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Contains base classes from which the generated classes from PackageGenerator inherit


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Classes that are used by the classes generated by thePackageGenerator project to ease the SoapClient UX.

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The goal is to provide generic and useful classes that are on top of the classes generated by thePackageGenerator project.

For example, it allows to easily loop through the array elements of a SOAP result object property, it allows to easily set HTTP and SOAP headers for a SOAP request and it allows to easily populate an object from its array state representation.

Main features

The interfaces

The defined interfaces must be used in order to be able to match the requirements for thePackageGenerator generated classes.



This interface must be used to define a new EnumType class.

What has to be implemented?

There is at least/most one method that must be implemented so it's pretty fast to implement it even if you don't see the goal of it:

  • valueIsValid($value): this method must ensure that the passed$value is valid. This can be done using the array of string returned by thegetValidValues method always present in the generated Enum classes.

If you do not want to implement this method, you can too create your own class that inherits from ourAbstractStructEnumBase class.



This interface must be used to define a new StructType class.

What has to be implemented?

There is at least/most one method that must be implemented so it's pretty fast to implement it even if you don't see the goal of it:

  • __set_state:__set_state is useful when you want want to load an object that you stored as a string usingvar_export.

If you do not want to implement this method, you can too create your own class that inherits from ourAbstractStructBase class.



This interface must be used to define a new ArrayType class. The goal is to provide utility methods around Array Structs defined by the Wsdl in order to ease the handling of its content. Therefore, this interface inherits from ourStructInterface interface plus the nativeArrayAccess,Iterator andCountable PHP interfaces

What has to be implemented?

The only method that must be implemented would begetAttributeName but be aware that it is implemented in every generated ArrayType class so no need to define it. It's just a reminder of what is available in ArrayType classes.

So, basically, you MUST at least override the methods declared by the PHP interfaces from which this interface inherits

If you do not want to implement all the methods, you can too create your own class that inherits from ourAbstractStructArrayBase class.



This interface must be used to define a newSoapClient base class for anyServiceType class generated byPackageGenerator.


Here are the constants/options defined by this interface and their utility:

  • DEFAULT_SOAP_CLIENT_CLASS = '\SoapClient': this is the defaultSoapClient class that is used to send the request. Feel free to override it if you want to use anotherSoapClient class
  • OPTION_PREFIX: this is the prefix used for any constant's option name
  • WSDL_URL: option index used to pass the WSDL url
  • WSDL_URI: option index used to pass the target namespace of the SOAP service (required for non-WSDL-mode with with thelocation)
  • WSDL_USE: option index used to pass non-WSDL-mode option use
  • WSDL_STYLE: option index used to pass non-WSDL-mode option style
  • WSDL_CLASSMAP: the classmap's array
  • WSDL_LOGIN: the basic authentication's login
  • WSDL_PASSWORD: the basic authentication's password
  • WSDL_TRACE: tracing of request so faults can be backtraced. This defaults totrue
  • WSDL_EXCEPTIONS: boolean value defining whether soap errors throw exceptions of type SoapFault
  • WSDL_STREAM_CONTEXT: aresource forcontext
  • WSDL_SOAP_VERSION: one of eitherSOAP_1_1 orSOAP_1_2 to select SOAP 1.1 or 1.2, respectively. If omitted, SOAP 1.1 is used
  • WSDL_COMPRESSION: allows to use compression of HTTP SOAP requests and responses
  • WSDL_ENCODING: internal character encoding. This option does not change the encoding of SOAP requests (it is always utf-8), but converts strings into it
  • WSDL_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: defines a timeout in seconds for the connection to the SOAP service. This option does not define a timeout for services with slow responses. To limit the time to wait for calls to finish thedefault_socket_timeout setting is available
  • WSDL_TYPEMAP: array of type mappings. Type mapping is an array with keys type_name, type_ns (namespace URI), from_xml (callback accepting one string parameter) and to_xml (callback accepting one object parameter)
  • WSDL_USER_AGENT: specifies string to use in User-Agent header
  • WSDL_KEEP_ALIVE: a boolean value defining whether to send the Connection: Keep-Alive header or Connection: close
  • WSDL_PROXY_HOST: your pxoxy hostname
  • WSDL_PROXY_PORT: your proxy port
  • WSDL_PROXY_LOGIN: your proxy login
  • WSDL_PROXY_PASSWORD: your proxy password
  • WSDL_LOCAL_CERT: your local certificate content (as a string)
  • WSDL_PASSPHRASE: your local passphrase content (as a string)

What has to be implemented?

Here are the methods that must be implemented and why:

  • __construct(array $wsdlOptions = array(), $resetSoapClient = true): the constructor must be able to handl one of the listed constants above
  • getSoapClient(): must return theSoapClient object that is responsible fo sending the requests.
  • setSoapHeader($nameSpace, $name, $data, $mustUnderstand = false, $actor = null): look toAbstractSoapClientBase part that details this method. Basically, it allows to defineSoapHeaders for the request
  • getLastError(): must return the last error, its format is up to you
  • saveLastError($methodName, \SoapFault $soapFault): look toAbstractSoapClientBase part that details this method. Basically, it must allow to store a catchedSoapfault object when a request has failed
  • getResult(): should return the Soap Web Service response, it's up to you
  • setResult($result): must accept any parameter type as it should received the Soap Web Service response

If you do not want to implement all these methods, you can too create your own class that inherits from ourAbstractSoapClientBase class.

The abstract classes



This class is the base class for anyEnumType class generated byPackageGenerator. It implements ourStructEnumInterface interface.It defines two methods:

  • valueIsValid($value): It defines the default behaviour in order to validate a value that must be based on the current EnumType class constants returned by thegetValidValues method.
  • __toString(): see__toString definition



This class is the base class for anyStructType class generated byPackageGenerator. It implements ourStructInterface interface.It defines five methods:

  • __set_state($array): Useful when you load the string representation of an object that you stored usingvar_export. It also allows you to ease the instanciation of an object that contains many properties which would be hard to instanciate using the__construct method. You can see__set_state as an hydratation method.
  • setPropertyValue(string $name, $value): As magic method__set but used by the__set_state method. Plus, defining__set method on used class by the classmap option for theSoapClient breaks the correct hydratation of your received objects.
  • getPropertyValue(string $name): As magic method__get. Used by ourAbstractStructArrayBase class.
  • jsonSerialize(): by implementing the\JsonSerializable interface, it implements this method that allows to pass the object to thejson_encode method so it will return the properties of the current object in an array.
  • __toString(): see__toString definition


$item = \Api\StructType\Item::__set_state(['id' =>1,'name' =>'Entity #1','label' =>'Entity #1','_href' =>'',]);// $item is now an \Api\StructType\Item object



This class is the base class for anyArrayType class generated byPackageGenerator. It implements ourStructArrayInterface interface.


As soon as you have an element that is an array of items such as:

$items = \Api\ArrayType\Items::__set_state(['items' => [        \Api\StructType\Item::__set_state(['id' =>1,'name' =>'Entity #1','label' =>'Entity #1','_href' =>'',        ]),        \Api\StructType\Item::__set_state(['id' =>2,'name' =>'Entity #2','label' =>'Entity #2','_href' =>'',        ]),        \Api\StructType\Item::__set_state(['id' =>3,'name' =>'Entity #3','label' =>'Entity #3','_href' =>'',        ]),    ],]);// 'items' is the unique property of the object// Its name is returned by the getAttributeName method// defined in the generated \Api\ArrayType\Items class
  • **You can callcount,length methods: gives you the number of items contained by your object
  • You can iterate through the items:
foreach ($itemsas$item) {// $items->current() and $item is an \Api\StructType\Item object// $items->key() is the current index}
  • You can get the first item:
  • You can get the last item:
  • You can get any item:
  • You can add a new item:
$items->add(\Api\StructType\Item::__set_state(['id' =>4,'name' =>'Entity #4','label' =>'Entity #4','_href' =>'',]));



This class is the base class for anyServiceType class generated byPackageGenerator.Its goal is to provide utility/handful methods by implementing ourSoapClientInterface interface.It's basically a decorator design pattern as the class has theSoapClient object as a static property in order to be able to apply methods on it. It is a static property in order to have a singleton between multiple calls (allowing to send cookies automatically between calls). It can be reset by passing true as the second parameter.


Let's say you have this type of generateServiceType class:

namespaceApi\ServiceType;use \WsdlToPhp\PackageBase\AbstractSoapClientBase;class ApiUpdateextends AbstractSoapClientBase{publicfunctionUpdateBulkOrder(\Api\StructType\ApiUpdateBulkOrder$parameters)    {try {$this->setResult($this->getSoapClient()->UpdateBulkOrder($parameters));return$this->getResult();        }catch (\SoapFault$soapFault) {$this->saveLastError(__METHOD__,$soapFault);returnfalse;        }    }}

You can do:

use \WsdlToPhp\PackageBase\AbstractSoapClientBase;$options = [    AbstractSoapClientBase::WSDL_URL =>'__WSDL_URL__',    AbstractSoapClientBase::WSDL_CLASSMAP => \Api\ApiClassMap::classMap(),];// sets the first instance of SoapClient within  AbstractSoapClientBase$update =new \Api\ServiceType\ApiUpdate($options);// resets the SoapClient instance$update =new \Api\ServiceType\ApiUpdate($options,true);

Then call any of these base methods:

  • getResult: return the actual response as an object. The object's class should be a generated class
  • getLastRequest($asDomDocument = false): returns either the XML string version or theDOMDocument version of the request
  • getLastResponse($asDomDocument = false): returns either the XML string version or theDOMDocument version of the response
  • getLastRequestHeaders($asArray = false): returns either the HTTP request's headers as a string or as an array (each HTTP header is parsed)
  • getLastResponseHeaders($asArray = false): returns either the HTTP response's headers as a string or as an array
  • getLastError: automatically populated with an error when$this->saveLastError(__METHOD__, $soapFault) is called
  • getLastErrorForMethod($methodName) : returns the error associated to the called method. It should return aSoapFault object
$result =$update->UpdateBulkOrder(new \Api\StructType\ApiUpdateBulkOrder())if ($result !==false) {echo"\nThis is the result as an object:" .print_r($update->getResult(),true);// Actually $result is the same data than $update->getResult()} else {echo"\nThis is the XML request:" .$update->getLastRequest(false);echo"\nThese are the request's headers:" .$update->getLastRequestHeaders(false);echo"\nThis is the XML response:" .$update->getLastResponse(false);echo"\nThese are the response's headers:" .$update->getLastResponseHeaders(false);echo"\nThese are the last errors:" .print_r($update->getLastError(),true);echo"\nThis is the current error:" .print_r($update->getLastErrorForMethod('\Api\ServiceType\ApiUpdate::UpdateBulkOrder'),true);}

You have additional methods such as:

  • setSoapHeader($nameSpace, $name, $data, $mustUnderstand = false, $actor = null): it provides a way to redefine SoapHeaders
// A sample of its usage in the generated ServiceType classpublicfunctionsetSoapHeaderCSPCHD(\Api\StructType\ApiCSPCHD$cSPCHD,$nameSpace ='',$mustUnderstand =false,$actor =null){return$this->setSoapHeader($nameSpace,'CSPCHD',$cSPCHD,$mustUnderstand,$actor);}
  • setHttpHeader($headerName, $headerValue): an easy way to define your proper HTTP headers that must be sent
  • setLocation($location): Sets the location of the Web service to use
  • getStreamContext(): Returns the created stream context used by the SoapClient class
  • getStreamContextOptions(): Returns the created stream context's options used by the SoapClient class

Need improvements for these classes?

Feel free to make some pull requests. We'll study them and let you know when it can be integrated.


You can run the unit tests with the following command:

$ cd /path/to/src/WsdlToPhp/PackageBase/$ composer install$ composer test

Testing usingDocker

Thanks to theDocker image ofphpfarm, tests can be run locally underany PHP version using the cli:

  • php-7.4

First of all, you need to create your container which you can do usingdocker-compose by running the below command line from the root directory of the project:

$ docker-compose up -d --build

You then have a container namedpackage_base in which you can runcomposer commands andphp cli commands such as:

# install deps in container (using update ensure it does use the composer.lock file if there is any)$ dockerexec -it package_base php-7.4 /usr/bin/composer update# run tests in container$ dockerexec -it package_base php-7.4 -dmemory_limit=-1 vendor/bin/phpunit


If you have a question, feel free tocreate an issue.


The MIT License (MIT). Please seeLicense File for more information.


Contains base classes from which the generated classes from PackageGenerator inherit




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