git clone Let suppose the base are downloaded to /opt/ directorytime unzip /opt/ -d ./fias/fs/home/fias/base/ \&&time find ./fias/fs/home/fias/base/ -type f -regextype posix-awk \ -regex".*\/(STEAD|NORDOC)([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})\.DBF$" -exec rm {}\;cd fiaschmod +x ./ ./ at this point we can edit docker-compose.ymltime bash ./ bash ./
# Let suppose the app are installed to /home/ directorycd /home/fias/bash ./ Purge destination directory before unzip update archiverm -rf ./fs/home/fias/update/*# Let suppose the update are downloaded to /opt/ directorytime unzip /opt/ -d ./fs/home/fias/update/ \&&time find ./fs/home/fias/update/ -type f -regextype posix-awk \ -regex".*\/(STEAD|NORDOC)([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})\.DBF$" -exec rm {}\;time bash ./