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- mifare-desfire-ev1-8k
mifare-desfire-ev1-8k PublicA binary repo by the team nutboltu to play with mifare-desfire-ev1-8k cards using the RFID card reader based on PN532 chips.
- RetroPie-Setup
RetroPie-Setup PublicForked fromRetroPie/RetroPie-Setup
Shell script to set up a Raspberry Pi/Odroid/PC with RetroArch emulator and various cores
Shell 1
- anandi
anandi PublicScience archives give access to a wide range of products. An important part of these products is made of images obtained from multiple processing algorithms and sensors. Due to its scientific backg…
- COVID-19 Public Forked fromCSSEGISandData/COVID-19
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
TeamNutBoltu/COVID-19’s past year of commit activity - speech Public Forked fromawni/speech
A PyTorch Implementation of End-to-End Models for Speech-to-Text
TeamNutBoltu/speech’s past year of commit activity - RetroPie-Setup Public Forked fromRetroPie/RetroPie-Setup
Shell script to set up a Raspberry Pi/Odroid/PC with RetroArch emulator and various cores
TeamNutBoltu/RetroPie-Setup’s past year of commit activity - inoERP Public Forked frominoerp/inoERP
inoERP is a PHP-based open source enterprise management system that can be used with several databases - such as Oracle 12c, MariaDB, MySQL. The ERP system contains all the functionalities required for running any manufacturing, service or distribution organization. The features are very similar to Oracle R12/ Fusion Application and SAP. It also…
TeamNutBoltu/inoERP’s past year of commit activity - speech-to-text-wavenet Public Forked fromburiburisuri/speech-to-text-wavenet
Speech-to-Text-WaveNet : End-to-end sentence level English speech recognition based on DeepMind's WaveNet and tensorflow
TeamNutBoltu/speech-to-text-wavenet’s past year of commit activity - qtspeech Public Forked fromLynxLine/qtspeech
QtSpeech is cross-platform library based on Qt to provide common cross-platform API to access and use system TTS (Text-to-Speech) engines on platforms as Windows (SAPI), Mac (SpeechSynthesis) and Linux (Festival). Licensed as LGPL, so can be used on OpenSource and Commercial products
TeamNutBoltu/qtspeech’s past year of commit activity - MicroView-Arduino-Library Public Forked fromgeekammo/MicroView-Arduino-Library
MicroView Arduino Library
TeamNutBoltu/MicroView-Arduino-Library’s past year of commit activity - stt-watson Public Forked fromArthurHlt/stt-watson
Continuous speech to text using watson in python with websocket and record from microphone
TeamNutBoltu/stt-watson’s past year of commit activity - MultiLCD Public Forked fromstanleyhuangyc/MultiLCD
Arduino LCD library supporting multiple types of LCD shields and modules
TeamNutBoltu/MultiLCD’s past year of commit activity