import winsyspath# Directory to add in the System Pathpath = 'C:\\'# Init System Path wrapper and read its actual valuesyspath_wrapper = winsyspath.WinSysPath()# Try to add a path into System pathtry: if syspath_wrapper.add(path): print("The path "{}" is correctly added to the System Path".format(path)) else: print("The path "{}" is already in System Path, so cannot be added".format(path))except (EnvironmentError, WindowsError, OSError, ValueError) as ex: print("Error -> {}".format(str(ex)))# Reload System path value (needed only if it is modified outside python)syspath_wrapper.reload()# Print System Path value as a listprint(syspath_wrapper.get())# Print System Path value as a stringprint(syspath_wrapper.get_str())# Try to remove a path from System pathtry: if syspath_wrapper.remove(path): print("The path "{}" is correctly removed from System Path".format(path)) else: print("The path "{}" is not in System Path, so cannot be removed".format(path))except (EnvironmentError, WindowsError, OSError, ValueError) as ex: print("Error -> {}".format(str(ex)))