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TNO PET Lab - secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) - Communication


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Generic communication module for pool-based communication intended foruse in the Multi-Party Computation modules of the PET Lab.


The TNO PET Lab consists of generic software components, procedures, and functionalities developed and maintained on a regular basis to facilitate and aid in the development of PET solutions. The lab is a cross-project initiative allowing us to integrate and reuse previously developed PET functionalities to boost the development of new protocols and solutions.

The packagetno.mpc.communication is part of theTNO Python Toolbox.

Limitations in (end-)use: the content of this software package may solely be used for applications that comply with international export control laws.
This implementation of cryptographic software has not been audited. Use at your own risk.


Documentation of thetno.mpc.communication package can be foundhere.


Easily install thetno.mpc.communication package usingpip:

$python -m pip install tno.mpc.communication

Note: If you are cloning the repository and wish to edit the source code, besure to install the package in editable mode:

$python -m pip install -e'tno.mpc.communication'

If you wish to run the tests you can use:

$python -m pip install'tno.mpc.communication[tests]'

Note: The package specifies several optional dependency groups:

  • bitarray: Adds support for sendingbitarray types
  • gmpy: Adds support for sending variousgmpy2 types
  • numpy: Adds support for sendingnumpy types
  • pandas: Adds support for sendingpandas types
  • tests: Includes all optional libraries required to run the full test suite
  • tls: Required if SSL is needed
  • torch: Adds support for sendingtorch types throughsafetensors, thereby avoidingpickle. Deserialized tensors are stored in CPU memory (thepytorch docs explain how to store a copy in CUDA memory).

Seesending, receiving messages for moreinformation on the supported third party types.Optional dependencies can be installed by specifying their names in bracketsafter the package name, e.g. when usingpip install, usepip install tno.mpc.communication[extra1,extra2] to install the groupsextra1 andextra2.


The communication module usesasync functions for sending and receiving. If you are familiarwith the async module, you can skip to thePools section.

Async explanation

Whenasync functions are called, they return what is called acoroutine.This is a special kind of object, because it is basically a promise that the code will be run anda result will be given once the code has been ran.

Async methods are defined usingasync def, which tellspython that it should return a can run the coroutine, but should only becalled from the top-level. The advertised approach to use coroutines is as follows:

importasyncioasyncdefadd(a:int,b:int)->int:returna+basyncdefmain():a,b=1,2result=awaitadd(a,b)# result is set once the coroutine add(a, b) has finished. other code may run in the meantime.print(result)# this prints 3if__name__=="__main__"

Here, themain functionawaits the result of the coroutine. As a consequence, themainfunction itself is a coroutine. We letasyncio do the heavy lifting by calling it from thetop-level.


APool represents a network. A Pool contains a server, which listens for incoming messages fromother parties in the network, and clients for each other party in the network. These clients arecalled upon when we want to send or receive messages.

It is also possible to use and initialize the pool without taking care of the event loopyourself, in that case the template below can be ignored and the examples can be used as onewould regularly do. (An event loop is however still needed when using theawait keyword orwhen calling anasync function.)


Below you can find a template for usingPool.

importasynciofromtno.mpc.communicationimportPoolasyncdefasync_main():pool=Pool()# ...if__name__=="__main__"

Pool initialization

The following logic works both in regular functions andasync functions.

Without SSL/TLS (do not use in production)

The following snippet will start a HTTP server and define its clients. Clients are configured on both the sending and the receiving side. The sending side needs to know who to send a message to. The receiving side needs to know who it receives a message from for further handling.

By default thePool object uses the origin IP and port to identify the client. However, a more secure and robust identification through SSL/TLS certificates is also supported and described in sectionWith SSL/TLS (SSL/TLS certificate as client identifier).

fromtno.mpc.communicationimportPoolpool=Pool()pool.add_http_server()# default port=80pool.add_http_client("Client 1","")# default port=80pool.add_http_client("Client 2","",port=1234)


A more secure connection can be achieved by using SSL/TLS. APool object can be initialized with paths to key, certificate and CA certificate files that are passed as arguments to assl.SSLContext object. More information on the expected files can be found in thePool.__init__ docstring and thessl documentation.

fromtno.mpc.communicationimportPoolpool=Pool(key="path/to/keyfile",cert="path/to/certfile",ca_cert="path/to/cafile")pool.add_http_server()# default port=443pool.add_http_client("Client 1","")# default port=443pool.add_http_client("Client 2","",port=1234)

We do not pose constraints on the certificates that you use in the protocol. However, your organisation most likely poses minimal security requirements on the certificates used. As such we do not advocate a method for generating certificates but rather suggest to contact your system administrator for obtaining certificates.

With SSL/TLS (SSL/TLS certificate as client identifier)

This approach does not use the origin of a message (HTTP request) as identifier of a party, but rather the SSL/TLS certificate of that party. This requires a priori exchange of the certificates, but is more robust to more complex (docker) network stacks, proxies, port forwarding, load balancers, IP spoofing, etc.

More specifically, we assume that a certificate has a unique combination of issuer Common Name and S/N and use these components to create a HTTP client identifier. Our assumption is based on the fact that we trust the issuer (TSL assumption) and that the issuer is supposed to hand out end-user certificates with different serial numbers.

fromtno.mpc.communicationimportPoolpool=Pool(key="path/to/own/keyfile",cert="path/to/own/certfile",ca_cert="path/to/cafile")pool.add_http_server()# default port=443pool.add_http_client("Client 1","",port=1234,cert="path/to/client/certfile")

Additional dependencies are required in order to load and compare certificates. These can be installed by installing this package with thetls extra, e.g.pip install tno.mpc.communication[tls].

Adding clients

HTTP clients are identified by an address. The address can be an IP address, but hostnames are also supported. For example, when communicating between two docker containers on the same network, the address that is provided topool.add_http_client can either be the IP address of the client container or the name of the client container.

Sending, receiving messages

The library supports sending the following objects through the send and receive methods:

  • strings
  • byte strings
  • integers
  • floats
  • enum (partially, seeSerializingEnum)
  • (nested) lists/tuples/dictionaries/numpy arrays containing any of the above. Combinations of these as well.

Furthermore, types from several third party libraries are supported (note that the library must be installed for this to work):

  • bitarray (class) frombitarray (library)
  • various types fromgmpy2
  • NDArray fromnumpy
  • Dataframe frompandas (requirespyarrow)

Under the hoodormsgpack is used, additional options can be activated using theoption parameter (see,

Messages can be sent both synchronously and asynchronously.If you do not know which one to use, use the synchronous methods withawait.

# Client 0awaitpool.send("Client 1","Hello!")# Synchronous send message (blocking)pool.asend("Client 1","Hello!")# Asynchronous send message (non-blocking, schedule send task)# Client 1res=awaitpool.recv("Client 0")# Receive message synchronously (blocking)res=pool.arecv("Client 0")# Receive message asynchronously (non-blocking, returns Future if message did not arrive yet)

Custom message IDs

# Client 0awaitpool.send("Client 1","Hello!","Message ID 1")# Client 1res=awaitpool.recv("Client 0","Message ID 1")

Custom serialization logic

It is also possible to define serialization logic in custom classes and load the logic into the commmunication module. An example is given below. We elaborate on the requirements for such classes after the example.

classSomeClass:defserialize(self,**kwargs:Any)->Dict[str,Any]:# serialization logic that returns a dictionary@staticmethoddefdeserialize(obj:Dict[str,Any],**kwargs:Any)->'SomeClass':# deserialization logic that turns the dictionary produced# by serialize back into an object of type SomeClass

The class needs to contain aserialize method and adeserialize method. The type annotation is necessary and validated by thecommunication module.Next to this, the**kwargs argument is also necessary to allow for nested (de)serialization thatmakes use of additional optional keyword arguments. It is not necessary to use any of these optional keywordarguments. If one does not make use of the**kwargs and also does not make a call to a subsequentSerialization.serialize() orSerialization.deserialize(), it is advised to write**_kwargs: Any instead of**kwargs: Any.

To add this logic to the communication module, you have to run the following command at the start of your script. Thecheck_annotiations parameter determines whetherthe type hints of the serialization code and the presence of a**kwargs parameter are checked.You should change this toFalseonly if you are exactly sure of what you are doing.



TheSerialization module can serialize anEnum member; however, only the value is serialized. The simplest way to work around this limitation is to convert the deserialized object into anEnum member:

fromenumimportEnum,autoclassTestEnum(Enum):A=auto()B=auto()enum_obj=TestEnum.B# Client 0awaitpool.send("Client 1",enum_obj)# Client 1res=awaitpool.recv("Client 0")# 2 <class 'int'>enum_res=TestEnum(res)# TestEnum.B <enum 'TestEnum'>

Example code

Below is a very minimal example of how to use the library.It consists of two instances, Alice and Bob, who greet each other.Here, Alice runs on localhost and uses port 61001 for sending/receiving.Bob also runs on localhost, but uses port 61002.

importasynciofromtno.mpc.communicationimportPoolasyncdefasync_main():# Create the pool for Alice.# Alice listens on port 61001 and adds Bob as client.pool=Pool()pool.add_http_server(addr="",port=61001)pool.add_http_client("Bob",addr="",port=61002)# Alice sends a message to Bob and waits for a reply.# She prints the reply and shuts down the poolawaitpool.send("Bob","Hello Bob! This is Alice speaking.")reply=awaitpool.recv("Bob")print(reply)awaitpool.shutdown()if__name__=="__main__"

importasynciofromtno.mpc.communicationimportPoolasyncdefasync_main():# Create the pool for Bob.# Bob listens on port 61002 and adds Alice as client.pool=Pool()pool.add_http_server(addr="",port=61002)pool.add_http_client("Alice",addr="",port=61001)# Bob waits for a message from Alice and prints it.# He replies and shuts down his pool instance.message=awaitpool.recv("Alice")print(message)awaitpool.send("Alice","Hello back to you, Alice!")awaitpool.shutdown()if__name__=="__main__"

To run this example, run each of the files in a separate terminal window.Note that is started prior, it will throw aClientConnectorError.Namely, Alice tries to send a message to port 61002, which has not been opened by Bob yet.After, the error disappears.

The outputs in the two terminals will be the following:

>>> python bob.pyHello Bob! This is Alice speaking.
>>> python alice.pyHello back to you, Alice!

To get more information of what happens under the hood, you can importlogging in both files andadd the linelogging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) If you want to know even more, you can set thelevel tologging.DEBUG.

Test fixtures

Thetno.mpc.communication package exports several pytest fixtures as pytest plugins to facilitate the user in testing with pool objects. The fixtures take care of all configuration and clean-up of the pool objects so that you don't have to worry about that.


# test_my_module.pyimportpytestfromtypingimportCallablefromtno.mpc.communicationimportPooldeftest_with_two_pools(http_pool_duo:tuple[Pool,Pool])->None:sender,receiver=http_pool_duo# ... your codedeftest_with_three_pools(http_pool_trio:tuple[Pool,Pool,Pool])->None:alice,bob,charlie=http_pool_trio# ... your code@pytest.mark.parameterize("n_players", (2,3,4))deftest_with_variable_pools(n_players:int,http_pool_group_factory:Callable[[int],tuple[Pool, ...]],)->None:pools=http_pool_group_factory(n_players)# ... your code

Fixture scope

The scope of the fixtures can be set dynamically through the--fixture-pool-scopeoption to pytest.Note that this will also change the scope of the globalevent_loop fixture that is provided bypytest-asyncio. By default, in line withpytest_asyncio, the scope of all our fixtures is"function". We advise to configure a larger scope (e.g."session","package" or"module") when possible to reduce test set-up and teardown time.

Our fixtures passTrue to theport_reuse argument ofaiohttp.web.TCPSite. Theirdocumentation states that this option is not supported on Windows (outside of WSL). If you experience any issues, please disable the plugin by adding-p no:pytest_tno.tno.mpc.communication.pytest_pool_fixtures to your pytest configuration. Note that withoutport_reuse the tests may crash, as the test may try to bind to ports which may not have been freed by the operating system. For more reliable testing, run the tests on a WSL / Linux platform.

