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- kubernetes-bootstrap
kubernetes-bootstrap Public archiveBootstrapping a Kubernetes cluster on AWS. This project is currently unmaintained. Feel free however to use or fork the code provided that you honor the license.
- aosp-digest
aosp-digest PublicQuery a Gerrit instance for newly merged changes and optionally notify a list of recipients via email.
- sony-aws-proxy-config
sony-aws-proxy-config Public archiveHelper function to configure AWS for Node.js with the Sony proxy server (does not contain any proprietary information).
JavaScript 1
- tsp-wrapper
tsp-wrapper PublicPython wrapper for a TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem) Solver and warehouse mapping tool.
- tsp-wrapper Public
Python wrapper for a TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem) Solver and warehouse mapping tool.
SonyMobile/tsp-wrapper’s past year of commit activity - spuppy Public
spuppy (SharePoint UPload in PYthon) is a collection of scripts used to work with SharePoint instance provided in configuration. For now, you can only upload files to the Documents area of a SharePoint site.
SonyMobile/spuppy’s past year of commit activity - ghorgs Public
(= GitHub ORGanizationS) is a small tool initially used to list GitHub projects and users belonging to SonyMobile organizational account at github.com/SonyMobile, but is extended to work with any organizational account.
SonyMobile/ghorgs’s past year of commit activity - kubernetes-bootstrap Public archive
Bootstrapping a Kubernetes cluster on AWS. This project is currently unmaintained. Feel free however to use or fork the code provided that you honor the license.
SonyMobile/kubernetes-bootstrap’s past year of commit activity - sony-aws-proxy-config Public archive
Helper function to configure AWS for Node.js with the Sony proxy server (does not contain any proprietary information).
SonyMobile/sony-aws-proxy-config’s past year of commit activity - aosp-digest Public
Query a Gerrit instance for newly merged changes and optionally notify a list of recipients via email.
SonyMobile/aosp-digest’s past year of commit activity