TNO - PET Lab - Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP)
- Netherlands
The TNO PET Lab is a cross-project initiative initiated to improve the overallquality, generality, and reusability in the development of Privacy-EnhancingTechnologies (PET) solutions developed in the numerous (past, ongoing, andfuture) TNO projects that involve PET. It consists of generic softwarecomponents, procedures, and functionalities developed and maintained on aregular basis to facilitate and aid in the development of PET solutions. The labstrives to boost the development of new protocols and solutions, and decreasetime-to-market.
Within the TNO PET Lab we work with various privacy-enhancing technologies. Forthe sake of structure, every technology is bundled in its own GitHuborganisation.
Technology | GitHub organisation | PyPI |
secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) | TNO-MPC | tno.mpc |
Federated Learning (FL) | TNO-FL | tno.fl |
Synthetic Data Generation (SDG) | TNO-SDG | tno.sdg |
Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) | TNO-ZKP | tno.zkp |
Generic PET Lab | TNO-PET | |
We believe that opening up the mysteries of advanced cryptography benefitssociety. Conform the Kerckhoff’s principle the security of the developed MPCsolutions does not rely on secrecy but on mathematical principles. The TNO MPCLab supports Kerckhoff’s principle by publishing open source as a way tovalidate the theoretical/mathematical correctness of cryptographic protocols aswell as their implementations.
The mostly used license for TNO PET Lab components is the Apache License,Version 2.0. This allows for easy adoption and flexible usage without enforcinga specific license to (end-)users and contributors of the codebase. We arealways open to questions on, suggestions for and contributions to our codebase.
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TNO PET Lab - Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) - Commitment Schemes - Pedersen
TNO-ZKP/commitment_schemes.pedersen’s past year of commit activity