Showing 10 of 80 repositories
- Bacterial_TRN_Dominance_and_Independence Public
Repository for manuscript 'Dominance and Independence within Bacterial Transcriptional Regulation'
SBRG/Bacterial_TRN_Dominance_and_Independence’s past year of commit activity - iModulonMiner Public Forked fromavsastry/modulome-workflow
Workflow to download, process, and explore microbial RNA-seq data from NCBI SRA
SBRG/iModulonMiner’s past year of commit activity - ElectricColi Public
Modeling and data analysis code for the E. coli extracellular electron transfer project
SBRG/ElectricColi’s past year of commit activity - GDS-Public Public
SBRG/GDS-Public’s past year of commit activity - noncoding_alleleome Public
SBRG/noncoding_alleleome’s past year of commit activity