver signal status
MTWWater temperaturegpsd
MWDWind direction and speed1
MWVWind speed and anglegpsd
NAKNegative acknowledgement
NRMNAVTEX receiver mask
NRXNAVTEX received message
NSRNavigation status report
OSDOwn ship datagpsd
POSDevice position and ship dimensions report or configuration command
PRCPropulsion remote control status
RLMReturn link message
RMARecommended minimum specific LORAN-C data
RMBRecommended minimum navigation informationgpsd
RMCRecommended minimum specific GNSS data1
RORRudder order status
ROTRate of turngpsd
RRTReport route transfer
RSARudder sensor anglegpsd
RSDRadar system datagpsd
SFIScanning frequency information
SMISafetyNET Message, All Ships/NavArea
SM2SafetyNET Message, Coastal Warning Area
SM3SafetyNET Message, Circular Area address
SM4SafetyNET Message, Rectangular Area Address
SMBIMO SafetyNET Message Body
SPWSecurity password sentence
SSDAIS ship static data
STNMultiple data ID
THSTrue heading and status1
TLBTarget label
TLLTarget latitude and longitudegpsd
TRCThruster control data
TRLAIS transmitter-non-functioning log
TRDThruster response data
TTDTracked target data
TTMTracked target messagegpsd
TUTTransmission of multi-language text
TXTText transmissionNMEA
UIDUser identification code transmission
VBWDual ground/water speedgpsd
VDMAIS VHF data-link messagegpsd
VDOAIS VHF data-link own-vessel reportgpsd
VDRSet and driftgpsd
VHWWater speed and heading1
VLWDual ground/water distancegpsd
VPWSpeed measured parallel to windgpsd
VSDAIS voyage static data
VTGCourse over ground and ground speed1
VWRRelative Wind Speed and Anglegpsd
VWTTrue Wind Speed and Angle
WATWater level detection
WCVWaypoint closure velocity
WNCDistance waypoint to waypoint
WPLWaypoint location1
XDRTransducer measurementsgpsd
XTECross-track error, measured
XTRCross-track error, dead reckoning
ZDATime and date1
ZDLTime and distance to variable point
ZFOUTC and time from origin waypoint
ZTGUTC and time to destination waypoint
Proprietary sentence typeDescriptionReferences
PNGTransfer NMEA2000 frame as NMEA0183 sentence (ShipModul MiniPlex-3)1
PCDINTransfer NMEA2000 frame as NMEA0183 sentence (SeaSmart.Net Protocol)1
PGRMEEstimated Position Error (Garmin proprietary sentence)1
PGRMTSensor Status Information (Garmin proprietary sentence)1#2.2.6
PHTROVessel pitch and roll (Xsens IMU/VRU/AHRS)
PMTK001Acknowledgement of previously sent command/packet1
PRDIDVessel pitch, roll and heading (Xsens IMU/VRU/AHRS)
PSKPDPTDepth of Water for multiple transducer installation
PSONCMSQuaternion, acceleration, rate of turn, magnetic field, sensor temperature (Xsens IMU/VRU/AHRS)

If you need to parse a message that contains an unsupported sentence type you can implement and register your ownmessage parser and get yourself unblocked immediately. Check the example below to know howtoimplement and register a custom message parser. However, if you think your custom messageparser could be beneficial to other users we encourage you to contribute back to the library by submitting a PR and getit included in the list of supported sentences.


Built-in message parsing

package mainimport ("fmt""log""")funcmain() {sentence:="$GPRMC,220516,A,5133.82,N,00042.24,W,173.8,231.8,130694,004.2,W*70"s,err:=nmea.Parse(sentence)iferr!=nil {log.Fatal(err)}ifs.DataType()==nmea.TypeRMC {m:=s.(nmea.RMC)fmt.Printf("Raw sentence: %v\n",m)fmt.Printf("Time: %s\n",m.Time)fmt.Printf("Validity: %s\n",m.Validity)fmt.Printf("Latitude GPS: %s\n",nmea.FormatGPS(m.Latitude))fmt.Printf("Latitude DMS: %s\n",nmea.FormatDMS(m.Latitude))fmt.Printf("Longitude GPS: %s\n",nmea.FormatGPS(m.Longitude))fmt.Printf("Longitude DMS: %s\n",nmea.FormatDMS(m.Longitude))fmt.Printf("Speed: %f\n",m.Speed)fmt.Printf("Course: %f\n",m.Course)fmt.Printf("Date: %s\n",m.Date)fmt.Printf("Variation: %f\n",m.Variation)}}


$ go run main/main.goRaw sentence: $GPRMC,220516,A,5133.82,N,00042.24,W,173.8,231.8,130694,004.2,W*70Time: 22:05:16.0000Validity: ALatitude GPS: 5133.8200Latitude DMS: 51° 33' 49.200000"Longitude GPS: 042.2400Longitude DMS: 0° 42' 14.400000"Speed: 173.800000Course: 231.800000Date: 13/06/94Variation: -4.200000

Customize sentence parser

Parser logic can be customized by creatingnmea.SentenceParser instance and by providing callback implementations.

p:= nmea.SentenceParser{CustomParsers:nil,ParsePrefix:nil,CheckCRC:nil,OnTagBlock:nil,}s,err:=p.Parse("$GPRMC,220516,A,5133.82,N,00042.24,W,173.8,231.8,130694,004.2,W*70")

TAG Blocks

NMEA 4.10 TAG Block values can be accessed via the message'sTagBlock struct:

package mainimport ("fmt""log""time""")funcmain() {sentence:="\\s:Satelite_1,c:1553390539*62\\!AIVDM,1,1,,A,13M@ah0025QdPDTCOl`K6`nV00Sv,0*52"s,err:=nmea.Parse(sentence)iferr!=nil {log.Fatal(err)}parsed:=s.(nmea.VDMVDO)fmt.Printf("TAG Block timestamp: %v\n",time.Unix(parsed.TagBlock.Time,0))fmt.Printf("TAG Block source:    %v\n",parsed.TagBlock.Source)}

Output (locale/time zone dependent):

$  go run main/main.goTAG Block timestamp: 2019-03-24 14:22:19 +1300 NZDTTAG Block source:    Satelite_1

Custom message parsing

If you need to parse a message not supported by the library you can implement your own message parsing. The followingexample implements a parser for the hypothetical XYZ NMEA sentence type.

package mainimport ("fmt""")// A type to hold the parsed recordtypeXYZTypestruct {nmea.BaseSentenceTime    nmea.TimeCounterint64LabelstringValuefloat64}funcmain() {// Do this once it will error if you register the same type multiple timeserr:=nmea.RegisterParser("XYZ",func(s nmea.BaseSentence) (nmea.Sentence,error) {// This example uses the package builtin parsing helpers// you can implement your own parsing logic alsop:=nmea.NewParser(s)returnXYZType{BaseSentence:s,Time:p.Time(0,"time"),Label:p.String(1,"label"),Counter:p.Int64(2,"counter"),Value:p.Float64(3,"value"),},p.Err()})iferr!=nil {panic(err)}sentence:="$00XYZ,220516,A,23,5133.82,W*42"s,err:=nmea.Parse(sentence)iferr!=nil {panic(err)}switchm:=s.(type) {caseXYZType:fmt.Printf("Raw sentence: %v\n",m)fmt.Printf("Time: %s\n",m.Time)fmt.Printf("Label: %s\n",m.Label)fmt.Printf("Counter: %d\n",m.Counter)fmt.Printf("Value: %f\n",m.Value)default:panic("Could not parse XYZ sentence")}}


$ go run main/main.goRaw sentence: $AAXYZ,220516,A,23,5133.82,W*42Time: 22:05:16.0000Label: ACounter: 23Value: 5133.820000

Message parsing with optional values

Some messages have optional fields. By default, omitted numeric values are set to 0. In situations where you need finercontrol to distinguish between an undefined value and an actual 0, you can register types overriding existing sentences,usingnmea.Int64 andnmea.Float64 instead ofint64 andfloat64. The matching parsing methodsare(*Parser).NullInt64 and(*Parser).NullFloat64. Bothnmea.Int64 andnmea.Float64 contains a numericfieldValue which is defined only if the fieldValid istrue.

See below example for a modified VTG sentence parser:

package mainimport ("fmt""")// VTG represents track & speed data.// {nmea.BaseSentenceTrueTrack        nmea.Float64MagneticTrack    nmea.Float64GroundSpeedKnots nmea.Float64GroundSpeedKPH   nmea.Float64}funcmain() {nmea.MustRegisterParser("VTG",func(s nmea.BaseSentence) (nmea.Sentence,error) {p:=nmea.NewParser(s)returnVTG{BaseSentence:s,TrueTrack:p.NullFloat64(0,"true track"),MagneticTrack:p.NullFloat64(2,"magnetic track"),GroundSpeedKnots:p.NullFloat64(4,"ground speed (knots)"),GroundSpeedKPH:p.NullFloat64(6,"ground speed (km/h)"),},p.Err()})sentence:="$GPVTG,140.88,T,,M,8.04,N,14.89,K,D*05"s,err:=nmea.Parse(sentence)iferr!=nil {panic(err)}m,ok:=s.(VTG)if!ok {panic("Could not parse VTG sentence")}fmt.Printf("Raw sentence: %v\n",m)fmt.Printf("TrueTrack: %v\n",m.TrueTrack)fmt.Printf("MagneticTrack: %v\n",m.MagneticTrack)fmt.Printf("GroundSpeedKnots: %v\n",m.GroundSpeedKnots)fmt.Printf("GroundSpeedKPH: %v\n",m.GroundSpeedKPH)}


$ go run main/main.goRaw sentence: $GPVTG,140.88,T,,M,8.04,N,14.89,K,D*05TrueTrack: {140.88 true}MagneticTrack: {0 false}GroundSpeedKnots: {8.04 true}GroundSpeedKPH: {14.89 true}


Please feel free to submit issues or fork the repository and send pull requests to update the library and fix bugs,implement support for new sentence types, refactor code, etc.



